Monday 2 January 2023

Happy New Year in Paris, the immigrants are taking down the city

People often have a very particular view of foreign countries. I'm not sure where this person comes from; Japan, China, maybe? He is picking his subjects very selectively, and is careful to illustrate with shocking images, but not all of Europe is like this.

However, he does make some honest points; points that we cannot ignore. Much of Europe (and especially France) is in a right bloody mess, and can no longer mend itself; it's simply impossible. The West has given in to irresponsible Wokey PC demands, and, as predicted, it has all gone, or is going, very wrong. 

The much maligned Enoch Powell once made an apocalyptic reference to what might happen. The words 'Rivers of Blood' didn't actually appear in his famous 'Birmingham speech', but he did make reference to Virgil, when he quoted "as I look ahead I am filled with foreboding, like the Roman I seem to see The River Tiber with much blood". People will remember that Powell was vilified!

Many of the more 'exotic' communities around Paris celebrate the New Year (and any other event) by destroying and burning cars. People await patiently for the tally to see if the number of burnt-out cars exceeds that of the previous year. It is their way of saying "Thank you" for the asylum they were granted.

If they win Football they burn, if they loose Football they burn, if it's a Sunday they burn, if it's their birthday they burn, if Macron says something sensible; of course, they burn again. It has become their raison d'etre. Maybe it reminds them of 'home'.

I haven't yet seen the recent figures for New Year burnings, but with all the anger (and elation) about, I quite expect they will be HIGH. This (below) was their practice run at Christmas.

France was a very very different place when I first moved there in 1973. A few years later other nationalities moved there in their droves to find safety and prosperity, but now they bite the hand that feeds them. It's a funny old world!


  1. This is indeed a sad and even shocking video. Hard to believe all this is happening.

    1. All too common I'm afraid. They try to keep it quiet, but the foreign press usually get hold of the stories.

  2. Enoch Powell was a much maligned politician, I first came across him as the guest speaker at my school Founders Day one year in the 1960s. Any speaker, particularly a politician, who can keep nearly 600 schoolkids quietly spellbound on a hot Saturday morning in May has to be respected,and this is just what Powell did for nearly an hour. I have never heard a more powerful orator in the past 50+ years.

    1. I used to work with John Biffin, and it was always said that he and Powell were the two great intellectuals of The House of Commons. His reputation as some awful racist certainly wasn't warranted. The Left make the best out of anything.

    2. I recall reading somewhere that Powell wrote a "history" of WW2 very early on in the war, and about the only detail he got wrong was not forecasting the atomic bombs on Japan. Certainly he did not warrant the abuse directed at him at the time.

    3. I think he should have stayed in academia and a professorship at Oxford or Cambridge in the 1960s/70s would have given him a significant voice, especially if he been at Oxford amongst the Thatcher haters.

  3. I suppose they had cleared up after 1968 when you arrived.

  4. The world I grew up in seems very different from the one I inhabit today. The prospect of 2023 does not fill my heart with hope.

    1. I agree, things don't look good. There are serious changes going on in the world that will probably affect all of us in time.

  5. Cro, I'm seeing these real stories every day on my Twitter feed, something I suspect you don't bother with.
    The platform shows what's really going on around Europe and the rest of the world, News items that our disgraceful BBC won't dare show. And yet they call themselves a News service....(Excuse me while I laugh).

    Even during the recent Football World Cup, Central London got trashed by Moroccan fans each time their team played. But their appalling destruction of our Capital was brushed under the carpet by our useless mainstream News outlets.
    And the Moroccans seemingly beat and fended off our inept Police Force. But if it was our own English fans on the rampage, then the horses, batons and water cannons would have been brought out.
    It seems that Europe's foreign and often illegal guests are a protected species.

    1. They ARE a protected species as they are in France, where back in '96, 751 areas around Paris were designated 'Zones Urbaines Sensibles', in other words 'no-go areas'. Police don't enter, and tourists are advised to keep well clear. That is the truth of the matter.

    2. Protected?? Why? WHY??? What makes them so special? They are people like all of us and should obey the laws of the lands they live in.

    3. Unfortunately they are NOT people like us. They riot with impunity, they slaughter animals in the street, and tell the police what they can and cannot do!

  6. I find it horrifying that people get away with this. Public safety should rule. Laws supporting public safety should be upheld.

    1. The way the Police handle different nationalities or ethnicities is very odd. I imagine the regulations come from 'on high', but all people should be treated equally.

    2. Say it as it is - it's political.

    3. Working toward the greater good for all should trump. When different rules apply to different people, you go down a slippery slope. I agree entirely, all people should be treated equally. Making this political, ensures the power is held by they status quo. Chaos continues. I see the pattern here.

  7. The figures are now in. Just 690 cars were torched, which is much lower than expected, Last year just over 1,300 were destroyed. I can't really see this as 'a good thing'; if one of those cars had been mine, I wouldn't be celebrating the reduction.

  8. Burning and burning and burning? not to mention smashing the bus shelters and other things. WHAT THE HECK is WRONG with these people??? Governments need to stand up and stamp down on these behaviours. It's gone too far already in favour of the criminals.

  9. Has any country got the guts to revoke the asylum granted to these vandals, and send them back to where they came from? Of course they probably wouldn't have any cars to burn, so that would spoil their fun.

    1. The UK is still bound by EU 'Human Rights' laws, but not for long.
