Wednesday 24 January 2024

I blame Raymond Briggs.

Rarely do I get-up in the morning in a less-than-good-mood, but yesterday was an exception. I even got-up 15 mins earlier than usual (4.45 am).

I'd been listening to illustrator Raymond Briggs on an old Desert Island Discs programme, and his bizarre life, and selection of music, really annoyed me. I don't usually get annoyed by such things.

So, once downstairs breakfast faced me and I simply couldn't focus on what I wanted to eat.

I toasted a couple of slices a good wholemeal bread, then searched through the fridge for something to accompany them. I found preserved Aubergines, half a jar of Lumpfish Caviar, and some Octopus pieces in oil. I tried each one in turn on toast without too much enjoyment, then ended-up having some Coopers Oxford Marmalade on my final half-slice.

I really didn't enjoy my breakfast, and I blame Raymond Briggs. He died here in Brighton in the Summer of 2022.

Just in case the name means nothing to you, it was Briggs who illustrated 'The Snowman'. He also taught at the Art College here when Lady M was in attendance.


  1. You needed classic eggs and bacon to dispel the bizarre start . And a strong cuppa.
    Honestly, octopus for breakfast?? That's even more bizarre

    1. I love the Octopus in jars, but it just didn't taste right. I should have followed your suggestion, and had eggs and bacon.

  2. Start and finish with a scrape of Marmite on the buttered toast. Goes with tea or coffee.

    1. That is certainly amongst my favourite breakfasts. This morning it was cold Lamb and Aubergine from last nights roast.

  3. You have some weird stuff in your fridge!!

    1. Delicious stuff, you mean. It just wasn't the right time of day.

  4. I first knew Raymond Briggs's work through "Fungus the Bogeyman". Did you inspire that character?

  5. Thank you. I just listened to Raymond Briggs and enjoyed his honesty. I also shared his experience of living with a schizophrenic and these things are rarely talked about. I skipped the music.

    1. You were right to skip the music, it was even more depressing than his life story. Choosing 8 records to take to a desert island should include at least one or two to lift the spirits. His selection was DREARY.

  6. Don't you just hate it when that happens with a meal ? I look forward to eating so much that it is really miserable when it disappoints ! XXXX

    1. That's really why I wrote about it. It was such a disappointment, and all caused by RB.

  7. I rather liked him - he was certainly an oddity - a one off- I have what I think was his last book ; "Time for lights out". Coopers Oxford is now calling me to the kitchen - a toasted muffin for elevenses (actually half past tenses - but I blame your post)

    1. Coopers Oxford Vintage was my father's favourite, as it is mine. Almost as good as home made!

  8. Octopus pieces on toast? I'm sorry Cro but the thought of that makes me gag! I'd have gone with the marmalade! :)

    1. The marmalade was the best bit, I saved the Octopus for my lunch.

  9. I was cringing at your breakfast topping choices Cro, (fishy!) and then remembered that I do enjoy a breakfast of smoked lox and bagels. No marmite in the cupboard? Time to go shopping.

    1. I always have so many choices for breakfast, from bacon, eggs, haggis, black pudding, etc. This morning I ate some let-over roast Lamb.

    2. You wouldn't believe the choices I have for breakfast, which is why I am often confused. This morning I ate left-over roast Lamb; lovely.

  10. If RB was so upsetting, why listen? You found a wide assortment of breakfast items. Mixing such diverse items says you have a stomach of steel.

    1. Yes, it was all a bit confused. RB had messed with my head!!!

  11. OMG, Cro. Those breakfast choices sound awful to me... My very favorite breakfast is toasted home-made bread (usually sourdough) and unsalted butter. Second would be eggs and grits. Oh, and I tried Marmite recently (found at a British Emporium store here).. yuck! That really must be an acquired taste.

    1. Marmite is certainly an acquired taste. You have to be fed it at your mother's knee. You'll be pleased to hear that this morning I have just consumed a saveloy sausage, a slice of haggis, and a fried egg. Much better.

  12. I suggest you take that Briggs recording and tossing it in the nearest bin so this doesn't happen again.

  13. Octopus on toast must be very much an acquired taste.
    I go for an easy option - a couple of slices of brioche with a smidgen of unsalted butter - or eggs - scrambled or poached, on seeded brown bread.
