Wednesday 15 November 2023

Who's in charge these days?

Palestinians are much in the news these days for obvious reasons. I was recently reminded about the only leader of theirs that I've ever known much about, and that was the delightful Yasser Arafat. Most of us will remember him; he was a well known figure on the world stage, and I'm sure he enjoyed the limelight.

He became a very wealthy man. Allegedly he had all Palestinian VAT tax receipts diverted to his private foreign bank accounts, building up a personal fortune of about $1.3 Billion. His private investment portfolio included a Coca Cola Bottling plant, A Tunisian Cell Phone Co, and various Venture Capital Funds in the USA and Cayman. The perfect capitalist, who just also happened to be the founding father of the SOCIALIST Fatah movement. Or as they say in Socialism "Do as I say, not as I do".

Sadly the Palestinian people never received any of the tax returns destined for their desperately needed infrastructure, health facilities, and social reform. The man was simply a bloody thief.

These days the leaders of Hamas, Fatah, or the PLO (if it's still operating) are no longer well known names or faces. They hide away behind schools and hospitals, probably stealing money as did Arafat; spending their spoils on weapons rather than food, utilities, or medical care. Arafat-ism is alive and well, and living in Gaza, where a healthy foreign bank account is probably as handy now as it was in Arafat's day.

Arafat ended his days in France in 2004, and I believe that the French government helped empty his Swiss bank accounts in exchange for his medical treatment. Presumably his thieving prevented the building of decent hospitals back at home, where they might have treated both him and many others. His body was later flown back to Ramallah where he was buried.

I don't know if he is still given sainthood status by the Palestinians, but if they really wish to honour an absolute scoundrel, I suppose it's their prerogative.

His wife, the fragrant Suha, also embezzled Millions, which were relieved of her after she quit The West Bank for a more luxurious life in Europe. She was well known for her extravagant shopping trips to London, Paris, and Rome, where she spent 'fortunes'. The last that was heard of her, she was broke, and living quietly in Malta (with her brother?).

The poor ordinary Palestinians deserved, and deserve, so much better.



  1. It's a shame there aren't many more people like you who know the truth.

    1. The truth is out there Yael, but many choose to ignore it.

  2. There have been a handful of media reports of the Hamas leaders having very expensive properties in, I believe, Turkey. If so, them Arafat's traditions are alive and flourishing still.

    1. Guilty people usually have an escape plan. Some more luxurious than others!

  3. Those with their fingers in the till will always make sure they have a comfortable place to run to, to hide. The poorer the country they've robbed, the more luxurious the pad!

    1. Sadly this is true, and more the citizens suffer.

  4. The current Fatah leader of the West Bank made a speech two weeks before Hamas entered Israel on 7th October. He said death to all Jews. It was not reported in the media or picked up as far as I know.

    1. They are almost worse than the Nazis, and have no shame.

  5. The premature babies of Gaza not only need more effective leadership from Palestinians but practical signals of compassion from Israel. They deserve a chance to live. Countless dead children are still buried in the rubble.

    1. And, sadly, many 'headless' babies were buried in Israel. We mustn't forget how all this started. Prior to Hamas's vile slaughter and abductions, the Israelis were helping Gaza in almost every way imaginable; including medically.

    2. Hamas is a terrorist organisation but Israel is a western-style democracy.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This man, YP, echoes the lies of the BBC.

    5. Oh yes, I am just a parrot. I cannot think for myself.

  6. It is surprising that people can be indifferent to the suffering of others and to the corrupt and self-serving practices of some people in power. YA is only one of many. I am deeply saddened by the death of innocent people and destruction we see today.

    1. We all are Susan, but these terrorists MUST be stopped. Every country suffering the same continued attacks would do the same.

  7. Some say the Israelis shouldn't be targeting the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza but now they are inside after gun battles at the gates (Oh no! Hamas terrorists with guns in a hospital!), disarming booby traps and so on, and they have arrived with medical supplies, water and food, doctors are going about their business calmly even though there is some tension, no babies have been shot or injured, no civilians hurt, but plenty of tunnels. Of course Hamas says it's all lies, then they would wouldn't they? My source is Reuters.

    1. PS. The generators are running on Israeli diesel now...I suspect they were before Hamas stole the fuel, the Palis are like our Gypos. A pain, thieve anything not nailed down but fine if controlled for tatty harvesting. We Gave up, better and cheaper to get contract harvesters in. I'm too old for fisty cuffs and lying to the modern Police.

    2. We all know what is happening here, but it's part of the 'left' agenda to ignore the truth. Everyone knows that Hamas were hiding in schools and hospitals.

  8. Israel transferred several incubators to the hospital at the request of the doctors and in telephone contact with the director of the hospital to help him as much as possible. He is also afraid of Hamas and does not tell the whole truth.

    1. Yael, it is a mess. We all but you have global leaders with no spine.
      Arabia is awash with money. Do they want the Palestinians? No. Of course they don't.
      I worked as an engineer in Yemen and Egypt. A pain the locals were, so bad I have forgotten all my Arabic. I did have a laugh with them from time to time but I had to give them dollars for them to smile. Bastards they are. Rag Heads we used to call them. That should be fine now as it's asexual.
      Good luck love. Our BBC have just got round to spinning the truth. Have a look it's comedy.

    2. They have already apologized twice this week for twisting the facts.

    3. The BBC did actually show Israeli troops delivering fuel to the hospital under fire today. This was the first time they'd shown such a thing.

  9. Is there a completely honest and uncorrupted politician...of any sort or party? Or is that a trifle too cynical?

    1. Here in Europe we probably have the least corruption, but elsewhere in the world I suspect you're right. Africa probably being the worst, which is why they're always appealing for our money!

  10. Yes they deserve better, but don't the Israelis also deserve better? Which group do the terrorising Hamas belong to? Perhaps the Palestinians and Israelis could band together and knock out those baddies and then have peace?

    1. That's what we're all hoping for. Get rid of Hamas, then both nations should be able to live peacefully together. The world's fingers are crossed.
