Friday 15 December 2023

Wilders v Amin

I have no idea how far Wilders will be able to go with his extreme policies in Holland. I have only known of one other politician who held such radical views; and that was Uganda's Idi Amin.

In 1972 Amin expropriated property and businesses from all British passport holding Asians living in Uganda, then expelled them. My Aunt Nina was working as a missionary there at the time, and ran an ex-pat health centre; she was also kicked out. As a result the UK received about 60,000 Asians, most of whom probably went on to establish very successful businesses and professions, whereas the expropriated businesses, farms, etc, which were given to Amin's supporters, mostly failed very quickly.

If Wilders does achieve his aim to expel all Muslims from Holland, where will he expect them to go?  Presumably he'll try to send them back to the Muslim countries of their origin, or maybe he'll send them to Rwanda. Who knows!

I can't see it happening. He may expel a few fanatics and criminals; but the whole population? No, it won't happen. He might be extreme, but he's nowhere as crazy as Amin. Thank goodness!!! 


  1. Idi Amin must have been an extraordinarily brave man to have earned so many medals! I note that one of them was for winning the Kampala meat pie eating contest (1965). Wilders has won several "Twat of the Year" prizes over in The Netherlands.

    1. Do you remember that Amin wanted to marry Princess Anne? I think he even said that it was The Queen's idea!

  2. I remember all the talk back then about how he ate children too. Certainly scared impressionable youngsters like me.

    1. Didn't they find human flesh in his freezer?

  3. Geert Wilders is a twat, but Idi Amin was evil!
    Both off the wall idiots too of course! X

  4. Nearly as many medals as Charles the Third. Princess Anne is okayish. The best of a bad lot.
    Idi Amin was normal by sub-Saharan native standards. A sub seventy IQ pops them into the impulse spectrum. They mimic their tutors and it was the thick ones we sent out to run the Commonwealth. Not that there was anything common when it came to the wealth bit.
    They are here now so get ready or if you are a bit of a wimp get someone younger and braver ready.

    1. I always like to hear your acerbic views on such subjects. I'm not sure about the elderly all being 'wimps', and I very much doubt if the younger are any braver.

    2. Many of the young are but they have to fight the police, our politicians as well as the invaders.
      I am old. I had a naughty horse this morning and I had to decide who was the boss of his loose box. I won but it was a close run altercation, I'm old. He's been giving the lassies a hard time for a day or three.
      He's an Arab stallion called Talisker and lovely, until he decides the wheelbarrow is not positioned to his liking. I tell him. I never abuse him with sticks but shove him into a corner. I ask him who is looking after you, who is boss, cleaning up your shit, popping fresh straw down, getting you a carrot? Not that I carry carrots, they all get them on the feed round.
      He is lovely and gives me a nuzzle. The head lassie said how do you do that? I told her it's much the same as sheep handling, cow handling. Just have a chat with them. Don't take any shit or nonsense.

    3. When I was young we had a naughty horse, but I'm afraid that in her case she always won.

  5. I am not a a violent person, but these are single individuals and it would only take one bullet per one EVIL individual.

    1. I believe that David Owen, the UK's then Foreign Secretary, had considered having Idi Amin shot. Wilders will need to have bodyguards for the rest of his life.
