Thursday 5 August 2021

High Summer.

It's been an odd Summer so far. We think of June, July, and August, as the peak period for good weather, but this year it's been all over the place. I can't remember the last time I had a swim, and the pool's water is now below 20 C. We feel rather sorry for those holiday-makers who are paying a fortune for Gites with pools.

Yesterday morning I awoke to rain; in fact it had started just after 2 am, and didn't stop. I don't dislike rain, but when it continues like this, day after day, I am prevented from doing any necessary outdoor work. Haddock's is already awash with weeds, so I'm simply leaving it that way. Billy needs at least two long walks a day, and walking in the rain is not my bag.

Long dark damp days are depressing. We've watched some weightlifting, and even some 'speed climbing' on TV, but one ends-up thinking 'what on earth am I doing watching this rubbish!'.

Temperatures may rise above 25 C again in about a week's time, but by then we will already be a third of the way through August.

A couple of weeks ago I was getting up in the mornings to beautiful warm weather; then, barefooted and with just a pair of shorts, I was out there before breakfast cleaning the pool ready for the day's use. It felt wonderful.

At my age I want to feel as if I'm on permanent holiday, with just a few daily tasks thrown in, instead of which I feel like I'm in prison. Sunshine makes one forget about Covid; rain does nothing but remind us.

Having said all the above, I'm hoping to go to an al fresco restaurant tonight; so my fingers are crossed for a pleasant, warm, and dry, evening.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I like to think I'm permanently on holiday, but my daily work-load seems to increase by the day. As I said above, I don't dislike the rain, I just want some Summer as well.

  2. Sounds like our weather at present.

    1. Our weather is due to improve as from next Tuesday. It's been too long without heat.

  3. In summer rain should only be allowed overnight or early morning, We too feel constrained by bad weather, this house is designed to keep the heat and therefore light out so its miserable sitting inside. Hope things improve very soon.

    1. Rain at night GOOD.
      Rain in daytime BAD.

      Our house sounds similar. Designed to be cosy and warm in Winter, and cool and refreshing in Summer. Not a huge amount of light in here either.

  4. Ha! It's just preparing you for your return to the UK....

    1. What; in Brighton? I'm expecting sunshine 24/7.

  5. Snap! Pretty damp up here too.

    1. Should we start a protest group?

    2. Whaddawe want? More sun! When do we want it? NOW!!!

  6. Here already 34 c this morning, a little rain could have made me very happy. Today I am about to receive the third dose of Pfizer's vaccine.

  7. The weather has been all over the map here as well.

    I wondered about Yael's 3 doses as well.

  8. I really hope your meal out went ahead and went well. Your bad weather is temporary. It will be so much better when you return to England.

    1. Actually we decided not to go, and will recreate the same meal at home instead.

      Yes, the weather is always perfect in Brighton.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I'm sorry to hear about your weather as I'm sorry to be living with ours. We are also closed inside watching Olympics. I was looking forward to them but after the initial excitement I'd rather read a book. Which I am doing.
    At least we can go out in the evening. Hope your dinner is as good as you expect it to be, at home or away

    1. By the way. They're talking of a possible third shot of pfizer here too
