Saturday 31 December 2022

Cro's Review of 2022.


A very short review this year.

2022 started very quietly for the Magnons. Winter was mild, Spring was mild, then at the end of May we headed south for our home in France. 

Summer was as all Summers should be; hot, dry, and with plenty of BBQ's, swimming, etc. With our only being allowed three post-Brexit months in France each year (which is plenty) at the end of August, after a lovely Summer, we returned to Blighty. 

However, a true nightmare was about to happen.

It seemed as if everything that could possibly have gone wrong on our return journey; did. We broke down in the middle of Rouen, and the car was eventually scrapped. We were saved by the totally selfless actions of oldest son Kimbo, who booked us a hotel, drove and sailed through the night, and returned us (and a car-full of belongings and Billy) to Brighton the following day. 

I cannot tell you the relief we felt when looking out of our Dieppe hotel window the following morning, and seeing his car there. Without him I don't know what we would have done. He was a total hero!

We quickly settled back into life in Brighton. Putin's horrible invasion of Ukraine occupied most of the news, and anti-oil 'Wokery' became rampant with the silliest of protests receiving headline status. People glued themselves to everything imaginable, threw tomato soup at well-known paintings, and blocked motorways. In fact they made a right bloody nuisance of themselves anywhere and everywhere. Someone soon has to say "Enough is enough".

We seemed to have a sudden flurry of Prime Ministers. First Boris quit over having held meetings during his own enforced Covid lockdown, then over-hyped Liz Truss made an awful mess of her mini-Budget and was booted out, then finally Rishi came along and things settled. I had championed Rishi back in June, but my advice was ignored. It's good to see him now having his chance, he's a very bright boy.

How Sir Keir Starmer managed to avoid prosecution over his beer-swilling knees-up in Durham during lockdown is anyone's guess, but I suppose as he was recently head of The Crown Prosecution Service, he might have had some influence. Ahem!

In amongst all this mess, our beloved Queen died, and King Charles took the reins. The change-over has been reasonably seamless, I wonder if Charles feels like a 'King' yet? He will!

However, the most momentous event of 2022 for me personally was the purchase and use of a walking cane. With Sciatica, dodgy hips, and an even more troublesome right knee, I now feel steadier on my feet with a stick. It seems like a rite of passage, but not a good one. This (below) is what the future holds.

All in all it's been another reasonably quiet year for the Magnons. We are less centrally-heated than usual, but are still solvent, still Covid-free, Flu-free, and still enjoying life.

Labour and their Union Boss paymasters have done their best to ruin Christmas. We've had the postal workers on strike, the train drivers, the nurses, barristers, university lecturers, school teachers, firefighters, London bus drivers, ambulance drivers, and civil servants (I may have missed some). Even the driving test examiners joined-in. All supported by Labour of course. If lots of these strikers lose their jobs over all this political nonsense, I shall not be shedding tears.

So how does 2022 end for UK Plc? I will leave you with this one picture which explains all.

May I wish you all an extremely happy, and hopefully strike-free 2023. Cro xx 


  1. As you say, that last headline sums up the sheer incompetence of so much of government and public sector workers and management. A dose of the Regan treatment of US air traffic controllers back in the eighties is called for I think, starting with the 650 incumbents of the House of Commons.

    1. Time for a return to 'Common Sense' politics. We need an Action Man.

  2. That last paragraph and photo requires Richard Wilson in his Meldrew role to pop up and say.....
    "I don't believe it!"
    Or you saying it in a Victor Meldrew fashion.... I often picture you as Victor..............
    Happy New Year for 2023....
    Meilleurs vœux, bonne année et bonne santé... Surtout une bonne santé

    1. I certainly agree with your final sentiments, whenever I have a 'wish' it's always for that.

      What! Me, Victor Meldrew? I don't believe it!!!

  3. Well, that was a year best left to slip from one's memory.
    Here's to a brighter, happier and healthy 2023.

    1. Not the best of years, but we're still alive and solvent. Can't be bad.

  4. Happy new year Cro. There is no place in the world where there was only good this year. May it not be worse.

    1. Sadly that is so. As long as Putin and the other Communist leaders, behave themselves, we should be OK.

  5. Makes you wonder about HR processes in the Border Force.

    1. Border Force has become a Taxi Service for illegals, and the country has become a Meal Ticket. How many times have we warned them!

  6. Happy New Year to you, your family and Billy and your readers. Hope 2023 is a better year for all.

    1. It really hasn't been a good year and today, on its last day, the weather is absolutely foul.

  7. The BBC got what it wanted, Boris Johnson out, leaving it with no viewers and no listeners except those who worship at the same altar and everybody else gone and the country in a mess for Sunak to sort. Long live Netflix and Prime. The barristers can only be the state employed ones, news to me they had been on strike, must have led to more court case chaos and backlog in the criminal courts, more time on remand, more prisoners. Happy New Year.

    1. Striking never leads to any long term benefit, it's about time that the 'sheep' understood that.

  8. I wonder what the opposite of "rose tinted glasses" might be because you seem to put them on whenever you look at The Labour Party, legitimate protesters and indeed the ordinary working people of this country. It's nice to see that Labour is still way out ahead in the opinion polls as we move into the new year. Happy New Year to you and yours - especially KImbo for directing "Rescue from Rouen".

    1. If indeed they are ahead, and if they do win the next election, be prepared for high unemployment and high taxes, as usual. No, YP, if you're thinking of the interests of the 'working people' you'd have to vote Tory. They support low unemployment and getting on with the job.

  9. Happy New Year to you and Lady M. May 2023 bring blue skies, good wine and close family visits

    1. I'd go along with that. Some better legs would be nice too,.

  10. Happy New Year to you, Lady M and Billy and your readers. May 2023 be happy and healthy for all.

    1. Oops, I seem to have left my comment twice. Sorry about that, don't know how that happened!

  11. Happy New Year Cro and Lady M, hope it will be a better one for you

    1. It couldn't get worse than our trip north in September, it was a nightmare.

  12. As to 2022, to quote sages: "What a long, strange trip it's been."

  13. Happy New Year to you and Lady M and Billy. Wishing you a smooth journey back to the cottage in the summer. x

    1. I think the new car will do the job. 190k's versus 30k's; she's a spring chicken.

  14. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  15. It hasn't been the best of years, but it could have been a whole lot worse, I suppose!

    Thank you for another year of friendship, Cro! Your blog is one of my daily reads even if I don't always have a chance to leave a comment.

    Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year to you and your family!


    1. Thank you Jennifer. I hope all goes well for you this (new) year. xx

  16. Wishing you a healthy and happy new year cro xx

    1. Thank you John. And I hope you find what you're looking for; you deserve it.

  17. Cro, if I had to say what I've learned since 2020... it's been that 'common sense' is not so common. Beyond that - I too am glad to still be here. Happy 2023!!

    1. I feel that that 'Common Sense' is being hidden on purpose, people are too afraid of saying, or doing, the right things.

  18. A strike-free 2023 would be grand, but it probably won't happen. An end to wars and freedom for Ukraine would be good too. Overall you've had quite an eventful year and I hope 2023 is smoother sailing for both of you and Billy too.

    1. I'm afraid that the Socialists use striking as a political tool, so the nearer we get here to a general election the more strikes we'll see. It's all they have. We have got used to it.

  19. A Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous New Year to you, Lady M, all the family - and of course Billy!
