Friday 17 November 2023

A change of mind?

Pre-Brexit life was very different. We lived our quiet bucolic lives tucked away in a small cottage deep in the Southern French countryside. We harmed no-one, and no-one harmed us. It was a simple and peaceful life that suited us perfectly.

Then, regardless of us voting 'no', we were forced to leave the EU, and therefore our right to live freely in any one of the 27 EU countries. We are now only allowed to stay in our own home for 90 days (unless we become resident or apply for an extension visa; neither of which we wish to do).

OK, we're not that fussed about it, as we'd made sure we had property back in the UK; where we are presently living. We're reasonably happy to live a two-location life.

Of course we miss a lot about our life in France. The fact that we had hundreds of acres of woodland on our doorstep, a very pleasant climate, a lovely 300 year old home, and some wonderful friends. We also had enough land for plenty of fruit trees and a veg' garden (Haddock's below).

However, it now seems as if both the French and the Spaniards are having a change of mind over the 90 day limit. They propose that home-owners would simply have to carry proof of home ownership to be able to stay as long as they like.

Macron is against the idea but many French and Spanish politicians want a change. They want second homes to be occupied, and for their (possibly) wealthy owners to spend plenty of money.

The EU's current rules amount to shooting themselves in the foot simply to be nasty about a rich member-country leaving their club. Both France and Spain claim that the 90 day rule is damaging their economies (I did warn them).

It may all come to nothing, but at least it proves that there are some people on the other side of La Manche who have some amount of common sense. 



  1. That would be good news for you, wouldn't it?

    1. It certainly would, we could come and go as we please.

  2. So would you take advantage of a new ruling if you could?

    1. Yes, definitely. An extra couple of months after Summer would be really good.

  3. That's interesting. Would it only apply to people who had their homes there pre Brexit?

    1. I have no idea, but I doubt it. They want our money!!!

  4. Why do you not wish to apply for an extension visa? This would surely give you the extra time in France that you want.

    1. If I could do it online I would, but it's the idea of going up to London, travelling about, then probably find they're either closed, or only issue them on Wednesdays, that I won't do. I can't cope with that sort of thing any more. The French always like to make things as difficult as possible; I've had 50 years experience of them.

  5. The butchers, bakers and candlestick makers are realising just how much you put into their coffers!

    1. Exactly, and with empty houses everywhere it all adds-up.

  6. I hope they are sensible and bring in the changes before the home owners just give up and leave permanently.

    1. Many I've spoken to were planning simply to lock up and not return.

  7. I have always thought it a daft idea, so hope it comes off Cro (and Lady M of course)

    1. It was daft. I'm just amazed it's taken them so long to realise it.

  8. The powers that be allow anybody to move freely around the world. Just turn up and say let me in. Those that can claim they are residents of that country are penalised. It's all back to front. I agree with you about London.

    1. It's all become very confused. I have slight mobility problems, so walking around London is almost impossible (unless I was to go everywhere by taxi).

  9. I don't know why they did it in the first place ..... it seemed like it was just to be awkward !!!!! I do hope they reverse it for you and Lady M to go more often. XXXX

    1. They were punishing the UK for leaving, but in fact it's harmed the EU far more.

  10. The good old EU with it's ridiculous rules. The English home owners here have either got residents permits or have houses let as airbnbs and they themselves just fly in for a few weeks holiday now and then. I wonder if the Greek govt checks anyway. They definitely want any foreign money they can get

    1. We overstayed our 90 days this year, and no-one said anything. But it was only by about a week.

  11. There have been some bargain buys on property in France, as Brits gave up and sold out.

    1. There are fantastic properties everywhere, for crazy prices. I would love to be 25 again and buying property.

  12. When a money stream is lost, things change. I'd say things are starting to look good. It would be ideal to come and go as you please.

    1. That's how it used to be, and it worked well.

  13. Can you let it out to someone else? A friend perhaps.:)

    1. I'm afraid it's not really lettable. We have some major plumbing work to do as soon as we get back next summer.

  14. I hope the law gets changed and all you need is proof of home ownership.

    1. It would make life so much simpler, and profitable for them!

  15. Such a peaceful life story. Good luck!
