Thursday 16 November 2023

What I want of a Dog.

I've only 'owned' four Dogs; Hamlet, Monty, Bok, and Billy (all featured on my side bar).

In many ways they were all quite similar. They were playful, faithful, and appreciative of the love and care they received.

I've noticed that many people smile when they see Billy (below) approaching. There's something about Border Collies that triggers a deep-seated emotion. Perhaps it's the idea of a Sheepdog being so far from the Welsh mountains that amuses them.

Anyway, what do I want of a Dog? 

He (always a he) should be medium, or slightly above medium, sized. No Yorkies or Chihuahuas for me. I want a Dog with legs longer than the depth of a shallow puddle. 

He should preferably be black and white, or black (I made an exception with Monty), and should be capable of running long distances. He should not be afraid of the woods, or of other Dogs.

Preferably he should not be tempted to roll in stinking carcasses; but I expect that's a wish too far!

He should be friendly, and perhaps a tad 'admiring' (looking up into my eyes as if to say 'I adore you Daddy'). Occasionally he should lie down by my feet, or rest his head on my lap.

He should not suffer from car sickness.

He should be trainable, and learn simple commands such as 'away' and 'come by'. 

He should wag his tail vigorously when I come in from shopping or from the Pub'. He should always be pleased to see me (as I am with him). 

He should have 'character'. Not be sickly. Be alert. Tell me of approaching strangers, and greet friends warmly. He should be polite, well behaved, and obedient. Billy fits the bill mostly. 

Not too much to ask, is it?



  1. I think we all want our pets to reflect our own values and outlook on life.

  2. Border collies came not from the Welsh mountains but from the English/Scottish border country.

    1. Yes, I know, and they are all related to a Dog called 'Auld Hemp' who was born in 1893.

  3. Not too much at all but some traits don't reveal themselves untilwe have owned the puppy and then we have learned to love them and will almost forgive them anything. I always had dogs until my last one - Tess - Border Terrier. So different from a dog she was. P erhaps the most obvious was that she was not so assertive - but I loved her dearly and she certainly was easy to train and anxious to please.

    1. A friend in France had one, and she was lovely. She was called Inky, but we all called her Stinky.

  4. "He should be polite, well behaved, and obedient." a simple request of all friends.

  5. They say the character of the dog depends on the master. Obviously you're a good master

  6. As a boy, I grew up in a family that always had hunting dogs. Black labs, setters, pointers, etc. I thought labs were the best; until I bought a farm and 'inherited' the Scotch Collie (ordinary farm collie) that came with it. I began to love the herding dogs! I've now had four (my local vet has me on his list to rehome older/problem dogs, so I've started them when they were older). My current dog is Annie Oakley, an intentional cross between an Australian shepherd and a Blue Heeler. Wonderful dogs! There's something about them that says they are looking after you - and you'd better mind if you know what's good for you! Fun.

    1. One of my fellow morning dog-walkers has an Australian Shepherd; she's a lovely dog. I'm learning more about varieties of dogs by the day. Yesterday I met a Skye Terrier; not my cup of tea, but interesting.

  7. I have never met a border collie who didn't make me smile...mostly because they always look as if they are about to burst into laughter themselves. Have you ever seen the video about the smartest dog in the world?

    1. No, but I hope it's about Billy. I'll look on YouTube.

    2. Sadly it is a dog named Chaser.

  8. Having had nine dogs over the years, on occasions three together, they have all been wonderful dogs. The first three were male - 2 yellow Labs and a Retriever/Spaniel cross (a rescue). There have been six females - again Labs and a Golden retriever - all were wonderful. The latest is a Boston terrier X, from a local rescue, the first small dog I've had. She is definitely the most assertive and quite the comedian. I admit to loving most dogs, apart from small yappy ones, but yellow Labs hold a special place in my affections.

    1. I agree. Our Lab' Monty was a lovely dog. We think he was poisoned by a 'troubled' neighbour, but we'll never know. We do know that she threatened to kill him.

  9. You and Billy are a good team. He's been raised well and seems to do well in any situation with people and dogs.

    1. He's a lovely boy. As you say, we make a good team.

  10. Most of that list would do me well for a man in my life, I would like him to be able to advise on car problems.

    1. We can't do everything but we can be faithful (occasionally), go for walks, and leave a lot of hair everywhere. But no-one's perfect.

  11. We wound up with a dog we would never have picked. Got left behind in a divorce and we couldn't see sending her to Pound for rehoming.

    She lived with our Rough Collie for the last two years of his life and picked up his habits and mannerisms.

    All five kilos of her. Yes, she's a mini dog. Klein Spitz, blonde and the heart of a little lion. She has wrapped the husband around her paw. She thinks she's a big dog and has no fear of them. She's polite, quiet and rarely barks. All she asks for is her daily walks and the odd cuddle.

    1. She sounds like the perfect dog; but maybe a bit small.

  12. "Billy fits the bill mostly" so what part doesn't he fit? I would have thought he was a perfect fit. I'm not a fan of yappy little short leg dogs either, but that doesn't mean they are all bad, after all, plenty of people love them.

    1. Billy has his faults, one of which is barking when I leave the room. As for the small yappy dogs, I think it's only their owners who love them.
