Thursday 28 April 2022

Just a thought.

Putin has always claimed that his reason for invading Ukraine was to 'De-Militarise, and De-Nazify'.

Can anyone explain to me (especially if you are a Russian Putin supporter) how slaughtering women, children, and non-combatants, is supposed to achieve this?

To 'De-Militarise' you would need to exclusively attack military targets. And to 'De-Nazify' you would need to seek-out those Nazis. In which case attempting to totally destroy all buildings, infrastructure, and essential services, has nothing to do with either of Putin's aims, and becomes just pointless destruction. 

So, how's he getting on? Well, the world is pouring new hard-core military kit into Ukraine; which is being used very successfully against him, and as far as the de-Nazifying is going; I'm not too sure if there were any Nazis there in the first place. Such childish claims do Putin no favours whatsoever.

If his is simply an expansionist policy, then why not say so. Why not also tell the Russian people how many of their sons have lost their lives. Why not also let the world's press/media tell the truth about what's going on in Ukraine?

If he has something to hide, or if he is ashamed of his invasion; then he should stop it AT ONCE.

And, oh dear oh dear..... now we see that the effing idiot is threatening to bomb the UK. Maybe we need de-Militarising and de-Nazifying as well. What a plonker!


  1. Plonker is such a great word but calling Putin a plonker does a disservice to plonkers.

  2. I most sincerely hope he does NOT bomb the UK nor any other country and he should stop bombing Ukraine too. He should just go and sit quietly in his golden Kremlin until he dies.

    1. Maybe his highly paid Generals should put him under 'house arrest'. He's making them look incompetent, and I'm sure they won't like that one bit.

  3. Hopefully if the reports are right he is riddled with cancer, or has parkinson disease... hope he alone can die from these! Otherwise someone just shoots the bastwr4d

    Jo in Auckland

    1. I find it amazing that someone hasn't already shot (or poisoned) him; he must be incarcerated within Fort Knoxski.

  4. I'm sure he loves his mother though.

    1. I think that perhaps he was not spanked nearly enough as a child.

    2. So, it's all his mother's fault?

  5. I see the hand of the Doomsday Clock has rightly been moved forward. It is such a serious situation but I think the world is reacting appropriately. No one wants a nuclear weapon to be used.

    1. I never look at such things; it sounds worrying.

  6. Assassination of Putin would change little or nothing in what is happening in Ukraine.

    1. One might hope that his replacement would see sense. I can't imagine he, or his Generals, envisaged such slaughter.

  7. If only The West had acted more decisively when Russia invaded Crimea in 2014! Undoubtedly, that success emboldened Putin. Now he is receiving the kickback he should have suffered eight years ago. I am very worried about where this will all end.

    1. This could run and run. Predictions are not hopeful.

  8. I love the meme. It is hard to see a reasonable solution, because he cannot be reasoned with. His increasingly threatening rhetoric is a sign that his losses are considerable.

    1. Yes, a sure sign that he's getting worried.

  9. It is hard to believe that one man can have so much negative impact on the world. Despite many losses in Ukraine and his plan/thinking very much off base, he somehow continues on. Death and destruction seems to mean nothing to him. He operates in a bubble of his own.

  10. What a disgusting little man. The world will be well rid of him one day. :(
