Thursday 11 March 2021

Air Miles Markle.

We all know how hard it's been, being locked away in our own homes for the past year.

No-one knows more about such hardship than Ms Markle; as she explained in a recent interview. 

The poor soul even told us that she'd had her passport, driver's licence, and keys 'confiscated', and was literally imprisoned at 'the palace'.  That must have been devastating for her.

Of course, as we all know, Ms Markle's view of the truth is somewhat different to that of the rest of the world, and when WE say we've hardly been out of the house, it's not the same as when SHE says the same thing.

In her case, we are now informed that between 2016 and 2019, she made 13 trips to foreign locations, for which she needed her passport (see above), and countless other domestic trips. One has to feel sorry for the poor dear, it's a hard life being a 'prisoner'.

I only go out once a week, and that's just a 20 Km trip to do my shopping. I'm thinking of contacting Oprah; I'm sure she'd sympathise.



  1. Cro, you seem to be channeling your inner Piers. It is now 2021, the lockdowns started this time last year, 2020, yet you refer to travel taken between 2016 and 2019.

    1. She gave no specific period for her 'imprisonment', other than it began as soon as she was married. This has nothing to do with lockdown.

  2. If give them my keys and licence to f I could have a chauffeur wherever I went. No traffic jams, no parking problems for a start.
    All she had to do was give an order and everyone ran, on the double. Now she's still got the paparazzi and the lack of privacy without the privilege. No wonder she's whinging

    1. It's a hard life being a 'little princess'.

  3. Leaving travel aside, some of Markel's claims are rather bizarre. And, surely, her husband wouldn't have stood for it. The more I hear and read about this shit fest of an "interview" the more I am inclined to actually watch the damn thing after all. You can tell a lot about a person by their body language, inflection. Having said that, the one clip I did see Oprah (or should that be Opera - Wagnerian no less) played the shock/horror card to an almost comical effect.

    As to Piers Morgan, apparently he already has at least one job offer on the horizon - one of them by no lesser than Andrew Neil, the other possibly by what's his name. Murdoch.


    PS Have just heard that, come Spring 2022, Brighton Council will have installed a heated public swimming pool down at Kemptown Seafront. Though dare say that swimming with what father-of-son called the "great unwashed" (what is it with the English?) is not exactly your cup of tea.

    1. I once swam from pier to pier in Brighton. Not only was it very cold (it was summer), but it was also a very long way. Our pool is unheated, other than by sunshine, and I like that it that way. I am pleased to say that I am the only 'great unwashed' to use it

  4. She should think herself fortunate that they didn't confiscate her head.

    1. Henry VIII would have made short work of her!

  5. Well she is certainly still getting the daily publicity isn;t it?

    1. Another few days and all the analysis will be over; I hope. So far she's not doing well.

  6. It will be a blissful day indeed when people tire of the Sussex duo. Some 17+ million Americans (apparently) tuned in for the soap opera... er... now infamous interview.

    1. I'm pleased to say I didn't watch it; I was in bed.

  7. "Oh no they confiscated my driving licence". Unless the UK has substantially changed in the last couple of years there is no requirement to carry your licence when driving. Anyway couldn't any of her famous friends have sent a car...... The odour of bovine excrement rose heavily from that interview.

    1. you hand over your licence to get a new UK one issued.

    2. A snap of her fingers would have had a car arrive at once.

  8. Sorry not interested cro, they can do what they like

  9. Ps what are you posting this time of night xxx

    1. Her juggling with the truth annoyed me, especially as it reflected on The Queen etc.

  10. More and more statements from that interview are being found wanting, but, hey, it's not allowed to question certain kinds of accusation.

    1. Even her old chum 'Jilted Morgan' has now resigned over the affair... it's getting to be more fun than we could ever have imagined.

  11. Even now the multi-million dollar "Harry and Meghan" blockbuster movie is in its initial production stage. I hope you don't mind Cro but I have put your name forward to play either Prince Philip or Thomas Markle. You choose.

    1. Phil is far more amusing that Tom, so I'll plump for The Dook. I will, of course, donate my fee to charity.

  12. This made me smile Cro. I'll say this much for her, she's a better 2nd rate actress than I ever gave her credit for!
