Saturday 30 September 2023

Oh dear!

This story has probably caused more outrage in England than any war, pandemic, or sex scandal.

During the night of the 27/28th (I think), some total idiot destroyed this iconic tree. A16 year old male has been arrested.

What went through his adolescent mind in order to cause such awful destruction, I cannot imagine.

The tree lived in the Northumberland National Park, by the side of a dip in Hadrian's Wall. It was a famous and well loved landmark, and had even (I believe) appeared in films.

It wasn't on a road, so one has to presume that the 16 year old had taken a car or quad bike up to the location. He would have needed quite a large chainsaw to fell the tree which would have been too heavy to carry.

Regular readers may remember that another idiot took an axe to one of the trees in the park where I go daily with Billy. I'm pleased to say that it is healing well and no permanent damage was done (other than a scar). In this case, however, a famous landmark has been totally destroyed. It's possible that it may sprout again from the stump, but it is doubtful.

This idiot of a boy has had his few minutes of fame, and will no doubt spend a while in prison to contemplate his folly. What makes someone do such things is a mystery, I imagine he has no aim or purpose in life and he was making a statement in the only way he knew how. However, there are other ways such lost souls can express themselves which don't involve destruction. It's a pity that no-one had pointed him in the right direction.



  1. We saw it on the News here. It looked to have been expertly cut down. If it was this teenager he knew what he was doing but I don't know why he would have done it.

    1. I was thinking the same that it looked as if it was a clean cut. If the teenager has done it the consequences will be with himnegatively for life.What a shame.

  2. I saw it on the news and in the newspaper. It was in a scene in the movie Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. I said to myself was that in Robin Hood? Thanks for the update.

  3. A senseless and wanton act most likely done impulsively as a way to get some point across and just didn't think how bad an idea it was to do this horribly mind numbing thing. Such a shocking action that can never be undone and probably could have been avoided if someone had listened to what the perpetrator felt was important to them. Often the person doing this sort of thing has person issues and needs serious help or did it on a dare to acheive a personal agenda such as joining a gang. Never is it something as simple as being drunk and acting stupid. My fraternity had many years ago honored brothers who had performed outstanding philantropic acts within the local community. Trees were planted as a long lasting memorial to these men and a way to help the environment. They were just reaching their maturity and were in excellent condition having been looked after by a brother who was an arborist. One morning I received a frantic call from the local police that I was needed at the fraternity house as I was the managing trustee and lived nearby. Every tree had been cut down using cordless chainsaw that had made very little noise. The person who did the deed had covered his face with a balaclava thinking he would not be caught. Grown men and women cried for the trees that had been cut down. Thirty trees in total ranging in age of 70 to 10 years. The original 20 were 70 plus years old and the other 10 added over the years. Grown men and women cried at the sight of the destruction. The person cut the trees down was cut. He was a 21 year old student and member of a nearby rival fraternity. The young man said he did it because a brother in our fraternity house had stolen his girl friend from him and he wanted revenge. It was a senseless wanton act. He had broken into the work trailer of the landscaping crew and "borrowed" the chain saw . The judge who heard the case passed judgement and required the young man to pay for the cost of removal of the trees and the stumps and the planting of new trees of considerable size and quality. Estimated cost was 1.5 million US Dollars. To date he has paid 10 thousand dollars and says it will be a cold day in hell before he pays a penny more.

    This destruction you show here today will never be fully compensated for. We can only hope that suckers arise from the stump and can be grafted to new root stock and something wonderful like that take place.

    It's always something isn't it. When will we ever learned to live in peace? It will never be in our life times will it Cro?

    1. Sometimes I totally despair. A friend planted a tree in the churchyard in memory of her son who had sadly died far too young. Some idiot broke the trunk for fun. These things happen all the time.

  4. Apparently a man in his sixties has now been arrested in connection with this.

  5. That is actually quite a feat for a single person. He must be a pretty strong and fit 16 year old. Whatever his reasons I'm sorry but nothing justifies that action.

  6. Yep, a 60 year old has been arrested. The boy is out on bail.

    1. A 60 year old should know better. I wonder if it was on his land and he was fed-up with all the tourists. I can't think of any other reason.

    2. Possibly someone fed up, Cro. When I was walking there, I didn't quite reach the tree along the wall. As I left the car park I realised I hadn't take a photo. The road is long and straight with not much traffic, so with a zoom I could get the photo. I stopped briefly with two wheels on the grass verge. Jumped out, pointed the camera, clicked, and got back in the car. I saw a tractor approaching on my side and managed to get moving out of his way. The angry blast on his horn was long and continuous. I guess he was riled. I was worried that he might follow me so I pulled into a minor road to get away.

    3. Hooting like that is unnecessary. I can understand farmers being annoyed by people walking on their land, but they can still be polite.

  7. Did he, and the 60 year old man, do it out of spite or for their 15 minutes of fame? Perhaps they can reflect on their gross stupidity during their long spell in prison - or psychiatric hospital.

    1. I do hope they are dealt-with correctly, and not just given a slap on the wrist as so often happens.

  8. Why would someone want to cut this tree down?
    Is it random? Regardless of the motivation, I'm glad the offenders were caught.

    1. No doubt the thinking will be revealed in time, but I doubt if it'll receive any sympathy.

  9. Makes me wonder why? A few years ago someone set fire to the oldest tree in Florida.

    1. Proof that there are nutters the world over!

    2. p.s. Do you live in Washington? My wife was at school in Bethesda Washington DC.

  10. The 16 year old has posted videos and photographs on tiktok, all of him posing with the trees he's cut down, for fun!
    However, there's no way on earth that he could have cut the tree down without help!

    1. I own, and use, quite a big chainsaw, and I would never tackle a job like that. I would need a pro.
