Saturday 22 May 2021

When will it end?

Self-imposed Covid-isolation is bad enough, but this relentless bad weather is making it even worse. Of course we need rain from time to time, but this is crazy.

One minute sunshine (if we're lucky), then back comes the rain.

On Thursday (20th May) we had a good dry sunny day, and I managed to mow most of the grass, but now it's back to rain again.

This scene outside our front door, above, is typical. You can probably see that there had just been some sun, but give it a couple of minutes and, BANG, down comes the rain.

We are all getting very fed-up with it.



  1. We are all getting fed up with weather exactly the same as yours too

  2. Apart from the rain it is also very cold here.

    1. My builder has just erected an open sided 'Marquee' so that he can work in the dry.

  3. If it is like here, the air is usually very cold with alternating sunshine and showers.

    1. Sounds exactly like here.... next week maybe!

  4. Just your typical IOM Spring weather really 😉

    1. We always have a hot dry sunny faux-Spring, then a wet patch afterwards, but this has been going on far too long.

  5. Tis indeed a downer here in not so sunny Wales Cro, pain in the arse for a gardener.

    1. The soil is no longer soggy-wet, and I've just been doing some hoeing between the rows of vegs. It's been dreadful.

  6. Same here in South East England. This seems pretty general and it is depressing. My birthday is 25th May and last year it was in a heat wave. This year we have been kept indoors by the constant rain and as Rachel said cold too.

    1. We have some very thin sun this morning, but it's still cold. Our weather for the 25th is 17 C and light rain.

  7. Not personally, no. I blame Global Wetting.

  8. For late May the weather is crazy. It's April (notoriously unreliable) squared. Yesterday, lucky me, I found a "window". By which I mean I left the house when the rain stopped. Umbrellas useless as I have enough battle on my hand to not be swept off my feet by the wind.

    Talking of the latter - looking outside this morning the wind has subsided. Yesterday, as I was walking along I thought to my myself: Wouldn't it be just great if I were knocked out by a falling branch (we do have amazing trees in this green city).

    Anyway, Cro, and of no comfort: Just because you live in France doesn't mean you are entitled to pleasing weather. Spare a thought for Noah and his Ark.


    1. The weather here and in the South of England is not that different. A few degrees hotter here in Summer, and a bit colder in Winter.

  9. Our rain begun on Sunday. There's been no dry days, and there's puddles in our lawn. A week ago there was no need to mow, now grass is knee high. It will take at least three non-rain days befoe any mowing could happen. The grass will be waist high by then.

    1. We just had another lunchtime downpour... it doesn't stop.

  10. Same in Blighty your lordship. This merry month of May has been far from merry on the weather front.

    1. I need a piece of Seaweed by the back door. I'd also need lessons on how to read the predictions.

  11. Here in Greater London it has been mostly wet and overcast hardly ever seeing the sun. Still have the central heating on and it is usually turned off in March.

    1. My wife has just turned on an electric heater, and has suggested that we have a fire tonight. Mid-May; heaven forbid!

  12. Over here it is going up to over 30C again today! Over a week now of much too hot for this time of year. We've had both sun and rain and neither today nor Sunday are looking good. The heat is supposed to break on Monday - back to a more seasonable 18 - 24C and a bit more sun than rain. Just bizarre.
    I hope things brighten up soon - all the UK bloggers seem very depressed at the moment!

    1. I can only dream of 30 C. Next week we might reach 26/27 C... my fingers are crossed.

  13. We have had a ton of rain here in North Texas too... and although it hasn't been cold, it's been 'cool' for May. We will probably jump from the 50's and 60's directly to the 90's and 100's soon. Weird!

    1. It's late afternoon here (5.30 pm) and we've been sitting outside with hats and scarves. It's now pouring again, and we're back indoors.

  14. I'm envious. I'd like a little here. We've had a very dry winter. This time last year the garden was still green. Now it's dust.

    1. No doubt I'll be getting the hosepipe out again before too long. If it's not one thing, it's another!
