Thursday 14 December 2023

Fame or anonymity?

Whenever was there a worse time than now to be well known, upper class, or rich?

If you're a member of a royal family, a politician, an actor, a singer, a celeb, or just plain old rich, your life will be made unbearable at certain times by people who supposedly 'hate' you, and might even kill you (Jill Dando). Of course they are really simply envious of what they probably see as 'advantage', but that doesn't bother them.

The 'hatred' is usually based on jealousy, envy, political difference, etc. It is illogical and destructive, and people can become totally obsessed, and it can dominate their lives.

Online trolls are everywhere, disgruntled ex-royals can't wait to dig their own graves, and every female news-reader will at some time be severely criticised for her dress-sense or hair-style. It doesn't stop.

I suppose one of the most bizarre of all current obsessions must be the Harry/Meghan skin-tone debate. I would think that almost every household on earth had wondered if the first escapee royal child would be dark skinned; that is perfectly normal, and nothing wrong with that. I'm told that black families were the most curious. But to attack senior members of the Royal family specifically seems very nasty and destructive. Why not simply attack everyone?

Some time back I spent a few months in Grand Cayman where families tend to be of all colours from the darkest brown to very light, and many families have ancient Scottish names; meaning that there had, at one time, been some white blood in the family. It was simply a fact of life, and no-one thought anything about it!

Blog-land is full of people who love to be contrary. Often, one imagines, this is fueled by alcohol and a general dissatisfaction with life and society. Political leanings can often be a major factor, with certain factions feeling downtrodden and left behind.

Personally I think there is a place for everyone in society. The rich, the poor, the famous and the anonymous. No-one should need to feel inferior, or see others as superior. Why can't we all just be nice to each other!

What chance of that?..... None!


  1. The sketch above is about class and how those people perceive themselves and each other. All that matters today is how much money you have. In the U.S. "old money" looked down on " new money", not inherited. If you have it you can buy anything or anyone.

    1. Class is an old fashioned idea; money is now everything. Very vulgar!

  2. I remember that sketch, it made me laugh, but I don't remember pondering the deeper, social implications.
    The debate on the baby's skin colour is old news now and it's time it was laid to rest.

    1. Sadly the silly ex-royals still bring the subject to the surface, and they dig themselves ever deeper!

  3. I was born into a working class family with very little money and looked down on by my contemporaries at grammar school (like the Ronnie Corbett character). After working and saving hard I have been able to buy a nice house and enjoy holidays to far flung locations but am now accused by others of being elitist. Just can't win!

    1. That really is my point. You can't win! Sadly there are always people who are so dissatisfied with their lot that they become angry and abusive. They are all around us.

  4. I would rather be well-known, upper class and rich than dirt poor. Okay - when you're dirt poor you don't have folk slagging you off on social media but you worry constantly about feeding your family, heating your home, paying your rent, clothing your children and the arrival of unexpected bills.

    If my daughter's husband had been black or of mixed race, I am sure we would have mused about any forthcoming baby's skin colour. It's not racism, it's normal curiosity.

    1. Of course it is. It's basic human curiosity, and has nothing to do with racism; but don't tell the Sussex's that (Please disassociate me with their title).

  5. In no way am I agreeing with trolls or ' hate ' but I think some that do it are possibly going without, have not had any chances in life and are depressed. It in no way makes it right but, when you have a nice house, can buy good food and have some of the nicer things in life we can be quick to criticise those that are not so fortunate and who can be nasty to those who have.Then there are others who are just horrible and jealous of others. There will always be those who have and those who have not and nothing will change that. The Harry and Megan colour of the baby's skin thing is just ridiculous and not racist at all. Megan thought she could come into the Royal family and become Queen and when she realised that she couldn't , she now has to be spiteful to those that are above her. She is definitely a narcissist and narcissists have to be top dog and Harry is jealous of his brother.But, it seems to be coming back to bite them in the bum now !!! XXXX

    1. The H & M saga is. I think, coming to an end. No-one is interested them any more, and I can see them soon moving to France or Africa.

  6. The rich man in his castle,
    The poor man at his gate,
    God made them, high or lowly,
    And ordered their estate.

    1. It may not be ideal, but you can't change nature.

  7. I'm sure that even Harry and Meghan themselves pondered on the lightness or otherwise of their unborn child.

  8. I well remember that sketch as over time I have seen it several times and it always remains funny. I agree with all the comments above so I won't repeat them.

  9. There are lots of angry or disgruntled people around and I prefer not to engage with them. Stand back and let them reel.

    1. They do continue to annoy some of our fellow bloggers, but they should simply be ignored.

  10. People have a right to their opinions without being ridiculed for them. They have a right to their questions without being called names. Being rich guarantees that your opinions and questions would be broadcast farther afield, I guess, but in the end, no matter what our estate, there are those waiting to mock.

    1. Sadly that is the case. Of course there are always those in positions of authority who use their situations to promote crazy ideas, but they are soon ignored.

  11. Yes, why can't we all just get along. Song lyrics.
    If a person isn't satisfied with their life , it is up to them to change it .

    1. Some of the wealthiest people around came from humble backgrounds. They just worked harder than others.

  12. I must be one of the very few who never gave a single thought to what the baby's skin colour would be. Back then I didn't even know Meghan was a woman of colour, even now I really don't see it. I just never liked her without ever knowing why.
