Sunday 17 December 2023



I am looking for eleven men, who demonstrate a good standard of Footballing skills, who would be prepared to dress as, and look like, women in order to compete in the UK's Women's Football League, and eventually (hopefully) win their league cup.

You would need to look reasonably feminine, but this isn't essential. A team of make-up artists, dressers,  and gender coaches would soon help with your 'look'. The most important quality is to be able to run rings around a 'ladies' team, and win every match (think Lia Thomas in swimming).

The rewards should be substantial. Fame, wealth, and kudos, will all come your way. You would all be able to buy large modern show-homes in Essex, own very fast cars, and have a gorgeous wife husband on your arm.

Of course there would always be a few fuddy-duddy spoil-sports who claim that trans-women shouldn't compete against 'genuine' women, but that type of transphobia will always raise its ugly head. We will simply ignore them. If we say we're a women's team, then that's what we are; end of story.

Contact Cro with your full details; preferably with a photo of yourself in drag. There are only eleven places to fill, so please be prompt.


  1. Unfortunately, the whole trans bandwagon has now gone beyond parody, and anyone who stands up for biological reality will be destroyed.

    1. I think the parody needs to be taken even further so we can all see how ridiculous and unfair it all is.

  2. Football, swimming, darts, snooker, weightlifting, cycling, croquet - all now affected by this ridiculous state of affairs, as well as the erosion of any 'safe spaces' rights. The whole thing makes me angry.

    1. I think it makes everyone angry apart from those who wish to 'cheat'.

  3. I am glad to see you have still got a sense of humour. I have joined a few more dots, and I can see how this push for transgender acceptance fits into the bigger picture. To us humans it is ridiculous and unfair.

    1. It is unfair. It should be outlawed by the authorities who oversee each sport. I wonder why they haven't already done so?

    2. Connecting the dots lol. David Icke connects dots as well doesn't he? Posted any more smutty videos lately Ilona?

  4. I wonder what kind of team talks you would give before matches..."Gather round damsels! What we need to do today is to get the ball in the opposition's net. Now put down your knitting and let's go!"

    1. They'd have to knit the net first, of course.

  5. I hope they will be prepared to put up with the unwelcome inappropriate advances from the hunky male coach.

    1. They'll have a female coach; get the blood flowing.

  6. What next, I wonder - is there anything left they haven't had a go at?

    1. There's bound to be a backlash; there always is against real stupidity.

  7. Actually sports have taken action, but it is not reported by certain 'news' establishments who like to feed the tut-tut mentality.

    1. Those with the tut-tut mentality are very angry.

    2. Indeed they are Cro, indeed they are. Some are quite mad, quite barking mad!

  8. What does gender have to do, with playing a sport well?

    1. Everything you silly Moo.
      Men are stronger, as fighters we can zone in and win or lose.
      Some you win some you don't. That's life.

    2. One plays as well as your gender will allow, but don't try to pit one against the other, it isn't fair.

  9. It's always the Male -> Female that wants to engage in the Sport , the Female -> Male does not gain any advantage. I've read that through twice and hope I've got it the correct way round!

    1. You have, the male ones are the wimps.
      I know a girl, a proper one, that puts the fear of god in me. She plays ladies rugby. She has a boyfriend, a brave one. She tells me not to worry over a Christmas hug. I can't help it I'm big but old.
      All this tranny shit is just that. A load of uphill gardeners and paedos trying to normalise their derangement. They call it PRIDE. Who, in a sane world could be proud of faggotry and fancying little children. I say no one but the deranged.
      Filthy dirty wee sods they are. They send the trannies into schools to try and normalise such depravity in the young. Teachers go along with it as most are female and not of the quick thinking variety. I'm not knocking the ladies here. Male teachers are worse.

    2. You're right, there's little advantage for women to play men's sports alongside men.

  10. Where will this all end? Is the solution totally mixed teams? They would have to get the percentages right to create a level playing field.

    1. It will all end when people come to their senses, and we return to how things were.

  11. The UCI has sorted matters for cycling.
    You can have men only, women only, or everybody together, whoever or whatever.

    1. That sounds logical. 3 different categories, 3 different contests.
