Sunday 1 January 2023

RIP's of 2022.

My annual review of the year's losses will be very brief this time, as there were only two deaths that had any serious significance for me.

Firstly, of course, is that of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A giant amongst us, whose like will never be seen again. 

And secondly is my good friend Sue who died unexpectedly at far too young an age. She was quiet, unassuming, hugely talented, and beautiful. A very rare combination.

May they both now rest in peace in the knowledge that they were greatly loved, and will continue to be greatly missed by all who knew them.


  1. I always find NYE a very sad time and a bit daunting as we bring in a New Year but we don't know what is ahead of us. It is a time to reflect and think of those who are no longer with us. Elizabeth 11's passing was a major moment. We all knew it was imminent but didn't really think it would ever happen even though we knew it would. She will never be surpassed.
    ..... and, it's so hard when we lose a good friend, even more so at such a young age.Sue looks so young and happy in that photograph and they must be your memories of her.
    Wishing you, Lady M and all of your family a wonderful 2023. Many, many thanks for your blogging friendship Cro and I look forward to more of the same in the coming year. Lots of love. XXXX

    1. I really miss knowing that HM is no longer with us. She been there all my life, and it seems strange without her. The loss of our friend Sue was simply a tragedy.

  2. I think we all knew HM couldn't last for ever but with her usual good grace she kept going to the very end I am sure we all have our sadnesses to bear but life has to go on and let's hope 2023 is a better one.

    1. We somehow knew that she wouldn't see another Christmas, and it proved to be so. What a wonderful woman she was.

  3. My younger brother Simon died on the hottest day of the year. He was only 66. Of course, that is the death that meant the most to me though the passing of our beloved queen came a close second.

    1. I'm very sorry to hear that YP. Was his death heat related? I know that several people in France died of 'heatstroke'. We had a few days that were horrendous.

  4. No - it was cancer of both the trachea and the oesophagus due to a lifetime of smoking. The fact that he died on the hottest day was purely co-incidental. He was in The Princess Diana Suite at Dove House Hospice in Hull.

    1. The heat probably didn't help.

    2. His hospice room was very cool - like a cave in a mountainside.

  5. I am sorry about the Queen, Meatloaf, Angela Lansbury, Viv Westwood, Olivia N-J, Robbie Coltrane, but I lost my mum this year and that eclipsed all of them.

    1. Last year. Haven't got used to the date change yet.

    2. Nothing comes close to the grief of losing your own mother. Very sorry for you, xx

  6. My own Mum had Leukaemia, and we all knew her days were numbered. When she died, I just accepted it and got on with sorting everything out, which, as an only child, all fell to me.
    Three weeks later though, I just collapsed in tears one afternoon, and didn't stop crying for four days. I'd suddenly realised that I'd never see or hear her again!
    I still get quite emotional thinking about the Queen though, she was a bit like my mum number 2, they were born two weeks apart, my mum was the eldest, and both were named Elizabeth.
    How can you be so attached to someone you had never, and more than likely, would never meet?

    1. And her mother 'The Queen Mum' was like everyone's grandmother. It's strange that someone we never met could have such an effect on us all. She was always there for me, although I never really needed her. RIP.

  7. Loss of important people in our lives is hard. They will live on in our hearts and minds. Yet, their presence is missed.

    1. The two above will not be forgotten, that's for sure.

  8. Good getting to know you this year.

    1. And you Gemma. I don't know if you have your own page, as your profile page is empty.

  9. I am going to miss Queen Elizabeth, there will be no more newspaper or television stories about where she is and what she is doing. I liked her. I'm thinking back over the year, I don't recall a single friend or family member passing away. Not even amongst the in-laws.

    1. They also said exactly what she was wearing; colour, hat, etc. They never did that with Philip or Charles.

  10. No, sir. I read. Don't care to write one.
