Tuesday 29 November 2022

A tale of two homes. Dreaming.

It was the best of times, and it was the best of times. Of course I love England, but there's a lot of France I love too. Both countries have their own version of 'best of times'.

With the bloody awful weather we're having at present, I find myself day-dreaming of France quite often.

Of course it would have to be in Summer, sunny, and with the pool water at around 26 C. I would be sipping a glass of Pétrus in the early evening with the prospect of throwing a big slab of Lamb on the BBQ a little later. 

We will, of course, eat outside under our covered auvent, where, after dark, I will turn on the 'fairy lights' that make it all so magical. Laughter and bonhomie fill the air, and the sound of Cicadas complete a picture of total contentment. 

However; here we are back in reality, stuck in the house for most of the day, only occasionally venturing out in the pouring rain to empty the dog, or visit a nearby shop to buy some essential ingredient.

We peer out of the front bay to watch the foolhardy battling to control their brollies or forcing themselves against the wind. We watch bits of tiresome Football games on TV in which we have no interest. We have both Lemon Drizzle cake AND a slice of Stollen with our afternoon cup of Lapsang, making us put on those inevitable 'lazy' extra pounds.

What a difference to last year when the sun shone almost every day, we had no rain, and the temperature remained above zero throughout the whole Winter.

I have just looked at the weather forecast, and it is predicting rain until Dec' 8th (it only goes that far ahead). I think I shall have to return to day-dreaming!


  1. And yet you are lucky to have two such wonderful places to decide between. I can understand the longing for the place where you lived for 40 years.

    1. I don't think it's particularly pleasant down there at the moment. But I can always dream.

  2. Swimming in pools is available in the UK.

    1. I suppose we could do what they do in Notting Hill, and dig-out a huge basement for an indoor pool. However, we don't really have the cash, and it would also end-up no bigger than a 'plunge pool'.

    2. In retirement things don't come to you , you have to go out and find them. Weather is just weather.

  3. My son is dreaming too. He is freezing in Canada, but dreaming of the beach in Mexico where he and his wife would normally be at this time of year. He sent me video last night. Lots of snow and a biting wind that blows down from the Arctic straight across Saskatewan.

    1. I'm not surprised he's dreaming of Mexico. I was a July baby, and winter weather doesn't suit me at all.

  4. It doesn't hurt to dream.
    I do it quite a lot.

  5. Rachel has a good point. You should try living in the Outer Hebrides! I laughed at you 'emptying the dog'.

  6. You have two wonderful homes. Each one has its pros and cons. Natural you'd dream of sunshine when it's raining, non stop. Enjoy your stollen and remember right now you've got real mince pies, good beer, lamb and close family

    1. We have Mince Pies in the fridge, waiting until we run out of Stollen.

  7. The trouble with France is that it is overwhelmed with French people who speak French.

    1. Live and let live; they make very good gardeners, electricians, and plumbers. When you can get them to do anything.

    2. There are two things I admire about the French - the invention of French cricket and those thin chips known as French fries.

  8. Makes one wonder why you are wintering in England?

    1. It's easy, Travel. Brexit threw a spanner into Cro's works. He now has to spend a certain amount of time in England as he is missing some paperwork which would allow him to stay in France non- stop. Not, of course, that he'd be swimming in his pool in France this minute. Too cold.

      To put it in my mother's words, loosely translated, and she occasionally addressed one of my siblings thus: "If you don't have something to complain about you don't feel alright, do you?" Well, that just about sums up Cro.


    2. If Ursula didn't write this rubbish I certainly wouldn't have anything to complain about!!!

    3. I thought you'd been generous and answered for me!

  9. I don't have two homes sadly and as I'm still working frontline NHS I've barely enough time to manage the one I have. But I know what you mean Cro, I think about the lovely places I love to visit often but I never think about them grey, foggy, drizzly and depressing. I think about them in the spring, summer, autumn or winter sunshine.

    1. Don't think we don't enjoy ourselves, but we'd enjoy ourselves much more with a bit of sunshine and warmth.

  10. To be honest I don't mind the cold so much it's the gloominess and short days I hate!

    1. I don't know where you are VC, but here on the UK's south coast it gets dark at about 4pm. Then not really light until 7am. Very depressing.

  11. Enjoy the warmth of the fire and comfort food and dream of the coming Summer in France ..... best of both worlds. XXXX

    1. No fire sadly Jacqueline, we'll have to content ourselves with the food and wine.

  12. Gloomy, wet and cold weather really puts a damper on things. When the sun shines, things immediately get better. I'd frame the photo of the pool in the sunshine and dream of Summer.

    1. The photo is the opening 'wallpaper' on my laptop, so I see it every day. I need that hint of summer.

  13. It is hard not to be restless when the weather stinks.

    1. It certainly stinks this year, especially when last winter was wonderful. We'd imagined we would have the same again. Alas.....

  14. What happened to Bright-on?
    A sunny day here in Holland today. Last month we had 5 days glorious weather in London. I didn't see the swimmingpool in Notting Hill. We did see some very overpriced houses.

    1. Brighton is still wonderful, but the weather is lousy. You wouldn't see those pools in Notting Hill as they're all built underneath the houses; causing some to collapse!

  15. It is particularly dark and damp in the UK at the moment so I can understand why you are dreaming of French summers. I remember the freezing fog we used to get in France for days on end in the winter though.

    1. Yes, but we all possessed thigh-length waders, heavy PVC overcoats, sou'westers, and coal-filled bed-warmers. We also de-frosted ourselves in front of huge blazing log fires. We coped better.

  16. What you need is a second home on our side of the equator, then you can summer in England and downunder, you'd never be cold again!
