Tuesday 19 December 2023


Desert Island Discs must be one of my favourite radio programmes. It fulfills most of my listening criteria; it entertains, informs, and it allows me to be critical.

The BBC's Radio 4 Extra channel has recently been airing old editions under the title of 'revisited', and they have been fascinating.

If given the opportunity to go on the show myself, I have always thought that I would be honest about my choice of music, and not try to impress. Others do the opposite; and it really shows.

So, there you are, stuck on this desert island with a wind-up gramophone and just eight records; you could be there for years. Would you really want to listen to The Laughing Policeman or Wagner's Symphony in C Major?

I recently listened to Glenda Jackson's (actress and MP) choice and thought what a very strange woman she must have been. I also recently listened to Len Goodman (dancer and dance teacher) and ended-up really liking him; and his choice of music. Given a choice of Desert Island Mates, I would certainly put Mr Goodman near the top of my list, and probably Ms Jackson near the bottom.

Maya Angelou was also on recently, and what a lovely person she seemed. Her selection of music was also very interesting.


  1. Like the dinner guest game, it's a fun one to play. My musical taste has never impressed anyone - so I wouldn't even try. Who's the funniest guest they've had on DID?

    1. Lily Savage was on recently, he was very funny and straight forward. I believe he was the only person to have been on twice; once as Lily and again as Paul O'Grady.

  2. Wagner's Symphony in C Major most definitely yes.... along with Deep Purple's "Concerto for Group and Orchestra".... the other six would also be long ones with a classical/synth bias.
    The record player would of course be solar powered, very few [if any] boats would be carrying wind-up gramophones nowadays!

    1. I would be more inclined to take music that was important to me personally. Music that represented important events in my life. I would want them to bring back good memories, and allow me to sing and dance.

  3. Whatever music you chose is likely to drive you mad if you played it regularly. I'm not sure what I'd choose - a mix of light classical, songs from shows and 80's pop probably.

    1. Especially if it's music that you've chosen just to sound 'intellectual', which many do.

  4. Kirsty Young and Dr David Nott, Medicins sans Frontiers, had the whole nation in tears. One of the best DIDs ever. Find it, and all DIDs, in the BBC Sounds archive.

    1. I shall search it out on 'sounds'. Thanks.

    2. Gosh, that was amazing, what a wonderful man. Thank you for the pointer!

  5. Maya Angelou died in 2014 so her presence on the show proves that there is an afterlife! I would choose The Cheeky Girls, Ken Dodd, Black Lace, Lad Baby, Benny Hill, The Chuckle Brothers, The Singing Postman and Leonard Cohen.

    1. The one's I'm listening to at the moment are all 'revisited', some from way back. I'm pleased to see you put Mr Cohen at the end of your list, presumably this is to send you to sleep at the end of the day.

  6. Even after thinking over your post and revisiting I'm still not sure what I would choose. Something that would raise the spirits and wouldn't drive me mad after hearing it for the 100th time. I can see myself on that desert island cursing because I made the wrong choices.
    I've heard a lot about this programme but never heard it

    1. It's a very good programme, you learn so much about (usually well known) people.

  7. It's a wonderful programme and I must start revisiting it. Thanks. As for my choices they would be very diverse. My tastes are very catholic but to have the same pieces constantly would require a lot of thought. I would really struggle to try and impress because I wouldn't have the faintest idea who it was might be impressed by anything I could ever choose.

    1. The one that Rachel recommended above, with David Nott is well worth listening-to.

  8. I would only choose 3 records if ever I was asked -Beethoven's Missa Solemnis, Terrega's Recuerdos d'Alhambra and Christy Moore's Ride On - think that would suit all my moods

    1. I used to have my 'wake list' on Spotify, but my account became closed, so I no longer know what they all were.

  9. Does the desert island have a power source for the record player? I think I would take books instead.

    1. It has nothing; just sand and palm trees. You would require a wind-up record player.

  10. I love desert island discs, a great podcast to listen to on my walks.
