Saturday 13 May 2023

Would you stay in an all black hotel room? Interior Design Masters - BBC

I don't watch interior design shows on TV, although I have to admit to having occasionally watched (with horror) as Llewelyn-Bowen ruined peoples interiors in 'Changing Rooms' back in the late 90's. Almost as embarrassing as Alan Titchmarsh's 'surprise' make-over of Nelson Mandela's garden in S Africa.

The current TV show of a similar ilk is 'Interior Design Matters' with Alan Carr and one of my close neighbours, the lovely Michelle Ogundelin, who is a Judge on the show (and has more Sparrows in her garden than anyone I know). I have never actually watched her show!

Michelle comes in at around 2.20 mins.

TV is pretty dire at the moment. There are far too many shows about how to buy things, do them up, and flog them (hopefully) for a profit.

This involves everything from homes bought at auction, trinkets bought at Boot Sales, junk bought from farmyard barns, and even old cars imported from the US (where apparently they have less rust). 

We are living through an age of 'reality TV'. We have sewing competitions, jewellery making competitions, cooking competitions, drag-queen-make-up competitions, survival competitions, interior design competitions, singing competitions, and even 'dating' competitions. Sadly no-one has yet taken-up my idea of a 'Celebrity Bomb Disposal' competition. 

p.s. I rather liked the all black hotel room, although I would have preferred to see an open fire, ready laid with dark polished logs!


  1. I really like that room so much! I have touches of black in my bedroom, but being a rental place I don't think I'd be allowed to paint the walls black and wouldn't want to anyway, but I would like a darker colour than the "housing commission cream" I now have.

    1. I don't see why they were all so dismissive of the black. I thought it looked very good.

  2. In the video the newly painted walls appear more like slate grey, which is actually a popular colour for just a fireplace feature wall, something I repaint about every 2 yrs.
    Not sure that I'd want to paint a whole room in black or dark grey. I find brighter colours open up a room where as dark ones do the opposite.

    1. It's a bedroom, so it seems quite apt to me. I don't think I'd want it my own home, but for an overnight stay it would be OK.

  3. Too depressing, I find battleship grey bad enough!

    1. You'd be too fast asleep to find it depressing. Maybe in the morning.....

  4. I like it, but it definitely needs to be a huge, room with big windows to carry it off successfully.

  5. I do so agree about dire TV Cro. Love Clive Myrie in Italy have watched every one and shall probably watch the whole lot again on iplayer. I have also watched all the shortened versions of Michael Palin's travels which he has introduced on BBC4 - they are so watchable, Although I love my garden and love to feast my ageing eyes on Monty Don, I am a bit tired of Gardener's World. But so many soaps - ugh!

    1. I caught the tail end of the Myrie show recently. It did look interesting, and he came across as a very likeable person.

  6. As they said"he has met the brief and exceeded it"
    A beautiful and relaxing room. Real greenery giving a link to the nature outside.

    1. I found the end result very 'cosy', which is exactly what you want for an overnight hotel stay.

  7. The rooms at the Hotel Geysir are dark, black, dark browns, with a big bay window at the far end. I rather liked it, but it really needed just a little better lighting. I like this one. I wouldn't live with it at home, but a nice hotel room.

    1. That was my thought too, nice for an overnight stay, but not for chez moi!

  8. I also like a black room with large windows letting natural light inside and a beautiful view of the outdoors. The key is to also have great lighting. A couple large exotic plants add to the atmosphere as well.

    1. I wonder if he won? I presume it was a competition.

  9. Well, if it's only for one night and I'd hopefully have my eyes closed most of the time, it wouldn't be too bad - more of a novelty. These days I don't watch the design programmes but remember often watching "Changing Rooms" - just to see what a mess the so-called designers made.
    At most I watch two hours TV in the evening and, like Weaver, watch re-runs of Michael Palin's travels, and follow Clive Myrie's Italian trip. Have you watched Francesco da Mosta's (I think that's his name) "Italy from Top to Toe", also old repeats, on BBC4?

    1. 'Changing rooms' was dreadful. I don't watch much TV either. I did try to watch the Eurovision thing last night, but gave up after the first few awful songs.
