Thursday 18 November 2021

Walkies, Downs, and the Sea.

This is where I take Billy every morning at about 7.30 am. It's where he meets his friends, and I meet mine. He often goes several times a day. It's on the other side of a road from the church, and contains a few rather nice old tombs, etc. The falling leaves make the park look quite magical.

Yesterday morning we took Billy for a run on The South Downs (below). This beautiful open countryside is just a few minutes drive outside of Central Brighton. Lots of fresh air, and plenty of space for us all to stretch our legs. 

It was such a beautiful day that in the afternoon we also took him down to the beach. He seems to enjoy the movement of the waves, and even bites at the foaming water as it crashes onto the pebble beach. Yesterday he almost swam!

He had a busy day; and so did we. 


  1. Three beautiful areas all within easy reach, that's wonderful.

    1. Too much traffic though. I still haven't got used to that!

  2. He is really enjoying himself. He won't want to go back south.

    1. Actually I quite expect he'll love seeing his 'native' home again. His great friend Amie is there too, and I'm sure he misses her.

  3. What fun Billy is having …. he’s having a whale of a time. It must be quite noisy compared to your life in France but you seem to be embracing it. It must be rather nice to live two different lives ? XXXX

    1. In fact it's very quiet here. If we go 50 metres down the road on a Saturday afternoon, it's very noisy, but come back here and it's quiet again.

  4. Billy keeping you on your toes walking reminds me of an encounter a few days ago.

    There is a lovely woman (I guess early/mid sixties) who I have come across now and then for years. You know how there is an affinity with some people even if you have never exchanged more than the occasional "hello" and a smile, acknowledging each other's existence?

    The other day we were passing on opposite sides of the road, waving. "Where is the dog?" I shouted. Talk about conversation openers! So she came over and, first proper exchange we ever had, she told me he had died early September. Tears in her eyes. I apologized for my question making her sad. Not at all, she said, I am glad that he is remembered.

    Anyway, upshot being, long intro, she also mentioned that now her routine had changed. No more walkies first thing in the morning. When we parted ways I told her "Keep walking".

    Maybe a friendship in the making. Not that I am a dog.


    1. It changes your life, having a dog. Not only does it force you out each morning for a walk, you also meet such nice people. This morning I chatted to several people; all of whom knew Billy's name, etc. It's like joining a very friendly club.

  5. No living in a city flat and being let out for a few minutes for Billy. Sounds as though he's loving the change

    1. Back in France he never really liked water; he has never been in the pool. So we were quite surprised yesterday by how much he enjoyed playing with the waves. He's also made loads of new friends.

  6. It would appear that Billy is enjoying the change in scenery, having a canine member of the family always seems to complete it for me.
    I rather like those tombs, rather gothic looking m’thinks.

    1. Personally, I think having a Dog changes your life totally; for the better!

  7. Can't you get Billy some little plastic shoes for walking on the beach? Those pebbles are terribly uncomfortable on one's feet.

    1. YP, what a nincompoop. Try reflexology. That'll teach you the enjoyment and benefits of having your pressure points exercised. Afterwards you'll walk on air. Trust me.

      Anyway, if a dog, say, Billie, didn't like the pebbles he'd steer right clear of them. Dig his heels in as it were.

      No hugs, a hiss, as ever,

  8. Billie is sure living his best life, isn't he?

  9. Billy is loving life because he goes where you go. Glad you are all being back.You have two homes two cultures and masses of friends. Make the best of everything you have.

  10. Billy seems to have settled into his new life so well. Actually so do you two.

  11. Aside from the pebbles on the beach, it looks quite idyllic.

    1. The pebbles are not idyllic, but you get used to them.

  12. City parks, the coast and a national park all within easy reach makes for an ideal location.

    1. It's a fabulous spot; I don't know why everyone doesn't live here!!!

  13. I walk my Billy everyday and see the same people, I know all the dogs names there’s Ruby, Storm, Jack etc and after six years one lady said by the way my names Ann what’s yours..
