Wednesday 30 November 2022

Biological Male Wins Beauty Pageant (The Life of Brian)

I'm throwing in the towel, burying my head in the sand, and in compliance with Pascal's Wager, I might as well simply become a liberal lefty wokey nut-job, and accept that I must 'move forward', and not live in the dark ages.

Has it really come to this? Has wokery gone uber-wuber-wokey-pokey-tastic? Sadly there are people actually being 'CANCELLED' for speaking-out AGAINST such nonsense as this.

I fear there's no going back now unless wokery itself sees its folly, and don't say I haven't been warning them!

And please (you know who you are) don't leave comments telling me that all this is OK and I'm being an old fogey. THIS IS ONLY JUST THE BEGINNING, and it's the fault of all those little dungaree-wearing woke Parrots who will do anything to damage normal society!


  1. It really is ridiculous. If a woman entered a beauty pageant with a figure like Brian's she wouldn't win. Those pageants are all about pretty faces and slim figures in gorgeous gowns and the whole idea of a beauty pageant is outdated in my opinion and they shouldn't be held anywhere anymore. I REALLY object to the ones with children, all those little girls with more make up and hairspray than a drag queen.

    1. I now suspect the commentator in the video was right when he said it was a 'joke'. It was probably all done for publicity. At least I hope so.

  2. "The Emperor has no clothes"
    I cannot believe that at least some of the camp followers don't see through this but don't have the guts of a JK Rowling to state the obvious?

    1. Telling truth has become the enemy of the woke brigade. I wonder how long it'll be before they wake up.

  3. I saw this last week, and it really annoys me, along with the trans swimmers and runners - people seem to have lost all common sense, or are afraid to speak up. There was money attached to winning this pagent, meant to help girls through college. I wonder what Brian (pronounced Bree-ann) will do with it.

    1. More frocks? More earrings? More understanding that he's a bloke?

  4. Cro, not for the first time do I wonder why you don't use your critical faculties (and "wisdom" garnered during a lifetime) for the really important questions of life and death instead of wasting your energy on trash.


    1. This is far from being a 'trash' issue, Ursula. There are serious issues involved regarding the erosion of women's rights.

    2. Here we go again!
      Ursula, will you please stop trying to tell people what they can and can't write on THEIR OWN blogs!

    3. Veg Artist, I understand where you are coming from. However, anyone who takes this sort of nonsense seriously has bigger issues than the "erosion of women's rights". It's a publicity stunt. That's all. And the only reason none of the serious press has given it any room.


    4. Col, don't get excited. I am not telling anyone what to write (or not) on their blog. I merely expected more from Cro than engaging in mindless tittle tattle like the above (non) story.


    5. Ursula, you have absolutely no idea "where I am coming from". I think you need to read a little more widely around the issues and think before you dismiss the views of others.

    6. I had hoped to avoid this type of ridiculous comment.

      Dear Ursula, if you really do think that the whole question of what makes a man or a woman, and their rights in society, is of no importance, then you are even more twisted than I'd imagined. This crazy wokery is trying to change the established laws of nature in exchange for some totally crazy whim of the extreme Left 'liberals'. You really should not be associating yourself with such nonsense.
      And do remember, I have absolutely nothing against anyone dressing as they wish, or changing their name, but taking part in Cycle races, swimming, and beauty pageants of the opposite sex, is simply WRONG.

    7. Cro, I am not "associating [myself] with such nonsense". Precisely because it is nonsense I wouldn't give a story like the above the time of day. Show me one man or woman, including a trans, who doesn't know that there is a difference between a man and a woman. To name but one: Upper arms strength (men's). Which is why swimming contests are now ridiculous.

      To lighten the mood, Cro: I have just been into town and, clearly, must have had your subject matter on my mind. It may be pure coincidence but I suddenly saw plenty of rather tall women(?) of impressive presence. The type one wouldn't like to piss off. You know, six footers with shoulders to match. Oh, my gosh, I thought to myself, did Cro send them just to show me the "real" world. The rather strange, not to say frightening, part that those samples weren't youngsters but "women" of advanced years. Where were they hiding before today?

      Wokery, my foot. You are barking up the wrong tree, dear Cro.

      Which reminds me, in the motherland, you know the one, where they call a spade a spade and not a fork, there was a rather unkind description of women of a certain build. They were, loosely translated, called "a man-woman", one of nature's little "jokes". Though my mother blamed in-breeding. If you want to know what's what look no further than my beautiful mother.


  5. Brian Nguyen (aged 19) is the ravishing beauty who won the title. He/she/they said, “No words can describe the feeling of having the opportunity to serve my community and represent my community for the very first time at Miss New Hampshire. I am so honored to be crowned your new Miss Greater Derry 2023, and I am thrilled to show you all what I have up my sleeves. This will be an amazing year.”
    What Brian has up his/her/their sleeves is bulging biceps with anchors tattooed on them.

    1. Along with the Sailors on whose biceps they're inked!!!

  6. Aaagh! Please tell me this is some sort of joke?

    1. No, unfortunately, it is not. It happened in New Hampshire within the Miss America organisation. Plenty of refs online!

    2. His fellow contestants all seem very happy about the result, so who knows. It could all be one big (very bad taste) joke.

    3. At the risk of making enemies, it's America.


  7. That's not even an attractive man, let alone a woman! X

    1. Perhaps a totally new pageant category should be established for people such as him.

  8. Cro and the Veg Artist sum up precisely how I feel about this situation, except I might add how discouraged and disappointed I am that it happened in my own state. The "Live Free or Die" motto for New Hampshire has been taken one step too far. Disgraceful.

    1. Like you Camille, I would be very annoyed if it had happened here; other than as a comedy club joke of course.

  9. Thank you Cro. It is not a joke. Children as young as five are being told they can choose their gender. This is where it begins, in the schools. Young teenagers are undergoing radical surgery to turn them into boys/girls. There are numerous videos where they realise that they have done the wrong thing and now want to detransition. It's a big money making business.

    1. It's a really horrible side of late 20th/early 21stC life. I do hope that governments will soon see sense and bring an end to it all. I have absolutely nothing against people wishing to dress how they feel they should, but putting confused children under the knife or drugs for the sake of some woke whim is outrageous.

  10. Turmoil in gender identity is outlandish. I notice, in sports, they now discover that gender at birth must determine whether you compete with men or women. Level playing field is newly key again. The pendulum swings.

    1. A very simple chromosome test should be enough.
