Sunday 14 May 2023


Forget the heat of Summer and the cold of Winter, there are no better seasons than Spring and Autumn.

All around us there is new life, whether it be birds nesting in the trees, or Fox cubs playing in the long grass. 

The Daffs and Tulips are now over and we have Lilac and Bluebells instead. Most trees are greening-up, and temperatures are rising by the day. At lunchtimes, office workers lie on the grass to eat their McLunches.

I have now planted my six Cavolo Nero plants, and my two Tomato plants (Tumbler); and I've noticed that my vine (Black Hamburg) has lots of flower. My fingers are crossed for a bumper harvest this Autumn!!

Weather-wise, we continue to be threatened with heavy rain, but all we get is sunshine and warnings of hosepipe bans.

In front of the house we have two Apple trees. One (below) is covered with flowers, the other has nothing. I think our gardener was a tad over-enthusiastic with his pruning last September.



  1. I love spring as long as I can stay inside away from all the pollens. Autumn ditto, except the problem then is moulds from garden mulches breaking down. It all looks beautiful though. I hope you get that bumper crop :)

    1. I don't usually suffer from pollen, but just the other day I did SNEEZE whilst out walking the dog, then saw that the 'pollen count' was extremely high. Our bumper crop will very likely be a small one, but it will feel like success.

  2. I wouldn't be as polite as to call that pruning!!

    1. He cut the whole top 3 feet off whilst we weren't looking (where all the fruit grew).

    2. It looks as if the tree is still trying, with all that blossom..still looks rather butchered though.
      Strict pruning directions from now on!!

    3. The other one is worse. He just cut the whole top off, like a haircut.

  3. You seem so filled with the joys of spring that I can picture you skipping down the street singing, "Tra-lee-tra-la!"

    1. You have pictured it perfectly. I'm just surprised that you can't hear us all that way up in Yorkshire.

  4. Sorry about the tree haircut - maybe it will be doubly prolific next year.

    1. I hope so, I don't know why he pruned it so dramatically; perhaps he thought it spoilt our view.

  5. The intensity of green has settled in here.

    1. I do like to see everything green again. It lifts the spirit.

  6. The warmth and sunshine of Spring is wonderful. Your apple tree will need a year or two to recover. The gardener should leave tree pruning to someone else.

    1. He should have left it alone, it didn't need pruning. As it's a communal tree maybe someone complained that we were having too many of the apples!

  7. Spring is beautiful. Theyve started strimming the road edges here but haven't reached us yet. Wonderful colour. And a lot of pollen this year. It's the first time I've noticed a layer on the windscreen. Thank goodness we are not allergic.

    1. In France we live in an area where most trees are Pines, and the pollen at this time of year is terrific. It covers everything.

  8. Everything is in bloom here as well. I do love the smell of lilacs.

    1. I tried to scrump some the other day (from the nearby school), but they were just out of reach.
