Tuesday 27 April 2021

‘Everything is now 'racist' including barbecues’.

Where DO they find these people?

This clip mirrors my attitude precisely. Use the word 'racism' correctly, and it has power; use it cheaply, and that power is lost. You HAVE to pity this brainwashed snowflake of a girl. I don't think I've heard anyone quite as crazy; very sad. One can but wonder how on earth she came to her bizarre conclusion.


  1. I am not prepared to say anything about racism for fear of being branded racist.

  2. Whatever the girl's bizarre reasoning I don't see where "racism" comes into it. It's the overheated, stoking some non existing fire news anchor (the one with the golden tie) making it so. A slow news' day for Sky, was it? Maybe time to get their teeth into Johnson and his misdemeanours. Now THERE is a bit of (white) meat! Today's papers are practically falling over themselves, Cro. And not just the headlines.


    1. At the moment, with Labour's dire following, they'll latch onto the silliest of things; even the pattern of Boris's new sofa.

    2. You are not up-to-date, Cro. Forget Johnson's refurb of his flat at No. 11 at a cost carried by who cares. No, No, Dominic, him of the Cummings, and others are after Johnson's hide. Big time. Rachel (Johnson's sister) will have told him many a time "Think what you like; just don't say it out aloud". Which is excellent advice. I try to follow it as often as I remember. Who wants to state the obvious and enrage others? Credit where it's due, and I ain't no Johnson fan, he did say out loud what many of us barely dare to think, never mind voice: "Let the bodies pile up". Seriously, Cro, this is (and I mean it) pure gold.


    3. I'm really not interested in tittle-tattle; I'm more interested in how he's managing the country's affairs, and I think he's doing a good job. Just imagine that Corbyn was in No 10; and be grateful for Boris.

      Anyway, what has all this to do with white-meat-eaters being racists?

  3. A load of nonsense but I didn't hear her say anyone was racist. That was the word from one of disreputable Sky News panellists. Why Sky would want to broadcast such nonsense is beyond me.

    1. She certainly suggested that all white BBQ meat eaters were being racists. I don't know who these TV presenters are, but the girl was bonkers!

    2. I agree, the girl was bonkers. Why give bonkers air time and publicity.

  4. One day these very woke young people will realise that the world has not bent to their wishes, and it,s going to be a huge let-down for them.

    1. It's probably best to let them become so ridiculously extreme that everyone laughs at them... rather like the girl in the video.

  5. What is tragic is that there are real racism issues that we should be dealing with, and instead we wind up worrying about a cookout. That's insane. Who is that girl? Why is her opinion even relevant? I was once called racist for commenting that an issue was not all black or all white. I was in an airport at the time. It was the most ridiculous thing.

    1. Exactly. If these really did care about racism, they wouldn't make it into such a petty nonsense.

    2. If these PEOPLE really did care...

  6. I think brainwashed is the operative word here.

    1. I genuinely feel sorry for her. Someone did a good job on her.

    2. I agree with you Cro,she is more to be pitted than blamed.I have I young distant relative,who talks like this...I cant have a conversation with her,with out this sort of shit coming out of her mouth.What ever we talk about,she makes it into an argument!,I dont want to even mix in her company because I am starting to really dislike her.xx

  7. The heartbreaking thing about this latest American-fad-gone-global is it is recreating a more insidious kind of societal segregation, fed daily by news and (especially) social media. It also becomes an effective weapon. Maybe the silver lining is it helps other countries rise to the forefront? I'm thinking India could give China a run for it's money very soon. The west is rendering itself almost shockingly foolish. Just my opinion.

    1. There is no drive to be 'The Best' any more, other countries look at us and laugh whilst they stride ahead.

    2. True enough, but if we embrace foolishness, it may be time for others to stride ahead after all. My hopes are now pinned on India. Seems better than a few of the alternatives.

  8. The downside of social media. Its so easy to spread stupidity.

    1. I suppose these people could have ignored her, but at the same time it's good to know what nutters are out there!

  9. so now are we going to be judged by which piece of chicken we select - white meat or dark? Puleeeze!

    1. I am fully woke. I now refuse to separate darks from lights when doing laundry. It all goes in together no apartheid is allowed in my Hotpoint.

    2. I'm still looking lovingly at my BBQ outdoors. Will I ever be able to use it again without feeling guilty?

  10. I got message error page posting my original comment. Just saying

  11. He turned up,in north wales yesterday and walked into my brother in laws shop

  12. Why is this even a story and why is it on the news. The girl said something inane and because it must be a slow news day, they have to make something out of it to stir things up. I guess they said everything about Covid they can. Too much news that isn't news.

    1. I think it's very important for us all to know how people are thinking out there. She may be an extremist, but she will convince others to follow her. This is how society changes, and NOT for the better.
