Friday 6 August 2021

French Police CLASH With Anti-Covid Pass Protesters in Paris

There is no let-up from angry anti-vaxxers here in France. I believe such demonstrations are taking place in many countries.

The interesting things about this short video are not anti-vaxx related, but 1. CRS using flame throwers against the protesters at 6 secs, and 2. The CRS man squaring up to a protester Ali-style at 24 secs; float like a Butterfly, sting like a Bee. He even invites the protester to 'square-up'. Not behaviour one would really expect from a Law Agent.

We should remind ourselves, whilst watching these people, that there have been over 200 Million cases of Covid-19 worldwide, with 4.25 Million deaths.

If they really do object about being vaccinated, why don't they just stay at home to protect both themselves and others. Instead of which, they go out en masse to complain.


  1. Pent up emotions over lockdown sparked by an innate need to clash with the authorities cro….this is all inevitable and sad

    1. I imagine the realisation that their own ideals are costing them their liberty must be pretty annoying. I don't think rioting will help their cause.

  2. They are doing the right thing. Why should folk be discriminated against for refusing a vaccine?
    I can wander, drink and eat where I like whilst infected with Ebola, AIDS, Herpes, Sepsis Hepatitis. Why is Covid so special?

    1. I suppose the obvious answer is that the government wish to minimalize contact between vaxxed and non-vaxxed. Whether that will help reduce cases of the virus is another matter. What won't help are mass demonstrations.

    2. Excellent question, Adrian. Why indeed?

      Generally, Cro, demonstrations/protests take place not for fun but to draw attention to whatever the issue of the day, the very issues that you'll find otherwise being swept under the carpet by those in whose interest it isn't to be brought out into the open.

      Dare I say it, there will be demonstrators who will have taken up the offer of the vaccine yet still have (ideological) problems with the way we are coerced (not least youngsters) into having the vaccine.

      What unnerves me that so many people don't understand the concept of efficacy, or maybe no one has explained it to them. Yes, you may be vaccinated but that doesn't make you immune; neither does it mean you can't pass the virus to anyone else. No passport will make that fact go away. And yes, before anyone points this out to me, I do know that having had the vaccine you will have a "milder" Covid should it bite you from behind.

      Creating a two tier society? No.


    3. I understand all of that, and as I have said before, I am not totally against anti-vaxxers. I respect their decision, but they mustn't expect the government to treat them the same as those who are vaccinated. I am pro-vaccination, but I don't attack police to demonstrate my having had my double jabs.

  3. "The object of life is not be on the side of the majority but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane" Marcus Aurelius.

    1. I certainly think them 'unwise', but there are unwise folk everywhere, in every realm.

    2. Well that really depends on you view of who are the majority and who are the insane doesn't it...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I repeat; I am not against people's free will, I just think they've been brainwashed. But, that's their choice.

    2. Oddly enough if you research Dr. Fauci's past he actually did think Aids could be passed on by means other than fluid transfer.

  5. All that fuss about vacuum cleaners! The noise annoys me too but I doubt that I would participate in a riotous protest about the bloody things. I would rather just get out the sweeping brush.

    1. We never refer to it as vaxxing, we call it Hoovering.

  6. It is unpleasant to watch and while police forces and armed forces should always behave properly and beyond reproach, when under extreme attack I can understand them behaving at times like humans and react accordingly. Here last night a cop was knocked to the ground during an anti lockdown protest and when on the ground was giving a good kicking. Meanwhile during the anti lock down protest, residents of apartment balconies above along the march route yelled at the protestors to go home.

    1. I'm a little surprised that no-one has yet commented about the 'Flame Thrower' (if that's what it was). I'm not a fan of riotous demonstrations; peaceful ones OK, but I don't like violence.

  7. There are reports here of an anti-vaxxer posting a video setting out his strong views just 9 days before he died of covid.

    1. I saw it in the paper; they're always going to make the most of such stories.

  8. Like you, I am against violent protest. Protest without violence on both sides is fine. Mass gatherings of any kind at this point seems foolish to me. In the US, there is an upcoming motorcycle rally in South Dakota. Last year it was cancelled, this year it is all go. Another big uptick in the Delta virus is predicted. With Covid looming, I do not see the point of any type of mass gathering.

    1. Maybe it'll be called 'The Harley Davidson Variant'. People are far too prepared to believe that it's all over; it's not! These sorts of gathering ensure the Covid's survival.

  9. One example.
    When I was a child Polio was the "pandemic"for children. The first vaccine was delivered this way.
    I remember lining up in school and getting a sugar cube with a drop of vaccine on it. Up into then I was sure I would get polio and have to live in an Iron Lung or in a wheelchair with braces on my legs. Polio has been eliminated in America but has been brought in from non vaccine travelers.
    I think the lack of true information on Covid has left people upset.

    1. I had my polio vaccination, but one of my school friends was too late, and ended-up with a withered left arm. Generally it was an extremely effective campaign, from which many of the current lot of protestors would have benefitted.

  10. I don't understand the refusal to get the vaccine or wear a mask, and I really don't understand holding a protest that further endangers all the participants.


    1. Some people will be anti anything; even their own good health.

  11. My provincial govt. says it is not bringing in a Covid passport or making vaccines mandatory for certain areas of work - so - the protests here are to get them to do it! Everyone I know is vaccinated and we are tired of being held to ransom by those who are not!
    More and more individual business' are starting to implement a requirement for workers to be vaccinated and the federal govt. looks to be about to require all federal employees and federally regulated businesses (like banks) to have all employees vaccinated.
    Apparently our premier is being inundated by people who want him to implement a requirement at least for schools and for all healthcare workers!! I fully support this!

    1. I don't know many anti-vaxxers here, but they now basically are made to stay at home. All our village entertainment is banned for them, as we have to show our 'passes', as well as cafés, restaurants, etc. It can't be much fun for them.

  12. Upsetting and violent behaviour all round, in the end it achieves absolutely nothing. Very sad.
