Friday 12 May 2023

5,000 Glorious Postings.


My dear old Cro.

I was delighted to see that you have reached your 5,000th blog posting today. As you know I read it every morning at breakfast. Well done you old devil.

I'm sorry that Mummy isn't here to witness this great occasion; she always said how much she enjoyed reading your daily ramblings. She would often quote passages at me as we tucked into our 'Royal Appointment Breakfast Cereal'; btw, I found a plastic smurf this morning.

It's been pretty hectic here recently, what with my crowning, coping with Harry's visit, et al. It was good to see you at The Abbey, if only briefly. Why didn't you come to the shin-dig afterwards? Did you have a prior engagement?

You really must come up to Buckers some time soon, and meet the new 'Queen'. She loves her new title, and tells the dogs to curtsey when she gives them their treats every morning. They're still getting used to the idea.

Life hasn't changed too much since they placed that frightfully heavy crown on my head. I did notice a few Moaning Minnies hanging around the road-sides with placards, but I expect they'll soon forget what they were moaning about; providing they knew in the first place. Ha ha.

On a more serious note, how would you like some sort of gong for all your blogging efforts? I could do you a Knighthood, or would you prefer to be a Lord or something? Do think about it, and let me know.

Well old chap. Again I send you our congratulations (The Queen has just shouted to include her in my best wishes). We must catch-up very soon. Come and look at my crown; you'd like it. I might even let you try it on.

All the best to both you and Lady M (The Queen says to include Billy).

Your good friend King Charlie xx.



  1. Congrats on 5,000. That's many years of consistent blogging . Hope you accept the offer of a title. Lord and Lady Cro, and Billy. Most impressive. Maybe you could take over the Duchy of Sussex, one day soon.

    1. Now, there's an idea. Cro, Duke of Sussex. Although I think the title is a bit 'tainted' nowadays.

  2. Lord Brighton would be good perhaps.
    And well done on the 5000th post

    1. I think that boxer Chris Eubanks already owns that title.

  3. greetings .One thing the queen mother of the king and I have in common, we both read (she read) your blog every morning.

    1. You must both be related. Very good taste anyway!

  4. Well done Cro! It's a good job you didn't have to write all 5,000 in longhand with a fountain pen....

  5. Ha-ha! Love it Crozier! And many congratulations on churning out 5000 blogposts! Where do all these ideas spring from and could the reservoir ever dry up?

    1. I may need to recycle, but not quite yet.

  6. Do we need to bow as we open the blog?

  7. Congrats Cro, 5,000 posts are many words indeed. Well done. I'm delighted that, just like Charlie III, I too enjoy your blog each day with my first cuppa. I shall now include a curtsy. X

    1. Thank you C. I shall try to picture you curtsying each morning.

  8. Wow! 5000 posts....that's a LOT. All you daily writers put my sad little blog to shame. Congratulations Sir Cro!

    1. Don't you believe that, we're all crazy fanatics!

  9. Congrats on 5,000, and Lord something-or-other would be a fun title.

    1. Lord Something-or-Other sounds just fine.

  10. All Hail Lord Cro. Congratulations on your latest of many achievements. Looking good.

    1. I only spotted it a few days ago, I might have missed the great occasion.

  11. You certainly travel in lofty circles. I'd probably request knighthood. Sir Cro of Brighton, special envoy to France.

  12. Love it Cro, congratulations and well done!
