Wednesday 21 September 2022

Russian Hi-tech.

I was amused to see President Putin on the lunchtime news programme today, sitting by the side of his hot-line telephones. As usual he was plotting to kill us all. It seems that the war against Ukraine is all our fault.

Anyway, I'm pleased to see that Russia is catching-up with modern communication technology.

If you wish to emulate Putin, I found a similar telephone on Ebay for £23 (below). It is described as 'Post Office Vintage'. If it's good enough for Putin, it's good enough for Corbyn everyone.



  1. Just don't push the Big Red Button! ☢

    1. I see three red buttons. You'd have to toss a coin.

  2. Putin looks down in the dumps. I think he needs two or three pints of Tetley's bitter and a kebab.

  3. The man and his phone. Odd and funny. A mad man in power is never a good thing. As we all know all to well.

  4. My opening news page online this morning says Russians are fleeing their country in droves because Putin wants another 300,000 soldiers to go to war. I just don't understand his greedy need to claw back Ukraine. It's been a free country for decades and he has all the rest of Russia to play with.

  5. FYI my husband designed that phone you found on Ebay! It is called The Viscount. The phone made a fortune for the co. he worked for and they rewarded him by making him redundant some time later. If we had a penny for every phone sold we would be quite well off . They still have them in our local hospital.

    1. How interesting. Shame about the redundancy!!

  6. Aw gosh, we have one of those in a cupboard somewhere, I think I'll get it out and call it the Putin Hotline!

  7. Meanwhile Britain's new nuclear power station required Chinese and French engineers because Britain no longer has the technical know how or engineering ability to build one.
    The French are so good at it that currently half their nuclear power stations are shut because of corrosion issues.
    The Chinese are technically competent but of course they were trained by err.. Russia.
    Rostatom, Russia's nuclear power government owned company, is currently the world's most technically advanced nuclear power manufacturer. They are building 78 percent of the current ones under construction worldwide. If a country has nuclear power its a 1 in 4 chance it is powered by fuel rods manufactured in Russia.
    The new conventional power station in Crimea was built using components manufactured and from materials sourced solely from within Russia. It was finished in under 3 years. Simultaneously they built a 700MwH solar power station there too.
    Remind me again how many new ones has the UK built of late from materials sourced in the UK and manufactured there.
    By all means mock their phones if it makes you happier but be under no illusion as to which is the more technically capable country.
