Friday 29 September 2023

Breakfast dilemma.

Breakfast has recently become more of a problem than it used to be. I have tried to resist the eating of bacon, fried eggs, haggis, black pudding, etc, in exchange for a more balanced diet of either toast or muesli. 

My other alternative is left-overs from the previous night's supper; curry, couscous, roasted meat, etc. These are usually blasted for 1.5 mins in the Microwave. 

Generally, I have a couple of slices of toasted seeded wholemeal bread, so my next problem is what I shall accompany it with. 

For obvious reasons I eat my breakfast alone (at 5 am), so I can't ask 'would you prefer X or Y' other than to myself. The decision making is entirely my own.

I'm not supposed to eat too much sugar or salt, so here is where the problems begin.

Whilst my toast is burning, I tend to put out all alternatives; Marmite, Honey, Marmalade, or Peanut Butter. Occasionally I add Hummus, St Agur blue cheese, or a few Anchovies. The confusion abounds.

This above is what my breakfast table looked like yesterday morning, other than two tiny Lamb Chops that I'd already eaten.

Of my two slices of toast, one was eaten with Marmite, and the other with Coopers Oxford Marmalade.

I did also bring back quite a few tins of 'sea foods' from France, but I keep them for 'special occasions'. These include Squid in Ink, Octopus in marinera sauce, and various styles of Shellfish and Sardines. All real favourites with buttered toast in the mornings.

Anyway, this morning I couldn't resist any longer and treated myself to a fried egg on toast with a couple of 'slices' of haggis. Lovely.

My breakfasts are always complicated.


  1. Leftovers from the night before are acceptable breakfast foods, just treat yourself to eggs and bacon once a week. Is your Marmite salty and have you bought sugar free peanut butter?

    1. I'm sure that Marmite is 99% salt, but I didn't know that Peanut Butter contained sugar. Maybe I'll treat myself to some bacon every Sunday.

  2. morning Cro, well try putting less marmalade on your toast to cut down on your sugar.I don't like too much of any spreads, even butter on mine. My mum used to scrape it on and scrape it off again so thats what I was used think we spend too much time worrying about what we should any shouldn't eat. All things in moderation was her saying.She lived till age 96. (May this year.)

    1. I don't know why I worry about it so much, I don't worry over other meals. It's probably because I eat my breakfast alone.

  3. I would always go for marmalade or jam, I have a nut allergy, so no peanut butter, I don't like honey and Marmite, I'm a hate it kind of person.

    1. My tastes have certainly changed over recent years (post Covid maybe?), and I no longer enjoy Marmite as I used to. I prefer savoury to sweet, and would love a well filled bacon sandwich every morning. Sadly I'm not allowed.

  4. At least you get it all out yourself and presumably put it all back again after, so what's the worry?

    1. I'm reasonably well house trained. Only occasionally do I receive 'tongue pie'.

  5. I've been eating four mcvities and a cup of coffee in the morning. Toast with a nice slice of avocado or tomato is nice too. Or plain yogurt with a crizzle of honey. I am not much in the mood to fuss about food first thing in the morning.

    1. I often have Yoghurt with honey after lunch, maybe I should have it for breakfast instead.

  6. You could solve all your breakfast troubles with bowls of porridge.

    1. I don't like porridge, but I do like plain oats, or muesli. I need to get organised.

    2. Asking from across the pond, what is the difference between porridge and plain oats? I thought porridge WAS plain oats!

    3. Porridge is cooked oats, I prefer them raw.

  7. Glad to see the Marmite jar! My breakfasts these days are very simple: banana and muesli.

    1. I must return to my Muesli routine. It's so much simpler having just one 'healthy' thing to eat each morning.

  8. Cro, we eat a slice of toasted sourdough bread with butter (I love butter) each morning and occasionally a 'fried'? egg - cooked in a non-stick pan with just a spray of Pam. And personally I can't see having bacon just on Sunday should be a problem...

    1. I love butter too; and plenty of it. Yes, I think a once a week treat of something 'naughty' is OK.

  9. A simple breakfast for me - a slice of brioche with just a smidgen of butter, or scrambled egg on lightly buttered, toasted, twelve grain brown bread.

    1. Sounds very healthy. I wish I had your will power.

  10. At our age, eat what makes you happy.

    1. I do tend to agree with that, but at the same time I try to be healthy. A compromise is needed.

  11. Your breakfasts are like 3 course gourmet meals: Leftovers, can fish, toast with toppings, eggs... You must not be very hungry for the rest of the day.

    1. I don't eat that much. Probably more than I should but I'm not obese.

  12. Classic marmite and marmalade are what I bet most people, including me, would choose. I would not choose those tins of fishy things.
    But I don't eat breakfast anymore. Eggs and bacon at 11 are more my style. I might even enjoy some octopus or sardines by then.
    Variety is the spice of life they. You get plenty of that.

    1. The tins are actually very nice. It's also the only way I can get to eat Octopus in the UK.

  13. I quite like a fried egg with bacon at breakfast occasionally but much to everyone's horror I like it fried crisply both sides. I hate runny yolk.

    1. One of my real treats is a couple of boiled eggs, but I'm usually too impatient to wait for them to boil.

  14. Try 'Whole Earth Crunchy Organic Peanut Butter'.
    It's salt, sugar, gluten and palm oil free, and is delicious!
    Of course it will never reach the levels of a really good bacon and egg sandwich, but it's still very good!

    1. I really buy the Peanut better for Lady M. She picked-up the bad habit of Peanut butter and jam sandwiches as a child in the USA. I can't get her to stop.

  15. Ah, the sugar dilemma. Given that the complex carbohydrates which make up, cough, bread and muesli are sugars in themselves, what to have for your breakfast? Fried bacon and eggs and skip the toast! And salt? The jury is out on that one according to the science, so bacon is your friend :)

    1. Ah, the voice of reason! I shall buy some bacon today.
