Saturday 30 April 2022

Road signs, rules, and regulations.


I wonder if any UK council has ever considered removing every road sign, abandoning parking restrictions, and painting over all the yellow lines? 

For a month or two, just let the motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, etc, look after themselves and use their own common sense.

Of course there would be arguments when Mr Jones parks in front of Mrs Smith's garage, but these things can be sorted-out quite quickly.

However, as in certain parts of Italy where traffic regulations are seen as being 'advisory' only, things would probably continue quite happily. It would be fun to see.


  1. I think in a certain area of the Netherlands it was tried, and guess what? Traffic flowed more freely, the accident rate and the seriousness of accidents dropped as well. As I recall roundabouts were removed, traffic lights were removed, line marking on roads was removed but I am not sure about parking signs.

    At that Magic Roundabout in Swindon, the line markings are so complicated and only seemed to be used as a rough guide.

    When I saw that notorious Parisian roundabout, there didn't appear to be any line markings or if there were, they were ignored.

    1. UK Police seem to devote far more time on minor traffic offenses, than to serious crime. Maybe if they forgot traffic, they could catch a few more actual criminals.

    2. From driving in the Nederlands I would say that the success was due to the attitude of drivers in general

  2. You anarchist. Today it's road signs, tomorrow face nappies? Where will it end.

  3. It might not be fun to see all the accidents, because so many don't know how to drive without the rules and signs to guide them.

  4. On the other hand, I've seen footage of traffic in places like India where everyone drives everywhere without any sign of rules, even pedestrians go merrily across the streets in between traffic. Maybe we should give it a go.

    1. People generally are quite sensible, and the last thing they want is to damage their vehicles. I think all would go reasonably well.

  5. In Marrakech it works, they seem to have no rules. I asked my Moroccan friend about it when we were driving through the chaos and he said it wasn't chaos at all and everybody knew where they should be. It always seemed like a miracle to me that nobody crashed because traffic just comes at you from all directions and seems to converge in the middle but everybody misses each other.

    1. I used to drive in central London, and although there were rules, it didn't seem like it. I never hit anyone, and no-one hit me.

  6. You'd think good old Shappsy would be all over it.

    1. Parking and speeding fines are too tempting. They bring in a fortune!

  7. I think it would be an interesting experiment and maybe chaos would not ensue.

    1. I don't see why it should. Maybe some light chaos, but nothing to worry about.

  8. I think I would just walk everywhere!

    1. With all traffic at a standstill, you'd have to walk anyway.

  9. I’m with JayCee - shanks pony sounds a better option.

  10. Lots of signs around here and rules. All merrily ignored, most of the time. Rule number one is give all taxi drivers a wide birth. No one wears a seat belt and few wear helmets. There hasn't been a serious accident for years, touch wood.

    We're like Italy.

    1. Rule-makers simply enjoy making rules. It doesn't mean anyone needs them.

  11. We have lots of rules here in Illinois (USA) but we still have lots of terrible drivers who don't follow them!

    1. If you didn't have all the rules, you wouldn't have rule-breakers!

  12. With road rules we have non-rule followers and rule followers. Maybe it has to be one or the other?

    1. As long as the majority have studied the rules (and have a licence), then all should be OK.
