Thursday 28 September 2023


I don't know what the weather is like where you live, but here it's been quite good.

I still haven't needed to wear my Barbour or gumboots, in fact I've been wearing just shorts and T shirt every day since we got back three weeks ago. We have been promised rain, and storms, but neither have materialised other than some light overnight drizzle. 

We have beautiful Roses in front of, and behind, the house, and my vine is full of grapes; whether these will ripen to become edible is anyone's guess. Most days have been sunny, and we've had our big dining room doors permanently open during daytime, as well as the new big bedroom window open at nights.

My forecaster is predicting daytime temperatures up to 20 C for the next week or so, and no rain. And people are still swimming in a reasonably warm sea (not me).

I am not delusional; I do know that some nasty weather is bound to come our way before too long, but the Winter before last was very dry and mild and I'm hoping that that will be repeated again this Winter.

Yesterday I needed to do some shopping and as usual I went in shorts and T shirt. I noticed at once that the majority of people were wrapped in Winter weather clothes. They had foolishly watched the TV weather forecast which had been 100% wrong. 

Hurricane Agnes failed to arrive, other than a stiff breeze. Never believe forecasters.



  1. Good to hear you are still getting warm weather.

    1. Yes, really quite nice here; still in shorts and T shirt.

  2. Oh Agnes did arrive!! We are rather wet and wind battered...

    1. I think it must have stayed to the North and West of Romford.

  3. Warm and wet here. Our garden is loving it too. We've had two bad storms in the last month but just got the edge of both

    1. We've had a tiny bit of rain. Back in our village in France they've had quite violent storms, with trees down etc. We've been lucky.

  4. Beautiful weather in Norfolk. 20C all week. Don't watch weather so don't know what you are talking about storm wise.

  5. Storm Agnes left us alone along the south coast, we had just a breezy day yesterday, our garden is still happy.

    1. I went for my early dog-walk this morning in T shirt. It was about 15 C and slightly breezy, but I'm now seeing some people wearing winter coats, and others like me wearing the minimum. People seem confused.

  6. Agnes paid us a visit last night. She's a bit of a wild girl that one.

  7. Hurricane Agnes was supposed to arrive with us last night here in the Hebrides. The ferries have been on alert for over a week in fact but the winds in The Minch have been nothing more than Force 5 or 6. Walk in the woods weather!

    1. I'd join you in the woods. Are there mushrooms? In France they are finding Girolles after quite heavy rains.

  8. I listen to the weather forecast but if I have goosebumps and am headed towards the city I will wear my winter parka since it is usually colder there and I'd rather get a bit too warm in my parka than shiver all day.

    1. I'm the opposite. I'd rather be cooler than too hot.

  9. That's the trouble with weather forecasts, not always right and not always wrong.
    I think they go on with warnings so much in order that we can't say that we weren't prepared!

  10. You referred to your T-shirt. I imagine that it is emblazoned with a slogan - "STOP OIL!". Correct me if I am wrong.

    1. All my T shirts are black without slogans or advertising. But you knew that!

  11. That rose is aa beauty - has she a name?
    Agnes has faintly stirred the trees here and the odd fluttery shower - that's all.

  12. Cro - going back to hav a second look at the rose I noticed a small plant with pink flowers creeping underneath. The same is creeping along in the space between path and bungalow - a wild flower I am sure - any idea what it is? The nearest I have got so far is it might be in the Polygonum family.

    1. I should have taken the photo two days earlier, it was really beautiful. It suddenly flowered again.

    2. p.s I don't remember its name, I should have kept the label.

  13. That's a lovely rose. We're having cool, cloudy days here which feel heavenly after the heat and humidity of summer.

    1. It has a beautiful scent too. Yes I'm not keen on very hot weather, cooler suits me fine too.

  14. Our temps have been much the same as yours. Perfect sleeping weather. Yesterday I did wear a sweater owing to the cool breeze. This is the season of distrust. I have a sweater in the car for sudden changes in the weather.

    1. I keep a fold-up brolly in the car 'just in case'.

  15. You really can't trust weather reports can you! With all the latest technology to hand you would think that they would occasionally get it right.
    17ºC early this morning, perfect dog-walking weather. It's a sunny 26º now, with a high of 28º later this afternoon.

    1. It's 17 C here this afternoon. I have nothing against that. It's 30 C back in our French village.

  16. It cooled off a bit here in the Washington DC area, long sleeves a couple of days.

  17. Its been depressing here in Chester County Pennsylvania USA. Nothing but rain for the last week. Dreary and cool, which I actually like but not for extended periods. And the hummingbirds have left to migrate south which saddens me.

    1. Back in France we always used to see the Cranes heading South for the Winter. It was strangely emotional seeing, and hearing, them as they flew very high up. It signalled a season change.

  18. Your mild weather sounds terrific. We are cool at night (with some frost) and mild and sunny for the day. This would be perfect year around.

    1. Mild and sunny sounds nice, but the frost doesn't. I hope it'll be a while yet before we see any frost.
