Wednesday 20 December 2023

We're getting there!

Why is it that when you're just trying to work in peace, there's always someone around who wants to surreptitiously take your photo?

Well, here I was in my temporary residence chez Kimbo, with his large Cricketing portrait in the background, supposedly minding my own business.

With my daughter, Tenpin, still in residence at our bijou home a few hundred yards away, we shall remain here until about the 27th. 

Plans are now being made for the big day. Who will peel the spuds, who will bring the extra chairs required, who will prepare the canapés, who will create this year's spectacular Turkey stuffing? How, indeed, will that perfectly cooked Turkey get from one house to the other? More decisions are needed.

Battle plans are being drawn-up, time-tables written, and menus meticulously planned. Wines need to be chosen wisely, and the very finest glasses buffed to perfection. Will any guests suddenly claim to be veggie, or will some simply claim not to be hungry? Who knows!

Why on earth do we make such a fuss about Christmas lunch? It's always chaotic, but we love it that way. My son, Kimbo, is taking charge this year. As a high-flying senior executive he's used to being super efficient and authoritative. We'll all do as we're told; especially me!

I can't wait.



  1. Ha, it's usually me taking those surreptitious photos and everyone complaining, especially when I post them on.
    Your run-up to Christmas sounds just as a family should be. Happy and warmly chaotic.
    We are just starting these days to be getting into countdown mode. Who buys what and who's bringing the pudding.
    18oC forecast for Xmas day.

    1. I must admit to rather enjoying all the chaos. As long as everything turns-up on the table at roughly the correct time, all will be well.

  2. How to get the turkey from one house to the other ? Simple, a large sports bag . My oven worked fine on Christmas Eve but Christmas Day it was dead. ( a few years ago.) Luckily my sister only lived two doors away and she was at Mum's for Christmas so I was able to use her oven. With permission. We always had a key to each others houses. Good job that year! haha.

    1. I'm sure we can do everything in our oven, but he's determined to roast the Turkey here. I now hear that he's bought one of those Deliveroo boxes specially to transport it.

    2. Will he be carrying it on his back, on bicycle? :)

    3. On the back of a Donkey I hope, accompanied by three Kings, etc.

  3. Our eldest son is doing christmas dinner this year for the first time as they have recently moved to a house large enough to accomodate us all. I asked him yesterday by text what I could bring to the party, and the answer was that he only plans meals about 45 mins ahead of eating them !! I hope he was joking!

    1. And the shopping just 30 mins before. He sounds like me.

  4. Your preparations are reminiscences of Christmases past for me! Now I go out to a hotel for traditional Christmas Fare, with a touch of the exotic! This year there is a Vegan option.

    1. As usual we shall be having FAR TOO MUCH, and we'll be eating cold Turkey for a month.

  5. Confusing that the turkey is not being roasted in the same house as you are eating it.

    1. I've tried to change his mind, but he's insistent. It's going to be fun!

  6. I am SO glad that we are having a quiet celebration this year!

    1. Come and join us, and enjoy the pandemonium!

    2. Someone else's pandemonium is always more inviting than one's own!!
      One of my best times was being pulled into a friend's huge family gathering instead of a house- sit on my own!!

  7. What were you doing in there anyway? It looks suspicious. To get the turkey from one house to the other you require a professional courier. Reserve one with Deliveroo.

    1. I think he's commissioned the Blues and Royals as an armed escort.

  8. It sounds like Kimbo has everything well in-hand. I envision a very festive meal with the spirits flowing.

    1. It'll be a lot of chaotic fun. Just like most households at Christmas.

  9. It is good to get a glimpse of yours truly, hard at work, as always imaging the world as it is, could be, or should be.

  10. It will all come together along with all the people and the day after you will be wondering why you all worried so much.
