Thursday 1 December 2022


Looking at photos of all those modern tower bocks in Doha made me realise that I've never been up a building higher than around the third floor. 


  1. As part of a previous job I was involved in installing wireless network links between a number of locations, two of which were the rooves of 18 storey local authority tower blocks. I have to admit that the views from these heights across the Tyne valley were spectacular, and made me jealous of the residents with such views. I doubt that i would have been so happy when the lifts failed though.

    1. I do like to have some outdoor space, even if it's just our tiny patio here in Brighton. I would miss that in a high rise.

    2. It could have a balcony.

  2. I used to clean in a nine storey university block....I was very glad to get back down to earth!!

    1. And yet nine stories is quite modest. I imagine that some of the above are ten times that; or more.

  3. We have occasionally stayed in modern high rise hotels when travelling. The most memorable for me was our room on the 23rd floor of a hotel in Tokyo with a spectacular view of Mount Fuji from our bed. I wouldn't want to live that high though.

    1. My rare stays in hotels are usually no higher than second or third floor rooms.

  4. My son has an ambition to visit the tallest buildings in the world. He's done a few. One in Canada has an overhang with a glass floor...I wouldn't have coped with that.

    1. I think I'll stay with my feet near the ground; not that I suffer from vertigo.

  5. I have been up the CN Tower in Toronto....I could feel it moving!

    1. That sounds like fun. I always imagined that the really tall ones would sway a bit.

  6. I have been up so many towers ..... including the Twin Towers , The Empire State building, The Statue of Liberty I went in the crown of the Statue of Liberty .... I don't think you can do that anymore. The last bit to enter the crown, you had to go up a ladder !!!! and, obviously, the Twin Towers are no longer there } and others in New York and most of the towers in Italy !! The Shard, the top of St Pauls etc. etc ! I went in the golden ball in St Pauls and I'm not sure if you can do that anymore either ! }The views are amazing. XXXX

    1. We looked at the final sequence of Hitchcock's Saboteur movie in my class this week which took place in the crown of The Statue of Liberty! Coincidence. I gather it has now re-opened to visitors after a 2 year closure.

    2. I've just remembered that I have been to the top of the Eiffel Tower, but that's not exactly a 'skyscraper'.

  7. I have been to almost the very top of the Eiffel Tower, the level above the current viewing max. It swayed! Also climbed up to and around the outside of the dome of the Sacre Coeur.

    1. See above. I've also been very high-up in Ely Cathedral, but again not exactly a High Rise block.

  8. Just for the thrill of it, perhaps you should make a point of visiting the i360 Tower on Brighton seafront. Lady Magnon could hold your hand if you have become a cowardy custard.

    1. This has nothing to do with me being a coward or having vertigo, it's just that the occasion has never arisen. As for the i360; no thanks!

  9. I have been to the top of the Empire State Building. I remember most of all that it was very windy and cold out on the viewing platform. I don't remember much else about it. We visited the Twin Towers but didn't go to the top. I recall that it felt wrong to do so at the time because it was a working area of town so we stayed around the area at the base of the towers which was itself like another town. That was in the late 1970s. We then wandered back up Manhattan. It rained almost everyday we were in New York like a drizzle and everybody we met said they had never known such dreadful weather in New York.

    1. I've never had the need or opportunity to go to the top of a skyscraper. I suppose one day I should.

    2. I didn't particularly enjoy the experience of going up the Empire State Building, it just seemed the thing to do at the time. I remember the lift feeling like it wasn't moving as we came down.

  10. Interesting thinking about how high I've been compared to sea level. I'm laughing.
    Maybe 12th floor? Empire State building I've seen from across the street when shopping. I've heard skyscrapers can be felt to sway in strong winds. That makes them a no for me.

    1. I would quite like to go to the top of something very tall, but I wouldn't want to live there.

  11. I've watched The Towering Inferno and The Poseidon Adventure both convinced me to avoid skyscrapers and sea cruises!

    1. I've heard of both films, but not seen them. I tend to avoid disaster films.

  12. Ihave been up a few in America but can't say I have enjoyed the experience.

    1. We stay in a 'dog friendly' hotel on our way down to the cottage. Billy has now become quite used to going up two floors in the lift. I think he likes it.

  13. The views from a tall building are amazing. When I have guests from out-of-town, we go to the Top of The Hub, 52nd floor of the Prudential Tower in Boston, MA. The wonderful panoramic views are dreamy, especially at night while having dinner.

    1. I can imagine that being wonderful, as long as the restaurant doesn't sway too much.

  14. I bet the serfs don't live in buildings like that. Probably in mud brick abodes.
    We used to live in a sixth floor roof apartment in Piraeus. Don't think I've ever been higher and wouldn't want to. Boy did that building shake side to side in earthquakes!

    1. The native born Qatari's all receive monthly payments from the government, of between £2,000 and £6,000 depending on status. The immigrant workers have to earn their own.

  15. I am not a fan of high places. I've never really thought about it, but I suppose that I haven't been to the top of any monstrously huge building. Now that I AM thinking about it, I don't think I really care about it one way or the other. Happy to keep my feet on the ground!

    1. I'd happily go up one, but I can't see the opportunity arising.

  16. There are some awful monstrosities going up near to Hove Park, have you seen them? blocks and blocks of them.

    1. I've been watching them slowly appearing. I do my weekly shopping at Sainsbury's Hove, so have a good view of them, and the huge cranes, each time I pass.

  17. Looks like various parts of rocket ships.

    1. It's just those egotistical architects vying for attention.

  18. I used to get vertigo just standing on the top deck of the Brittany ferry. Needless to say I don't like skyscrapers.

    1. I've never felt the need to be anywhere near one, but that wouldn't put me off if I was invited.

  19. I’ve been in many skyscrapers , in New York, Pittsburgh, Seattle,
    The most beautiful
    The Chrysler building

    1. I couldn't agree more with John, the Chrysler building is just beautiful, both inside and out.
      However, the best view of the Chrysler is from the Observation Deck of the Empire State Building, from there it can be seen for the glorious creation that it is!
      However, the view of the Empire State Building from a window table in the Rainbow Room in the Rockefeller Centre is pretty damn good too! I cannot even bring myself to think about how much that night out cost, but it was worth it, a wonderful, unforgettable experience! X

    2. The Chrysler is the skyscraper by which all others should be judged. A wonderful building.

  20. I stayed a few days in The Park Hotel in Tokyo which occupies several floors of a skyscraper; the lobby is on floor 25 and the rooms are above. Fabulous views! But I did make a point to know where the stairwell was.

    1. And, or, where the parachutes are stored!!!

  21. They look quite futuristic in style. I've been higher than three floors, several of our city buildings are higher and when my brother had a contract job here his apartment was on the seventh floor with a nice view.

    1. If one likes that sort of thing, there are some amazing buildings around these days. Shanghai, Dubai, Qatar, are but a few. They make the rest of the world look very old fashioned.

  22. Yesterday I was on the 125th floor on the highest building in the world. No joke. We almost saw Doha from there.
