Sunday 1 May 2022

Poor Sound.

My 5 year old laptop recently failed, so I was obliged to rush out and find a replacement.

I didn't want to spend too much, so purchased a reasonably priced ASUS SonicMaster from PC World.

The ASUS does everything I want, but its one real fault is the sound. It is far too quiet, and there is no way to remedy this other than to buy an auxiliary add-on speaker.

I searched through Amazon, and plumped for this small NUBWO A2pro. It's a neat little object, and my sound quality has certainly improved. As it is a Bluetooth device it also means it's transportable, so I can listen to pleasant French accordion music whilst grilling a few Frogs Legs on the BBQ. 

With VAT, delivery etc, it was a tad under £18; so no financial hardship involved. It has a 4 hour playing time, and takes about 2 hours to re-charge. It's easy to set-up and use, and does what's asked of it.

Cro rating: Good value for money. 7/10



  1. My laptop is an ASUS and I have external speakers that plug into where the headphones would go.

    1. This one can be plugged in too, but it's more convenient with Bluetooth.

  2. I had an ASUS for years and was disappointed when it finally gave up the ghost.

    1. This one seems good so far, and the keys are slightly further apart than my last one; so less typing mistakes.

  3. I would bet that you could have improved the sound in the sound settings because such a popular laptop would not sell well if it had poor sound. Anyway, if you are now happy with your bluetooth device no worries.

  4. May you enjoy many years of happy listening everywhere you go. You could listen to your music in the bath.

    1. I have similar (Stereo) speakers in France, but this little one will be very useful here.

  5. Thoroughly modern Magnon. It is nice when you are happy with something bought, although a pity about the laptop n one area.

    1. It just refused to work one morning. I probably could have had it fixed, but it seemed less stressful simply to replace it.

  6. Don't forget to remove the hard drive from the old machine and smash it with a hammer then burn it.

    1. I keep all my old laptops, I have about about 6 in a box. Maybe I'll make a bonfire from them one day.

    2. Get the hard drive properly cleaned off..there are charities that refurbish laptops and they go to those who need the helping hand...
      Often enough just changing to Linux will be easier on an aging computer brain

  7. This blogpost was sponsored by NUBWO A2pro. The cheque is in the post.

  8. I have a Bose Bluetooth speaker which is great for listening to stuff from your phone. Once they perfected digital bass those tiny things became incredibly good.

    1. Bose have a reputation for good quality, so it doesn't surprise me. The above is not up to that same standard, but OK for what I want it for.

    2. The Bose ones are about £200. I paid £5 for mine in a charity shop.

  9. I have a fairly inexpensive Acer Chromebook. It has given notice that it will no longer update after June. So I need to find another inexpensive Acer. They have now changed the design so that the speakers on the new ones are at the back. I can't imagine the sound would be very good with that design. The one I have now has speakers on the key board area and the sound is very good and can be tuned plenty loud.
    I don't know what brand I can get next. My husband mentioned that they sell refurbished ones like the one I have, but I don't know if that would be any good. The one I am using now has another key start sticking about every two weeks now.
    The last real laptop I had, I don't remember the brand now, but the keyboard was designed like no other keyboard I have ever used, and had the backspace key in what my fingers considered to be the wrong place and kept hitting that key when they shouldn't. I finally stuck a trimmed down corn pad onto the key to remind my finger not to go there. I'm a touch typist and the keyboard must have been designed by some other kind of typist.

    1. My last machine was an Acer, and I did really want another, but they didn't have one. The one before that was also an Acer and had a problem with the keys. I think they just wore out through my clumsy typing.

    2. Acer are good but I had to recently replace my Acer Chromebook after the monitor went funny and basically it had had it and PC World sold me a Hewlett Packard Chromebook for about £170. It is brilliant and even better than the Acer. I am also a touch typist and the HP keyboard is perfect.

  10. 5 years seems to be the end for so many machines now. We've managed to keep ours going, limping along for ten years. It's had loads of fixing up though from our local expert

    1. I don't buy expensive laptops, so 5 or 6 years use is quite good value; considering the fun I get from them.

  11. You got good value out of your old computer. Having new tech is always nice and adding the speaker makes it all work well. I like the portability of the speaker.

    1. The little speaker makes all the difference, but I would have preferred that the inbuilt one had been better.

  12. Replies
    1. They taste like Chicken, but I'd prefer the Chicken.
