Thursday 25 January 2024

Nothing's changed.

My sister recently sent me this photo; she's on the left, with me on the right. I must have been 4 or 5.

I think that the photo proves that scruffiness can be a congenital condition. It is inbuilt in some people (me) and difficult to treat. There is no panacea, no inoculation, no magic pill.

We were both at schools in East Grinstead when the photo was taken; mine was the Highfield pre-Prep run by a Mr Gordon-Walker, the brother of Patrick G-W MP. I don't think there's any doubt, I was the scruffiest pupil there.

There is a touch of Richmal Crompton's 'Just William' in my demeanor; not that I would have heard of him at the time.

I have no idea why I should have been so naturally scruffy, I think my mother must have despaired. I'm not so bad these days, but most of my life has be spent unconsciously worshiping at the altar of scruff.

I still never comb my hair; what there is of it.



  1. You both look very nice, I'm just wondering if your feet weren't cold, you're wearing coats and your feet are bare.

    1. I think that cap, blazer, shorts, and sandals, was standard wear for school in those days. I have no idea what season it was.

  2. I've seen a photo of my dad with his parents and two brothers. Mum and dad and both brothers neat and clean, my dad looking like he was playing in a bucket of coal.

    1. I have no idea why I've always been scruffy. I have a school photo, taken around the same time, which shows me looking like a tramp, with tie sideways, socks down, and messy hair. All the other small children look like little angels.

  3. Interesting seeing the adults in the children

    1. I'm not proud of my state, but it seems to have followed me through life.

    2. And your sister is still neat and tidy!!

  4. We don't mind, so long as you are not smelly.

    1. I do hope not, other than patchouli of course.

    2. can't be all bad.

    3. Oh! The migraines I get from Patchouli! I hate the stuff! When people on the buses are wearing it I have to breathe through several layers of folded handkerchief.

    4. I have worn patchouli since the 60's. Sorry!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Nature versus nurture Cro - I wrote on the same thing today. Obviously we were never

  7. (to continue) meant for each other. Get those socks pulled up and put 'comb and hairbrush' on your net shopping list!!!

    1. Too late now. I'm not really scruffy these days, more 'casual'.

  8. I think you look sweet { both of you } ... I was a real tomboy and looked pretty scruffy ..... I'm not sure that I like it when little children look pristine .... they need to jump in puddles and climb trees ! I love the sandals .... I think we all had them ,almost always from Clarks. XXXX

    1. Yes, those classic Clarks sandals, I loved them. You could do anything in them!

  9. What counts is the contents not the container.

  10. You do look like Just William. I loved his books when I was a child. Our small town library had most of the books. An adorable scamp

    1. We had a lot in common, other than the 'adorable'.

  11. If I ever come across a photo of me at that age I think the only difference was that I think our socks came up to our knees. Our uniform was green.

    1. My next school wore knee-length socks with red and green stripes at the top.

  12. That is a lovely photo of you and your sister. There is nothing scruffy looking there. Nice wool top coats with hats says, well dressed and cared for children.

    1. We were very well dressed and cared for, but I had a knack of making the well dressed bit look as if I wasn't.

  13. This made me smile and brought back memories of the days when the school uniform was bought at least two sizes too big so that you could "grow" into it!
    I had a similar photo - in my summer uniform, and oversized blazer, though we wore panama hats in summer.

  14. What a cute photo! I, too, was a child with a touch of the ungroomed about me :) My school photos are quite amusing in that respect.
