Sunday 23 May 2021

Progress report.

I'm reasonably happy with Haddock's. Most things are looking OK, even if they're not growing as well as I'd hoped. The wet weather plays havoc with growth.

My Peppers and Aubergines are much the same size as when I planted them several weeks ago. I've sown two rows of French Beans, both of which have 'melted' in the soil; I shall sow again when it's warmer. My Courgettes are only just beginning to sprout new leaves.

Otherwise, the Onions, Strawberries, Spinach, and Tomatoes are all doing very well. The Artichokes (behind the incinerator) are all eaten, and I now await the secondary growth.

I have just recently planted out the Cavolo Nero and Swiss Chard plants, and the slugs are being kept at bay.

All the Grape Vines at Haddock's are looking good, but that can change (as it did last year).

Haddock's also has Plums, Currants, Raspberries, Apples, Figs and Cherries.

It may seem strange when living out in the country that I am growing my Toms in pots, but with a nasty Tomato disease in the soil at Haddock's, I'm obliged to grow them elsewhere. Being in big pots means I can decide exactly what they're planted in, I can keep the watering under control, and I can keep a constant lookout for any problems. I'm pleased to say they're looking very good, have no disease, and have plenty of flowers. I'm expecting a good crop.

Elsewhere, up at the barn, I notice that Boo Boo's Peach tree is covered with fruit. They are a particularly large and juicy variety, but I'm afraid he won't be here to appreciate them.


  1. Hi there! Do you remember my blog - ? I know we've conversed, some, a while back. I look in on your blog from time to time but I've been very ill. Fortunately I've hung in here since 2016 but not been active. I just looked at my blog and for some reason I lost the blogs I was following. Fortunately I remembered yours and I'm so glad! Congratulations on becoming the top blogger in 2020!

    1. Hello again Julie; of course I remember your blog. Sorry to hear about your ill health, but things sound better. I hope that continues. Is there any connection between my amazing 2020 award, and your page? Two laughing horses can't be coincidence!

    2. Really! It must have been mental telepathy! My horse has been laughing a long long time. I created him probably in about 1997. He appeared first as part of my signature on a painting. Anyway, it’s very fun to see your posts again!

  2. Haddock's appeals to my sense of order.

    1. I keep it like that to cope with weeds. A few minutes each day, hoeing, keeps it tidy.

  3. Looking good, Cro! It won't be long now!

    1. A little warm weather and it'll romp away. However, you'll be eating Toms way before me!

  4. Replies
    1. We have sunshine this morning, which is exactly what it needs.

  5. It all looks absolutely wonderful. A lot of work but worth the effort.

    1. Not too much work; I don't have the time. But I do spend about 10 mins each day hoeing to keep the weeds down, and make it look tidy.

  6. I think gardeners everywhere are getting frustrated with the weather at the moment. Still very chilly here this morning.

    1. Cloudy and 17 C here today. Day of rest.

  7. Everything is looking very green at Haddocks. One variety of tomatoes here are producing but the others have just started with flowers. Hope it's a good growing season after all that rain

    1. My Cherry Tom is flowering. I only have one plant (extreme left) as they produce so much fruit. They should be fruiting quite soon

  8. Looking very promising

    1. All should be OK. No plagues of Locusts so far!

  9. Well, it looks like produce a-plenty at your place!

    1. It won't be long before the first Courgettes appear, and the first Cherry Toms won't be long either. Courgettes in Tom sauce?

  10. Your garden looks great. I grow most of my tomatoes in five gallon buckets for the same reasons.

    1. I grew mine like this last year and they worked well. I'm hoping for an even better crop this year.
