Saturday 20 November 2021

Shock Horror!!!

The last time I drank Coca Cola was in 1971, in Tangiers (below). Beer or wine wasn't then available in Morocco, so Coke had to suffice. Luckily Lady Magnon was there to record the event, which took place on the rooftop of our 'hotel'.

Recently, after arriving back in Blighty, my oldest son (Kimbo) forced me to try some Coca Cola Zero; zero sugar, zero caffeine, zero calories, zero cocaine. I must say I rather liked it.

Since then I occasionally have a can with my lunch. Back in France I always drank diluted Lemon Juice at lunch, but, other than PLJ, I'm finding good quality natural Lemon Juice hard to find.

I'm becoming a convert. I really enjoy the cold 'bite' that the Coke offers. 

Watch this space; I might soon even be seen at McThingies. No; surely not!


  1. With all the non-additives, is it just cola coloured fizzy water? I haven't drunk coke in years, not since we noticed our two year old was always hyper after having some and we discovered it was made with red food colouring so we switched to Pepsi. Now I don't drink that either, since about five years ago, I'm a water girl now. None of the fizzy drinks appeal at all.

    1. I don't know how long my 'conversion' will last, but for the moment I'm quite shocked that I'm drinking it at all.

  2. My grandchildren really like Cola Zero. I'm careful about the artificial sweeteners there.

    1. Those artificial sweeteners are possibly worse for you than sugar.

  3. Don't, Cro, just don't. This Zero stuff may be free from everything - indeed sense - but it ain't free from artificial sweeteners, the devil's own invention.

    And to think of you having enjoyed the pure and ultra fresh bounty of Haddock's to be fed Zero Coke. My heart goes out to you.

    Nice photo. You are definitely Kimbo's father.


    1. My 'amour' may not last too long. I still have a couple of cans in the fridge.

  4. Coke??? Surely not!! Step away.. now!

  5. Oh no Cro, please! My husband drinks this stuff too, I call it his "can of chemicals" Do go back to the lemon juice, much nicer and better for your health.

    1. I'm sure Lemon Juice will win in the end, but I still have a couple of cans to drink.

    2. You don't have to drink the stuff...put them in the cleaning department of the kitchen!!

    3. GZ, indeed. Some people will take "waste not, want not" a hole in the stomach too far.

      CC for cleaning? On being given a hot tip a friend of mine put Coca Cola (last resort) down his lime encrusted toilet bowl. Over night. Dear dog in heaven. It worked. My father too, see Tigger's comment below, showed me the coin experiment. I was cured before I'd even had a taste of the stuff.


  6. When I was a kid someone showed me they could clean pennies in coke. I already hated how it made my teeth feel so that demonstration was the end of coke for me. I guess you'll have stripped clean teeth!

    1. I'm still waiting for them to turn sparkling white. Why has no-one brought-out a Coke toothpaste? We all know its cleaning characteristics!

  7. Perhaps not the Coke you are drinking but the standard Coke is being consumed in huge quantities in SE Asia, leading to terrible diabetes figures. In my teen years I was addicted to Coke. I stopped and swapped it for far more pleasurable fermented grape juice. Returning to your lemon drink might be a good idea, chilled if necessary.

    1. I like diluted Lemon juice, I believe it's very good for the Kidneys as well.

  8. Water with food is my choice if I am not drinking wine.

    1. A splash of Lemon Juice improves the flavour of water. It's good for you too.

    2. We have perfect water here, no splash of lemon juice needed. I have warm water and lemon juice before my morning cup of tea though.

  9. If you go to McThingies, remember to wear your beret, sunglasses and a trenchcoat. We don't want your neighbours getting wind of it. Will you be able to operate the massive touchscreen where orders are now placed?

    1. I have no idea. If it's OAP friendly I might manage. You're not tempting me to try it.

    2. I would stay clear of those touchscreens if I were you Cro, no better way to pick up Covid!

  10. If I don’t buy fresh lemons, I buy M&S Sicilian lemon juice. I haven’t had a Maccy D for years but once in a while it can’t hurt although, MacDonalds lost a legal battle with Jamie Oliver who proved that the food they sell Is unfit for human consumption because it’s highly toxic so you might want to avoid it ! It’s put me off !!!! Also, just to be a complete killjoy, Coke ( the drink ! ) is very addictive. XXXX

    1. I'll have a look for the M & S Lemon juice. I'm sure that Coke is addictive; I can feel it already, and I've only had a few.

    2. The story to which Jackie refers dates back to 2009 and did not just involve McDonalds or Jamie Oliver. It was resolved in 2011 and resurfaces as clickbait on Social media from time to time. I wouldn't let it put you off. Once in a while something from McDonalds is fine.

    3. Rachel, why eat at McD when you can eat somewhere/something more appetizing? Even if we forget about the food (and, admittedly, their fries are good) - those joints have no soul.


    4. I shall not be going, there are a thousand better restaurants all around me.

    5. I generally only partake in a McDonalds when I am abroad and have a sudden need for an eatery where I can be totally anonymous and get sustenance immediately. i rarely, if ever, go into a McDonalds at home.

    6. The purpose of my comment, Ursula, was not that McDonalds is the place to go, it was to say to Cro, "don't be put off by that comment of Jackie if you fancy a McDonalds".

  11. You are headed down a dangerous path, Cro. Repent! Turn back! It is not too late to save yourself!

    1. I just had another one for lunch, so there's only one left. I shan't buy more.

  12. I've got a few cans in my fridge too. It's not bad. No calories and cool and fizzy. I drink water and lemon juice, usually at lunch and red wine in the evening. In-between a can of zero won't kill you . Drink what you like. It's not going to make much difference now.

    1. Sounds like we have very similar liquid diets. I never thought I'd say it, but I'm really enjoying my Cokes.

    2. I agree entirely with local alien. I love a crisp, cold Coke Zero every now and then. I figure as long as it's balanced out with plenty of good fresh water, tea, wine, etc...but mostly water....not much harm will come from the occasional soda!

  13. I have always liked Coke... classic coke... but I can have one bottle (never a can- taste tinny) last a week. I'm not supposed to have anything fizzy and am allergic to artificial sugars, but sometimes I just need a sip or two of classic coke (maybe it is addictive...) And I do try to drink a lot of water.

    1. Occasionally something very cold, fizzy, and 'bad for you', is exactly what you need. I'm also a fan of Tonic water, which has that same kick.

  14. I had a lot of lemons left from zesting them for my Christmas Cakes and made good old fashioned lemon juice like Mum used to do.

    1. I used to buy really good Lemon Juice in France; I don't understand why I can't here. This PLJ stuff I buy is very insipid.

  15. Back in the day, I enjoyed ice cold coke on a hot summer day. Zero cola must be full of sweeteners and fizz. I'll read the label before making any purchases.

    1. I've pretty much decided not to buy any more.
