Monday 24 May 2021

Schoolboy memories.

I must thank JayCee, who has just reminded me of this.

What is your most revisited memory from your schooldays?

Mine must be this small two-tiered chapel (on the right) that was situated directly opposite our Dining Room (with the two windows and drainpipe).

Below was 'The Undercroft Chapel', and above, reached by a very small winding stone staircase, was 'Prior Crauden's Chapel'.

I spent many hours upstairs in Prior Crauden's; reading whilst sitting in one of the uncomfortable stone niches. The chapel was always empty, and peace and quiet was assured.

I have never been a religious person, least of all during my school days, but as a senior boy I officiated over Complin in Prior Crauden's on a few occasions, with a handful of attendees. It was almost expected that we would take turns to read prayers, and in a strange way I really enjoyed it. The feeling of being part of history was overwhelming; even though, to me, it was no more than 'theatre'.

It was a set (10 min) service with the same script read nightly, which gave me an inkling into the superiority that priests/vicars must feel, whilst in control of a large congregation. Hmmm.


  1. These streets and the ancient buildings are so beautiful, to grow up there is to truly experience at any given moment something of the history of the place.

    1. Yes, there were lovely old medieval buildings everywhere.

  2. That is indeed a beautiful place.
    Not quite the same as my suburban grammar school!

  3. You could have been Father Cro tending his flock - but hopefully not the altar boys!

    1. Strange the things we do when young, and all in our stride!

  4. Strange too the snippets we remember from our childhood, Not surprised you remembered this though - it is such aa beautiful building. I went to school around Lincoln Cathedral and have similar memories of various parts of it.

    1. I've always been attracted to old buildings; I feel happier in them.

  5. My school was on the outskirts of a Yorkshire Dales village and I was constantly distracted by sheep gazing in through the classroom windows.

    1. I think I would have been too. I was easily distracted by almost anything.

  6. How atmospheric looking! And incredibly solid. In comparison, my modern schools would have seemed flimsy and plastic. Indeed as would any place less than one hundred years old!

  7. I forgot my enduring memory: raiding the feijoa fruit tree by the bus stop, when it was in season, against the exhortations from the teachers not to touch. Who can resist Forbidden Fruit?

    1. I had to look-up Feijoa fruit. They sound delicious. My own scrumping was limited to Apples and Plums.

  8. I remember the Tuck Shop and going to the pub at lunchtime …. That says a lot about me 🤣😂🤣 XXXX

    1. We knew a few pubs that would let us in by the back door. Lots of Polo mints on the way back to school!

  9. I feel the same as you about religion but enjoy the peace of a church. Your chapel is a very solid structure.

    1. It's worth looking online at the interior.
