Thursday 5 August 2021

Happy Birthday.

Today is my late father's birthday; I think he would have been 117 years old.

He was a classic, stiff-upper-lip type of man. Not a lot of open affection, but a very solid person.

Many of his standards have become my own, and they have always stood me in good stead.

Thank you for everything!



  1. August 5th was my father's birthday too! He would have been 107 years old today. He loved me and I loved him. It still makes me sad to think that he has gone.

    1. We only realise how much we miss our people once they've gone.

  2. Replies
    1. It was a good month for Fathers

    2. August 2 for my Dad and he would have been 96. A coincidence!

  3. father was born in the 13th in 1930

  4. I think fathers were like yours in those days. My Dad was a good solid dependable figure who rarely if ever showed his feelings.

  5. Once again dropping by via Pippistrella:
    Your father was born two years later than mine. Both they were boys in 1914, young men in the 'Roaring Twenties' and when it came to the shortest of all 'Millianial Empires' (Tausendjährigen Reiche) they were still far from being old.
    My father never beat me, was obviously pretty much like your Dad a stiff-upper-lip-man, but – being a late arrival after war with hindsight I often ask(ed) myself, if I had asked him enough questions.

  6. My Father was born in July and would be 100. He loved his country, the sea and great outdoors.

  7. Today would have been my late fathers 103.

  8. My father was born in July, and would have turned 85. His lifetime habit of smoking unfiltered Camels caught up with him. His death caused me to quit smoking cold turkey. I am grateful for that.

  9. Thank you for all your comments and memories.
