Friday 19 November 2021

Shepherd & Dog. Fulking.

Some time ago I wrote about two of England's finest Pubs; The Hatch Inn at Coleman's Hatch, and The Boars Head at Crowborough. I was not wrong in my assessments.

However, I did omit to mention yet another of England's finest; The Shepherd and Dog at Fulking.

If you drive North from Brighton (as we did two days ago), cross The Downs at The Devil's Dyke, then down into the little village of Fulking; you will find one of the world's most delightful watering holes.

English Pubs are very special places; they really don't have a comparison elsewhere in the world. This building's use as a Pub' dates back to around 1800, but the house itself is much earlier; and is thought to have previously been three cottages. It's history is firmly linked to smuggling.

The interior is just as you'd expect; warm, welcoming, and with a log fire burning in the small brick fireplace in Winter.

It has everything you want from a country Pub'. Atmosphere, good local beers, and a fabulous menu if you're hungry.

I've often said to Lady Magnon; if the right cottage came up for sale in Fulking, I'd have my cheque book out in a flash.



  1. I have been there, albeit in the early 1980s. It was good back then too.

    1. I used to go quite often back in the 80's; I was that scruffy, paint-splattered, guy in the corner!

  2. I often read about cosy English Pubs in novels, they sound delightful and to have a smuggling tale or two thrown in is even better.

    1. There are some wonderful Pubs around, amongst which are one or two that are exceptional.

  3. There seem to be good pubs like that all over the South Downs (and probably further afield too). After nearly 10 years of living at the foot of the Downs I joined a Saturday cycle touring group and was amazed at the collection of hidden gems on less-travelled byways that they managed to build into our routes; places so close to home I was ashamed we had not discovered them earlier.

    1. I know that everywhere has good Pubs, but there's something special about those ancient Pubs that one finds in the 'Folds of the Downs'. And if the beer is brewed in nearby Lewes; all the better.

  4. At first I was shocked as I had misread the title of this blogpost and wondered if I was about to endure a vile tale of bestiality. How nice to discover it was actually all in praise of English pubs which sadly have become a dying breed. So many have gone.

    1. And no cheeky alterations to local signposts have been spotted either!

  5. Nice to read of somebody else who still uses a cheque book - thought I was the only one left in the country.

    1. Just a turn of phrase I'm afraid. My cheque book recently ran out, and I haven't bothered to ask them for a new one.

  6. Tis hard to find a proper pub around here these days, becoming a threatened species m'thinks.

    1. You'll have to move South John; still some good one's here.

    2. Ahhh it would take me more than a good pub or two to seduce me from the Welsh hills my good man

  7. Anyone who quotes Belloc is a good friend of mine!!

  8. A delightful pub. Brings back memories of a pint in the local with my English cousins. They all lived near small villages and the pub and the church were part of their lives

    1. A village without a decent Pub'(and landlord) is a sorry place. We've been quite lucky in that respect.

  9. I wish the US had pubs. There is nothing that comes close to a British pub. London city and countryside pubs are wonderful and should be experienced by everyone. Maybe, just maybe a Brit will open something in the US.

    1. I must say that most of the US bars I've seen are pretty characterless in comparison to the British Pub'. As you say, maybe someone should open one.

  10. Beautiful !
    On a trip around England up to Scotland and back we made sure to stop at Pubs for lunch and dinner. It was so fabulous I think of this often.
    When I few back by myself to pick up son at Christmas break... Pubs were wonderful.
    I miss this time very much.

    1. I shall be visiting my local before supper tonight. Beer is expensive these days, but it comes with wonderful atmosphere.

  11. I don't think it's quite as old as any of the three I've specified, but most Sussex Pubs are pretty good!
