Monday 26 April 2021

Dreaming of Summer.

I'm posting this photo to remind myself of our late dog, Bok. 

Unlike Billy, he always chose to sit with us beside the pool in early Summer evenings. I don't know why Billy doesn't do the same; both our previous dogs, and occasionally Freddie our cat, did; and seemed to love it. It was always an important part of their day.

Shorts and T shirts are now being worn, and our evening aperitives and nibbles are often taken in the shade, rather than in the open, because of the sudden heat.

This (above) is how I like to dress; and is how I am dressed whilst typing this. Simple shorts, simple T shirt, and simple shoes. I never feel better than when dressed thus. Our days are spent doing all the usual dirty-nail 'country things', and in the early evenings we sit outside and listen to music, whilst discussing the day's news or events.

Summer is now just over a month away (for us it starts on June 1st, when we open the pool) and already we're gearing-up to outdoor life. We're avidly practicing our air-crawl, air backstroke, and air-drowning (all very similar to air-guitar).

The landscape is now green again, birds are frantically searching for food for their fledglings, and I keep seeing Hedgehogs in the early-mornings. 

I was born in July, so Summer is very much my season. I can't wait. Vivare aestas.



  1. I also love to wear T-shirts and shorts but in these northern climes that's not always sensible summer attire.
    P.S. It's surprising that there are no tattoos on the exposed flesh of Monsieur Magnon.

    1. I now dress as above throughout the day. I am wearing exactly as in the photo this morning. No, no tattoos I'm afraid; a tad too risqué for me!

  2. Bok looks like he's really enjoying being part of the aperitif-time! Funny that Billy isn't taking to the leisured-classes life in the same way. And that saucisson looks delicious.

    1. We took Billy for a long walk by a stream yesterday, and he played in the water for quite a while, without actually swimming. Maybe he's getting more used to being by water, and will join us Bok-style this summer.

  3. Two questions if I may? What does Billy do while not sitting with you at the pool? Do you and Lady M generally agree with opinions of the day's news, perhaps with slight differences or great differences?

    1. Billy goes to sit elsewhere. Yes, we usually agree about things, but we tend to like and dislike the same things, so it's not difficult.

  4. It's such a hard life down there. I don't know how you cope!
    You look very elegant in your summer attire by the way.

    1. I think I was wearing a clean version of my Summer 'ratting' attire, so not as bad as usual.

  5. An easy elegant casual style.
    You draw a marvellous picture. Life's small pleasures which make one content.

  6. You look very smart Cro. Roll on the Summer.

    1. I don't look scruffy on purpose; I was just born that way. However, I do try to look smarter when we have visitors.

  7. Too cold here for shorts yet. But we do have blue skies and sunshine, some compensation.

    1. It was a bit cooler here yesterday, with a tiny spot of rain... but I persevered with my shorts.

  8. Book looks like he's wondering what you are thinking about.
    It is a curious thing that some dogs like to be near humans while other dogs are so so about it. A son of mine, dogs, not even his own, like to be near him, walk with him, snooze at his feet. It's sort of weird.

    1. With Billy, if I walk into a room where he is, he leaves. He seems to like being alone. This doesn't mean he's not friendly, he just enjoys his own company.

  9. I wonder if Billy doesn't sit with you because he's a collie. His job is to round you up, not to take charge when you're not moving about any more.

    1. It could be that. He certainly has that instinct.
