Sunday 25 April 2021

Alternative Medicine at its Best.

I once heard a radio talk by the Director of Paris's main Homeopathic hospital.

The doctor didn't hide the fact that Homeopathy is a load of nonsense.

He talked of giving patients small phials of pure water coloured both blue and red, and asked them to tell him which colour had the most pronounced effect. He even told some of his patients that it was no more than coloured water. They all came back with preferences for one or other of the colours, whilst saying that they had been very effective!

The power of the placebo is genuine, and so, it appears, is the power of Homeopathy.


  1. The power of the placebo is indeed genuine. If anything is needed to prove the link between psyche and soma, how body and mind play out, and off each other, it's that. I am sure most of us have will have experienced the magic of our mother kissing something better. Objectively, your bleeding knee was still a mess but still . . .

    Having said that I'd hate to have a "real" illness and be put on a blind trial. From the outset I'd be convinced I was one of the poor bastards on the placebo. Which, obviously, would defeat the object. Or worse, and this is a bit of a mind bender, imagine you were given the actual drug but believed you were on the placebo. HA! Get your brain round that one, Cro.

    One thing I have come to believe that there is more between heaven and earth than what we can (and are willing to) fathom.

    Oh dear, now I have frightened myself - and it's only 0522 hrs my time.


    1. Listening to the Director of The Paris Homeopathic Hospital be so open about the power of placebos, was quite a revelation. To be told that you're taking no more than coloured water, and then say that it 'worked', is bizarre in the least.

  2. The strangest thing about homeopathy is the self-belief that “water remembers.” But if it helps someone, that's fine too.

    1. It's all nonsense, but if it really does help people, that's wonderful.

  3. When my physiotherapist asked if pain killers helped my arthritis, I said yes, but I started to think about it. The pain comes and goes. I though the pain killers were helping but maybe it a placebo or maybe nothing is different. While homeopathy is a lot of nonsense, I am a believer in the placebo effect with pain management.

    1. Exactly my point. If it works, all the better; regardless of the 'science'.

  4. Hahahaha ..... that was funny ..... I like Mitchell and Webb. XXXX

    1. They're very good; they always manage to keep a straight face. Good actors.

  5. If it least the side effects aren't worse than the problem!!

  6. Animals are not aware of the placebo effect.
    I treat our animals with homeopathic remedies and they recover rapidly ! That to me says everything about homeopathic remedies.

    1. Nor are animals able to tell you if they really are unwell. If any of my animals were genuinely ill, I certainly wouldn't give them homeopathic remedies.

  7. Neuroscience is quite complex and difficult to understand but the power of the mind and the ability for the body to heal itself cannot be ignored.

    1. Hence the use of placebos. They can be powerful medicine.

  8. I have always felt we should stop denying the placebo effect as 'nonsense' and begin to explore ways to trigger its real and powerful benefits. Every doc can tell stories about people getting better via placebo - then they dismiss it as baloney. Hmmmmmm

    1. The truth is, that it's both. We all know it's nonsense, but we also know that occasionally it works.

  9. Listening to the 'science' behind homeopathic medicine exposes it's fraud. There is nothing more frustrating than listening to long drawn out entreaties and explanations about why one should not take chemo, and what one should do instead (did you know, Cro, that there are very inexpensive cures for cancer, but "they" do not want you to know them because treating cancer is such a big profit making business?). I knew that they loved me, but honestly, the last thing that you want to hear during chemo is that baking soda and peroxide drinks work better.

    1. Dear Debby.... if only you knew! I know someone only too well who espouses constantly all this rubbish. I've even been told recently that there are 'over the counter' remedies that cure Covid-19. Maybe it was the same 'cure' that Trump recommended.

      Such nonsense should be outlawed. Or maybe they should give their cures to India!

  10. The mind is a very powerful tool in the process of healing.

    1. As my old friend Jock said, if you treat a cold with all the world's known remedies, it'll last two weeks. If you take nothing at all, it'll last 14 days. I think he was right!

  11. I agree that the mind is a powerful tool and that the body in many cases can heal itself. But I'm a firm believer in science too... and although they may not know everything, they certainly know more than me. That being said, I also know that some things work (with no scientific explanation) - and whether this is simply mind over matter is not important. If it works, it works... regardless.

    1. I know someone who is endlessly buying bizarre potions, from the darkest corners of the earth (very important). These potions are never used, but simply buying them, and having cupboards full, makes her feel better.

  12. I haven't seen Mitchell and Webb in ages - thank you for the laugh!

    1. I don't think I ever saw them on TV, but they keep cropping-up on YouTube and I find them very funny.
