Wednesday 21 September 2022

My Morning Toast.

I often find breakfasts problematical. I actually spend time before getting-up in the mornings thinking/worrying about what I should have. In an ideal world I would eat fried egg and bacon every morning, but I do try to limit myself.

Whilst shopping yesterday I forgot to buy my usual week's supply of bacon; possibly because I was distracted by a jar of Sandwich Spread beckoning to me from a distant shelf. 

The last time I bought Sandwich Spread was in France about three years ago. It was very yellow, and had tasted 'not quite right'. I noticed on the label that it had been made in Holland, so I don't think that Heinz had given them the correct recipe.

My liking (I almost wrote love) for this product dates back to my days at Prep' School where SS sandwiches were brought out to hungry young cricket or tennis players at teatime; they were very soon consumed. I didn't then encounter the product again for several decades.

I eat my morning toast with all sorts of toppings. Marmite, Marmalade, Anchovies, green Pesto, St Agur, etc, I have no firm favourite. I certainly prefer savoury to sweet, but after that it's anyone's guess.

So, this morning it was the turn of Heinz Sandwich Spread. It fits the bill well. It's savoury, tastes quite nice (to my palate), and is quick and easy. As you might see from the above photo, it was accompanied by a mug of coffee (Nescafé), and a glass of Beetroot Juice which for the past year or so has replaced some awful pills (Amlodipine) that made my legs and feet swell-up.

I'm not sure if I would recommend Sandwich Spread for your breakfast, or indeed for anything else. It's an acquired taste and many might find it a bizarre choice. À chacun son goût.

N.B. Last year when I ordered a repeat prescription from my Doctor, I told him that I didn't want any more Amlodipine tabs; he asked why. I explained about my legs and told him that a Witch Doctor in Norfolk had told me to drink Beetroot juice instead. He laughed and said that I had a very wise Witch Doctor. Doctors are not always right, but he was on this occasion!  



  1. I'm probably better off not searching for the ingredients in Sandwich Spread. I don't have sided effects from Amlodipine and I think I prefer the pill rather than beetroot juice.

    1. I happen to like Beetroot, and although the juice is not quite the same, I rather like it. I do add a splash of Balsamic Vinegar to it.

  2. You should always listen to Rachel's advice...

  3. The witch doctor also likes sandwich spread and buys it occasionally. It is the nearest she can get to the taste of Heinz Vegetable salad (Russian salad) that she misses so much. She never has understood why Heinz discontinued it. You doctor sounds nice.

    1. Yes, I wonder what happened to Russian Salad? I liked it too. Is it good to know you have a medic admirer down in Brighton?

    2. It was discontinued a number of years ago. I buy it in Polish shops here but it is not quite the same as Heinz used to make it. Yes.

  4. I have never eaten Sandwich Spread
    My breakfast is porridge followed by toast and avocado.

    1. Yesterday I bought two amusingly named 'Perfectly Ripe' Avocados. The first I opened was rotten, and the second one as hard as nails. We ploughed through the second one regardless. They had cost about £1.50.

    2. I buy green then ripen and then put in fridge where they will keep a month.

  5. I dreaded going to birthday parties when I was small just in case Sandwich Spread was the only sandwich filling - it is just SO NASTY! and for breakfast??? !!!

    1. I have to agree with you Sue. Sorry Cro.

    2. Not to everyone's taste. I like a good choice of Toast toppings, this morning I had a tin of Squid in black ink. Again, not everyone's choice!

  6. I've stopped taking Amitripyline for the last 2 weeks as it makes me so tired(i kept dropping off to sleep) and so dozy I don't kneed help with that!! Haven't told my dr. yet so might give beetroot juice a try.

    1. Is that the same as Amlodipine? Horrible stuff. It should come with a health warning!

  7. It is a rare thing to buy those " perfectly ripe" avocados and get 2 that are " perfect"! Have you tried sliced avocado on top of your marmite? Delicious.
    I was watching an old " Come Dine with Me" yesterday and one of the participants kept saying of my pet annoyances that people obviously haven't noticed how something is spelt and can't say it properly.

    1. My oldest has his with Marmite. I've been out to buy two more for lunch; I'm hoping these will be OK.

  8. One of my favourites at lunchtime with bread and cheese.

  9. I've never heard of sandwich spread . I thought the English favourite was fish paste . Miss Marple was eating fish paste sandwiches on her train trip last night. Tinned squid for breakfast? Only you could eat that!
    Marmite or marmelade for me

    1. The Squid sounds strange, but it's very nice on toast.

  10. I always keep an unopened jar of sandwich spread in the cupboard because sometimes I just fancy it on toast at teatime.

    1. I should think it's a cupboard 'standby' in many households.

  11. Wow, it has been years since I saw or thought about Heinz sandwich spread.
    Try butter, applesauce and bacon on toast. For a toast sandwich, add egg and ketchup.
    Might sound awful, but it tastes better than it sounds.

    1. I bought bacon today, so tomorrow it'll be a Bacon Butty. Not sure about the apple sauce.

  12. I had to buy a new toaster last weekend, the old one had a bad fall in the kitchen remodel and was making funny noises when I plugged it in.

  13. I can't say that I am a fan of sandwich spread...too salad creamy for me. Now give me a good slice of Avo on toast with mayo......

    1. I don't suppose they sell a lot of it. Avo's on the other hand go from strength to strength.

  14. I had to look up what Heinz Sandwich Spread is. From the ingredients, it seems to be mayonnaise with some cabbage, carrots, peppers and relish in it? It actually sounds like it would be good on a turkey sandwich or something similar.

    1. Maybe that's how they should advertise it at Christmas, it sounds perfect.

  15. I have never heard of sandwich spread and will check the supermarket shelves when I go later today. I don't think it is something I'd like though. My usual breakfast is hot porridge every morning. Quick and easy, no thought required.
    I have no trouble with amlodipine, so I'll stick with it, I'm on the lowest dose.

  16. My daily breakfast is a chunk/slice of good bread slathered in real unsalted butter and toasted on my Aga... and a cup of either coffee or tea. I have occasionally put fresh avocado slices on the toast and it's good, but plain is fine too. And my favorite sandwich is a toasted BELT (BLT with a fried egg)!
