Thursday 11 March 2021

St Kimbo's Day.

Today, March 11th, is my oldest son's birthday. He is 50. How can that have happened?

When I spoke to him recently he asked "Does it make you feel old?". I replied "Not really, it worries me more that you're catching-up with me.

When he was about one, I was over twenty times his age; now at 50 I'm a lot less than twice his age.

He's always been a good boy. When travelling the world on his pre-Oxford Gap Year, not once did he phone home for cash. He's never been out of work. At present he's an executive in European Asset Management (whatever that is), and he's a dab-hand at opening Supermarkets, high rise buildings, etc.

I don't wish to over-bang his drum, but he's always made us very proud of his achievements.

He's also a 2020 Covid-19 survivor.

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY darling. Lots of love from Papa xxx


  1. Sounds like one very proud father.

    1. I've been blessed; I'm very proud of all three of my children.

  2. Happy birthday Limbo. May he live happy and healthily for many years

  3. It is beautiful that your love for Kimbo is as bright and true as ever. If he is reading this blog during his busy schedule - Happy Birthday Kimbo!

  4. Happy birthday to your successful son.

  5. ". . . it worries me that you are catching up with me". That made me smile. In recognition.

    I too am catching up with my parents. Though my own father tends to forget that the gap is narrowing. So, every so often, he'll remind us that we are adults. Oh, really, Dad? You don't say.


    1. I think my son (Kimbo) behaves more like an adult than I do. He's much more sensible.

  6. Happy birthday Kimbo! There is definitely a point when our children become more adult than ourselves. It's quite reassuring really.

    1. It's certainly the case with us; we've returned to second childhoods. It's our time to have fun.

  7. Happy happy birthday Kimbo and many happy returns of the day. Wishing you a brilliant day. XXXX

  8. Happy birthday to your son. Today would have been my mother's birthday - sadly she only made it to 48. But good memories outweigh the tough ones and that is a luxury brought by time. Have a lovely day reminiscing.

    1. We shall. We've spoken to the birthday boy, and all goes well.

  9. It is a wonderful feeling to know that you've raised good kids! Happy birthday, Kimbo.

  10. That is such a nice picture of you both. Time certainly does go by fast. It is quite a shock when they become the same age as us. Happy Birthday, Kimbo.

    1. The photo is of Kimbo and his second son; my grandson. I'm not sure what he'll think of you mistaking him for me!

  11. A credit to his upbringing, no doubt.

  12. Replies
    1. I believe he had a wonderful day. Thank you.
