Monday 26 April 2021

Awaiting Title.

We are in 'lovie-season' again, with the world's greatest back-slapping event happening over in the USA. Yes it's the Oscars time of year.

I opened my online paper this morning to the usual pictures of Hollywood Hopefuls all wearing strange expensive dresses, and pouting at the photographers. I am pleased to say that I didn't recognise a single one of them.

This one above is called Zendaya, and stood out because she is apparently wearing $6 Million worth of diamonds; they could have been cheap paste for all I knew. 

I don't know what she does, a spot of acting maybe; but seeing a 24 year old wannabe wearing so much money around her neck (even if it was loaned for the occasion) seems rather excessive.

Having been in a few films myself, I know a bit about how this acting lark is done; and it's really no big deal. They are told what to say, how to say it, what to wear, and where to stand, etc. If they don't get it right, they are made to do it again. These people are often pretty poor at what makes them adored by their fans.

I hope the one above gets whatever it is she wants.


  1. Replies
    1. It's an annual exercise in telling each other how wonderful they are, when we all know they're not.

  2. We have to give each profession their due. Particularly toilet cleaners.

    There is more to acting than what you describe. In no particular order: Marlon Brando, Anthony Hopkins, Alan Rickman, Pacino, de Niro, Clint Eastwood, Orson Welles, et al et al et al and then some, anyone? And that's just the guys.

    People wear diamonds. Big deal. Other people wear medals. Big deal. Kings and Queens wear crowns. BIG deal. Countries fly flags. It's the way we work.

    Pageantry, theatrics have always been part of human life right back to when we were barely out of the cave, telling each other stories around the fire place.

    Why so negative regarding a harmless pursuit which, clearly, feeds our appetite(s) rolling out the red carpet?


    1. The names you mention are 'actors', most of the others are just 'celebs' or 'stars'. I have seen them working 'first hand', and know exactly what it takes. I didn't think I was being negative; just honest.

  3. Just wiki'd her, she's quite impressive. They don't lend diamonds like that to just anyone you know, and the security beef would not have been far away.

    1. And I'm very pleased that her agent let us all know how much they cost.

      Seeing your comment, I'll have to look her up myself (against my better judgement).

  4. I thought that everyone knew that Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman is an American actress, singer and producer. She began her career as a child model and backup dancer, before gaining prominence for her role as Rocky Blue on the Disney Channel sitcom "Shake It Up". Her favourite colour is lemon and her favourite food is pizza.She is a vegetarian and explained that "my main reason for being a vegetarian is that I’m an animal lover – definitely not because I love vegetables".

    1. You obviously have last year's 'Boy's Book of celebs'. Well done, it does occasionally come in handy.

  5. Didn't watch it. Not interested. A lot of people get very excited about it. I have to say that we do not watch enough movies to know who deserves what.

    1. I don't watch any movies at all. They are usually too violent for my taste.

    2. To not watch any films because they are too violent is missing so much. Many, many films have no violence at all.

      For example The Good violence

  6. Love her reason for being veggie at any rate.

    1. I'm an animal lover too, but I'm not a veggie.

  7. Wow, she's a triplet. I also Wikipedia'd.
    Ceremony better than the usual style, but worse than it should have been...Some things are bad because they just are, and other things are bad through effort. Effort went into that show. The memoriam races by before I could see name and face. Somebody put their elbow on the speed button. PBS shows on, I missed a lot of the ceremony. There are highlights, though. Best supporting actress, Youn Yuh-jung's acceptance speech is beautiful, down to Earth funny, huge bravo there.

    1. I didn't see any of it, just saw something in my online paper. This girl and her diamonds caught my attention.

  8. I'll stick up a little for Zendaya. I think I'm in love with her. Well... Actually, she's a Disney kid actor. She is a show biz person for sure. But having watched her on the US version of Dancing, I came away with the impression that 1. She is a very gifted athlete; 2. She seems to have a bucket full of brains and humility. If I'm wrong, please don't spoil it. Maybe she is just a really good actress. Nevertheless, she's pretty, talented, and gifted in coordinated movements. What more can I want?

    1. You make her sound like the perfect actress. Maybe she'd earned enough to buy her own diamonds as well.

    2. I think it works the other way, Cro. The jewellery firms use these events as a way to promote their wares, so offer extravegant pieces, on loan for the night only, to those actresses likely to be featured in magazines etc. The women are often terrified of damaging the jewellery, and security guards don't let them out of their sights. 'Payment' might take the form of a modest piece from the jeweller's range.

  9. Comparing her to your profile picture, some may judge her more pleasing to the eye than you. However, you have a much more catchy name.

    1. Dare I say this, but I did think that she won't age too well. Don't quote me!

  10. It was surprising (to me) there was an Academy Awards show at all, given COVID-19 theater closures for... well... a year in many places. Including where I live. Theaters only reopened a few weeks ago, and only at 20% capacity. Several had closed their doors for good. Wasn't aware of ANY movies, other than those that could be streamed. Which I didn't watch. Ah, well. Haven't watched the Oscars in years.

    1. If I did watch movies on TV (which I don't), I wouldn't watch anything violent, war based, explosions, star wars, etc. I like to be gently entertained with a good story, and good actors. A rarity these days.

  11. I bet you are far better looking than she is!!

    1. I'm hoping that's a bad picture of her. She looks very grumpy.

  12. We enjoy the movies and before Covid, we went to the theater often. I am particular about what I see and it is a wonderful feeling to watch a really good flick on the giant screen. I am very grateful for the all the artists that bring us some wonderful stories. Zendaya is one of the few younger actresses that I know of and she has been acting for years. She has paid her dues and done well and she is only 24. She has earned her wings as an artist and is not just a celebrity. Actresses have always worn jewels at award shows and they are loaned to them for publicity for the jeweler, usually Harry Winston. I doubt that the actors choose what diamonds they wear as it is a business and the jeweler picks out the people to best show their rings and things. Their clothes are also given/loaned to them by designers. The article you read did not tell the whole story and tried to demean this young woman.

    1. The article certainly didn't demean her, it just mentioned how much the diamonds cost. There is always a 'Worst Dressed Women' selection in the paper, and there were some horrors, but I thought the one above was OK.

  13. There's a silver lining, Cro. Pun intended. Fewer people than ever actually watched the awards show this year. "Variety reports only 9.85 million viewers for this year’s ceremony, down from its previous record low of 26.5 million in 2018."
    So... there's that. Typed with a wink and a smile.

    1. I don't think many films have been made either, so not surprising.
