Thursday 21 December 2023

Boo Boo and The Cherub.

Absent friends (grandchildren). All the family are with us this year, except for these two and their parents. 

I wonder if we'll ever manage to get everyone together again?

Here they are from a few years ago, enjoying Christmas somewhere in the Caribbean (probably Cayman). I wonder what Christmas will be like at their current location, in Thailand.

So, Hello boys... it's Grumpy here. I hope you'll have a lovely day. We will be thinking of you! xxx

And as an after-thought, just to make you gasp, here is a picture of the daffs in the churchyard yesterday morning. I had to add the photo. Very Spring-like.



  1. Handsome boys! Its not going to be easy to get all those families together. They all live so far away. I really hope you manage it. The last time our family was together was in 1986 in NZ. We were supposed to go to NZ this year for Christmas but it's one helluva journey as I get older.
    It is wonderful when families gather. Love, fun and laughter. I know you're having all of that right now. A very merry Xmas to you all

    1. We also need a much bigger house to accommodate everyone.

  2. For a moment I thought the top photo was a recent one taken in your living room, with the central heating turned way up!
    No longer having any family nearby, and not many left anyway, I enjoy not having to prepare meals, or to travel a distance to celebrate just one day of the year.
    With a concerted effort surely you'll be able to bring the whole family together to celebrate at least one Christmas?

    1. It would be nice. Perhaps we could rent a large house somewhere equidistant between Oz and Europe.

  3. I feel for you Cro. It's sad that Cherub and Boo-Boo are so far away. In an ideal world, you and her ladyship would have been seeing the lads quite regularly.

    1. No doubt we'll talk to them via WhatsApp or similar, but it's not the same as having them here. We used to be such a big part of their lives, now we don't see them at all.

  4. Every year I love re-reading your excitement before Christmas. I'm sure your grandchildren in Thailand miss you too.

    1. I hope they do, we miss them terribly. They're at a wonderful age for Christmas, where everything is magical.

  5. It's such a shame that they couldn't be with you this Christmas but, with so many of them spread around the world, I'm sure the logistics are a nightmare to get everyone in one place at the same time ..... I think you have done well to get most of them with you this year.
    Wishing you Cro, Lady M and all of your children and grandchildren the most magical of Christmases and for many happy times in 2024. Lots of love. XXXX

    1. Thank you Jacqueline. I know we'll enjoy ourselves; we always do!

  6. I have a friend with family living far away. China and Switzerland. He rents two large houses on the coast of Maine and they all gather every other Summer for a couple of weeks. If there is a will there is a way!

    1. It's a good idea, maybe we'll give it some thought.

  7. Replies
    1. They came up at exactly the same time last year.

  8. Off topic but maybe relevant to you - I see reports that France is relaxing the 90 day rules for UK citizens to live there part-year.

    1. I knew they'd been talking about it (to bring them up to UK standards), but I hadn't heard that it had gone through. Wonderful news.
