Saturday 16 December 2023

Very Annoying.

One of the advantages of living in the street where we do, and for which we pay a premium, is the fact that there is no parking for non-residents in the street; there are double yellow lines throughout. We all have our own parking facilities, and are untroubled by the coming and going of strange vehicles.

However, some bright-spark at the Town Hall has now proposed parking bays along one side of our street. 

We are just 17 households in the street and not one has been consulted, asked for, or approved, this disastrous scheme. The peace and quiet for which the street is known will soon be gone for ever (if they get their way), and they will raise even more money from motorists to spend on all their lefty woke policies. 

I cannot tell you how annoyed I am about this. I have of course written to them declaring my objection, but I doubt if they'll listen. 

This may seem petty to some, but we all see it as another nail in our collective coffin.



  1. I do hope something can be done to discourage that sheme.

    1. It's horrible, our street's WhatsApp page has been going crazy.

  2. Just think - if you'd asked the Council to put a parking bay there, they'd never have done it! If all 17 households object the Council will have to take note, even if they decide to ignore it.

    1. We will, the complaints are winging their ways as I write.

  3. I can understand how annoying it is. Even here in my small town there are parking problems, there used to be no cars here, today every family has two.

    1. It's been so nice not having any parking in the street, I cannot believe that they wish to change it. It's all about 'money' of course.

  4. Oh good-oh...somewhere to park my big campervan when I go down to the seaside!

    1. We have one free parking space for friends or tradesmen. I'll reserve that for you!

  5. We bought our home in 1983. It was surrounded by farmland. In the years since, thousands of house have been built. We used to be able to see the stars but theres so much light pollution now its impossible.
    The biggest worry now is that we get standing water in our garden for months on end.
    If we could pick up our home and move it, we would.

    1. That sounds like a genuine nightmare. I suppose with the land all concreted over, the water has nowhere to go. Awful.

  6. Some years ago, our busy road, that is about 10 mins walk from the station ( to London in 20mins), was getting clogged up with people parking all day, and residents couldn't see to get safely out of their drives. We had a several meetings and eventually ( took about 2 years I think) resident only parking between 10am and 4pm was sanctioned. Those without drives have to pay for parking permits though, which seems rather unfair! You could be in for a long fight!

    1. I don't think they'll take any notice of us residents. They just do what they like.

  7. Replies
    1. It's simply an annoying proposal. Why couldn't they just leave us alone.

  8. Our street has no yellow lines and anybody can park here. Most days it's not too busy but I am glad that we have a paved parking area at the front our house for my Lamborghini and the wife's Porsche.

    1. I've just been out with my oldest in his big fat German muscle car. When we got back we had to drive around for 10 mins looking for somewhere to park. I love my garage.

  9. No, it's not petty, Cro. Get all the residents to sign a petition against this happening.

    1. We're forming a united front. Drawing up our battle lines.

  10. No it's not petty at all Cro, and I can sympathise. The road where I live has no footpaths and is quite narrow, little more than a country lane. Until recently there was never a problem with parking. Now the house next door (new neighbours) has four large vehicles permanently parked along their outer wall, blocking half the width of the road. The house opposite - also new neighbours - park their cars outside my house, as does the house next door on my other side, leaving me just enough room to squeeze out through my gateway. I then have to drive quite a way on the wrong side of the road round a blind bend. It's not that they haven't got driveways, they just don't seem bothered to use them.

    1. The small street that continues from ours is very similar. They all have parking spaces in front of their houses, but with the street being very narrow, and parking all the way down the opposite side, they have quite a job to get in and out of their spaces. I expect the same will happen in our street.

  11. Cities are looking to boost revenues any way they can. This is just one new idea. Unite and fight back. Otherwise, your quiet road will no longer exist.

    1. In the UK they concentrate of raising that revenue by hitting the motorist (hard).

  12. I hope you can stop the invasion. You have such a peaceful street

    1. It came as such a shock that they wish to take that peace away.

  13. As you live near the middle of town, how about suggesting a compromise to the council...that these parking spaces should be only for Blue Badge holders who need to park near the middle....others can park further out and walk!
