Tuesday 14 November 2023


I hope you will be able to enlarge this picture.

For non-Europeans' information, the EU Schengen Agreement was established to allow free movement between EU member countries. The UK was not a Schengen member, and the only time it affected me was in Germany, where I had to go through purposefully unpleasant passport control etc. They were doing their best to make our lives difficult.

Schengen has worked well since its conception, but now there are problems caused by illegal immigration. Asylum seeking refugees are supposed to apply for asylum in the first EU country they enter, but countries have been passing them on simply to be rid of them. Most eventually head for the UK, Sweden, and Germany.

The whole concept of the EU was based on European unity, free trade, and freedom of movement, and without the freedom of movement it begins to crumble. It has long been predicted that the EU would eventually fail, and it looks as if this could be the beginning of its decline. If EU member countries start to control their own borders, as they did before the EU was conceived, then they will simply return to being individual countries, and the whole point of the EU would be lost. As you can see by the illustration, most countries are already taking back control of their borders.

Current high rates of illegal immigration, and the prospect of terrorism, could be responsible for the end of the great EU experiment.



  1. It could certainly be a return to the pre-EU free trade system where there was tarrif-free trade but still border control.

    1. It looks that way, in which case the EU would be a very different beast.

  2. Looking at the map it seems that I shall no longer be able to pop across the border into France as I have done in the past. I suppose my Spanish registered car and residency permit, plus British passport will make me a prime suspect terrorist!

    1. Expect a good search of both you and your car.

  3. This is somewhat connected but I read late last night that moves are afoot to soften visa requirements for British citizens who own properties in France. Obviously, this could greatly affect you and her ladyship. Today's "Daily Telegraph" - "France visa boost for British homeowners punished by Brexit" - it's on the front page.

    1. Thanks for pointing that out. I had a look and it confirms what I've always said, that stopping us spending our money in France is hurting them more than us! I hope they allow me to live in my own home a bit longer in future. Either that or let me pay my rates for just 3 months.

  4. How can make the world a place where people are not fleeing their home?

    1. I suppose if people had well paid jobs (and peace) in their own countries, they might stay there. Maybe huge foreign investment is required.

  5. It sounds like the EU is redefining itself. Historically, we have had no issue travelling throughout Europe. I would like to see all immigrants work. Full employment builds the economy. Keeping people off the streets is key.

    1. Keeping people busy provides plenty
      of money, and as you say, it keeps them off the streets.

  6. The U.S. has our own problems. Can't solve them all . :)

  7. I did not know they no longer controlled their borders, but I'm happy to see they now are. They should be allowed to decide who gets in, and send the illegals and criminals back where they came from. I fear my country is allowing in too many of those types as evidenced by a story in today's paper: "three murderers and "several" sex offenders are among the 80 asylum seekers released into the community today" In my opinion they should have been sent back to their own country.

    1. In 2020 we tried to send back 60 criminals back to their native Jamaica, but the flight was interrupted by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer on grounds on 'human rights' and they were released amongst the public. One went on to murder again, and most of the others continued with their burglary, drug dealing, pimping, etc. Well done Sir Keir Starmer!!!

    2. Our High Court released these buggers for the same Human Rights reasons.

  8. Interesting post, Cro. I was talking to a man yesterday at the entrance to Matalan. He was waiting for his wife, who was in the store buying clothes. We exchanged a few words, I said cash or card. He said, always cash. He said he lives in France and is here to visit family. They go back to France soon, then on to Spain for two months. I thought of you when he was telling me this story. He showed me the card in his wallet which enables them to move about freely. In my opinion each country should have some sort of control over their borders. I seem to remember that years ago a visa could be applied for before travel. That seems to have gone out of the window now. People just turn up and say, let me in.

    1. If you arrive as an 'illegal', you are not only NOT turned away, but you are given money, a home, and free health care. And even then they moan about it.
