Thursday 22 September 2022

Reality Bloody Shows.

First it was the Great British Bake off; cake making. Then we had The Great British sewing show, then jewellery, then singing, then dancing, then cookery, then so-called 'celebrity' versions of all these shows.

Now I see that we have a new Great British Furniture making show, and one can but wonder where it will end.

Some while ago I did suggest a 'Celebrity Bomb Disposal' show which I'm sure would have attracted huge audiences. Just imagine the tension as Diane Abbott or Ms Markle defuse huge bombs with shaking hands and sweaty brows. At home the TV audience would be heard shouting "Cut the red one" or "Cut the blue one" depending on how soon they wish to see them blown to pieces. Audience numbers would be through the roof.


  1. You did go far in your imagination, but anything can happen these days.

    1. I'm thinking of offering my idea to the BBC.

  2. The Handmade show for woodworkers is just starting it's second series, I enjoy watching people make things. I can't understand why they do these shows where the time allowed is never enough. Far better than what I think love island is, can't say for sure, I've never watched it.

    1. I thought about watching it last night but listened to Hancock's Half Hour instead. I didn't know it was a second series.

  3. One of the reasons, apart from my hearing loss, why I hardly bother with TV these days.

    1. Most of it either tripe or repeats. Not even good repeats.

  4. I haven't had a t.v. for 14yrs. I do have a license tho, ever since you needed one to watch iplayer. I am selective in what I watch on my tablet. The days when you had a schedule are over I think. My sister who has a 68" screen text me saying, she was watching Bake Off cos there wasn't anything else on. Huh. ? And she's got Sky ! We tend to watch series. I am enjoying Poirot at the moment.

    1. These programmes are only of interest if you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE TO DO, which makes their viewing audience very limited.

  5. They tried that baking show one year here but it didn't get enough watchers. Survivor is the worst one we get though there are half a dozen others. Master Chef is on it's 7th or 8 th season. We watch the latter in the beginning but it gets very boring. Too much in-fighting and cooking that you'd never try for yourself and wonder why anyone would want to eat the stuff anyway

    1. I did enjoy the sewing show for a while (not sure why), but it soon became tedious.

  6. Oh please do Cro, submit your Celebrity Bomb Disposal idea to the Beebs!

    1. I'm sure it'd be popular; with real bombs of course!

  7. What a wonderful idea for a tv show. It could be based on audience nominations. I can think of a few to nominate.

  8. I would like to propose "Shark Infested Waters" in which has-been celebrities have to try to swim across a bay. In the very first episode chubby B. Johnson disappears in a thrashing red maelstrom. It is all over for him in ninety seconds. Up The Sharks!

    1. They might think BJ was a Whale and give him a wide berth.

  9. Whenever a show is a hit, look out for the rush to redo the same idea until they absolutely beat the whole concept into the ground. Money talks.

  10. There is a job for you in Hollywood

    1. I come cheap too. Only a few millions would secure my wisdom.

  11. Actually I enjoyed the table-making last night.

    1. I should have watched it, I'll try to find it on catch-up somewhere.

  12. Wow, I didn't know the great shows have expanded so much.

    There is a UK painting contest show I watched on YouTube that is very enjoyable.

    Most cooking contest shows I looked at are a no thanks. The way some people describe food like it is foreplay, is so disgusting, I would not be shocked to hear their egos spew from their mouths and beg to never go back.

    1. The idea was good at the beginning, but when they get to Series 200 it begins to fade. Now all they do is imitate those who've won previously.

  13. That’s the tv for you
    A recipe that works is always repeated

    1. And the presenters are made to repeat the exact same words time and time again.

  14. Viewership dictates what is on TV. If the numbers are there, it will be on TV.

    1. I wouldn't mind that with 'Celebrity Bomb Disposal', but not with all the others.

  15. The shows I cannot abide are the ones that have a group of people thrown together and they all connive until there is only one left. It's ugly and its unkind and the drama (OMG the DRAMA...) So many real issues in this world, and we're going to give a rat's behind about a bunch of shallow posers.

    But people do. And the shows go on. And I will never understand it.

    1. That is the essence of all those shows. Dancing, ice skating, baking, jungle survival, dress making, etc. They all end-up with a so-called 'winner'. I believe they even have a winner on 'Love Island', but I have no idea how they 'win' (well I do).

  16. I saw a few episodes of the bake-off one and cringed while one totally incompetent girl tried to flip something over onto a cooling rack. a furniture making one sounds interesting, but I wouldn't watch a bomb disposal one. I rarely watch daytime TV now anyway.

    1. You'd love my bomb disposal programme. Imagine your least favourite politician being splattered across your TV screen. It'd be wonderful.
