Friday 29 April 2022

The Propaganda Race.

In the propaganda race, there is no question that Labour are winning! For some bizarre reason the Tories don't seem to have an equivalent propaganda department in order to have a poke at the left.

Take the recent bit of nonsense in the UK. Starmer (the leader of the Left) has been going on and on about Boris and his garden meeting with cabinet colleagues (below), for weeks if not months. It was as if it was the only thing that mattered in the UK. Bugger Covid, Ukraine, or the nation's Employment figures, it was Boris's outdoor meeting that's got his goat. I suppose he imagined that as the leader of one of the world's most powerful nations, he should simply have gone to ground, and done nothing until the Covid panic was over.

No, Sir Keir, you fail to understand that the wheels continue to turn and the country needs to be under constant control and guidance. That isn't done by isolating yourself; even if you'd advised others to do so. Sadly you will never really get to understand that as you have little chance of ever becoming PM. 

But of course, as we all know, Starmer himself was no stranger to parties during the period of lockdown, and rather than holding well distanced meetings outdoors in the fresh air (as did Boris), he held them in tiny enclosed rooms in Durham. He here is (below) swigging beer from a bottle with his chums.

Why the Tories did not press for him to be fined (as was Boris), I have no idea. We can only imagine that the Tories have better, and more urgent, things to do, than fussing about such trivialities. However, I don't think that Starmer is out of the woods quite yet! A similar fine for him and his chums would at least make the whole affair a bit more balanced.

Why there should be one rule for Labour, and another for The Tories; Starmer has yet to explain. 



  1. Actually, it appears to be a matter for the relevant local Police as to whether someone gets fined for a breach of the COVID rules, and Durham have said that they do not levy retrospective fines.

    1. Does Durham pre-empt crime, and fine in advance? Sounds very cock-eyed to me.

  2. Unfair as it is, there seems to always be two sets of rules.

    1. And two sets of interpretation of those rules.

  3. Is this breaking news? The behaviour of Boris was appalling and no, he does not need to socialise to govern when the country or world is locked down. If Starmer has done the same in private, he is to be equally condemned.

    PS Spell check doesn't believe Starmer will win as it indicates an incorrect spelling.

    1. Personally I think Boris's behaviour was perfectly normal. He has a country to run, and even though he suffered from Covid himself, he carried on as soon as he could. Starmer had no country to run, and should have known better. He also lied about his deputy leader not being at his party; she was.

  4. Durham police investigated reports of the Labour planning campaign meeting in Durham. They said, "We have reviewed the case. We have determined that no laws were broken and no further action will be taken in this matter." As far as I know, drinking a cold bottle of beer as a busy working day draws to an end was never a crime during the worst of COVID times. It is only the vindictive Tory rag "The Daily Mail" that keeps banging on about this non-story. They chose to put this in the headline news once again on the day that other papers were reporting the scandal of a senior Tory MP who watched porn on his phone in The House of Commons chamber.

    1. If you watch PMQ's over the past months, you'll find that Starmer has asked about nothing else. If drinking beer was not an offense, then neither was having a socially distanced glass of wine!

  5. The opposition is just doing the job expected of every opposition, but the difference is that Starmer is doing it very badly. You have to admit, the general standard of politics on both sides of the House has reached an all-time low during an all-time high in crisis.

    1. A lot of waffling on one side, and a lot of hot air on the other.

  6. In general, I find, individuals hold themselves to one standard and others to a completely different standard. Banging on about trivial issues instead of the bigger issues (Ukraine, employment, economics, Covid) works to keep names in the press and distract from real problems. Politics and the mode of operation can drive us all mad.

    1. It's all cynical point-scoring. Sadly, people believe them, and can be swayed. A bunch of hypocrites the lot of them!

  7. It does occur to me that the Metropolitan Police must have known about this "party", or what were the permanent Police presence at No 10 doing that afternoon/evening? If they weren't aware, then surely they have serious questions to answer about their standard of protection to the PM and senior Cabinet members.
    Either way the Police would appear to be on the hook as either incompetent or turning a blind eye to a blatant breach of COVID laws.

    1. Government ministers were doing what they're paid to do. RUN THE COUNTRY. If Starmer thinks that they should all have stayed at home, then he's proving to be the fool that we all know him to be.

  8. It is pathetic sour grapes, self-righteous, sanctimonius twats on the left who need to get a life. The civil servants could have, and should have, been dealt with with internal disciplinary action, end of story. The Opposition show nothing that lends them to good Opposition and their Twitter accounts alone reflect this, shit stirring and shallow comments from the Shadow Cabinet on a daily basis.

    1. I just hope they get their comeuppance. PMQ's next Wednesday should be fun! Some very red faces on the opposition front bench I imagine.

  9. If everyone isn't too busy watching for Angela crossing and uncrossing her legs.

    1. What a lot of nonsense that was too. As if these things matter, with all the real problems they should be concentrating on.
