Wednesday 10 March 2021

Almost Easter.

I'd noticed that I was watching the TV lunchtime news alone, and at the same time could hear unusual noises coming from the kitchen; something was afoot.

I should have known; in fact Lady M was having a 'practise run' at her Hot Cross Buns. I've just had one toasted for my breakfast, and can confirm that they are very good; as usual.

HCB's are another thing that one can add to that list of goodies that Brits take for granted. Pork pies, Mince pies, a fish-n-chip shop on every corner, kebab shops, pale-pink sausages, Indian takeaways, M & S, helpful policemen, and Marmite. My future over-wintering back in Blighty again, is beginning to sound rather pleasant.



  1. Dearest Cro, I can't wait for you to return to England, giving your readers a running commentary finding fault how the Blighty you once knew has changed. Not beyond recognition, I hasten to add. On the upside the Sussex won't blight your vision - other than on the news paper stands. Today's front pages a sight to behold. Whatever you think of Meghan Markle, inadvertently she managed what few ever do: Leaving Piers Morgan speechless.


    1. I comment on how I find things. Some things no doubt will have gone downhill, others changed for the better. Sadly, following a year of Covid-19, I suspect that mostly it will be the former, but not through the fault of England. Give Morgan time... he always bounces back in a more influential position than before. I am NOT a fan of his.

    2. Oh yes, Morgan, as you say, will bounce back. And that is a good thing. We need people to question others, to question a status quo. We need people not backward in being forward.

      Believe it or not, like him, I don't buy into half of what Markel claims. There are people who will milk the cow of "poor me" for all it's worth. Not least in blogland. Be that as it may. The one beef I do have with Piers Morgan, and I only happened upon him once on that morning programme, by accident and some time ago, that he does talk OVER people, not least his co-presenter. It was toe curlingly embarrassing.


  2. You forgot Worcestershire sauce and mature Stilton

    1. Yes, both will be in my first UK shopping basket for over 20 years.

  3. Too early for HCB, but we have already indulged. I was with you about the food until you mentioned Marmite.

    1. I hope you're not going to say that that awful Vegemite is better; wash your mouth out.

    2. You wash your mouth out. Marmite is a poor imitation.

  4. Dark chocolate digestives....

    1. We can only buy Milk Chocolate ones here (I have a pack at the moment). Better than nothing, but the Dark Chocolate ones are far superior.

  5. I am banned from baking at the moment - too much weight gain. But I'm very tempted to add HCBs to the supermarket order this afternoon.

    1. You have to buy some, it would be 'deprivation' not to.

    2. I succumbed to temptation.

  6. Damn I'm envious. All those goodies would be on my list too. I've lived so long, like you, without those familiar things from home that I'd don't really miss them. But when you're know you're going back and have a chance to relive tastes gone by the mind is in a whirl!!
    I'll be reading with great interest your first posts from the uk

    1. You'll have to wait until October (I think).

  7. And was Jerusalem builded here
    Amidst these dark satanic fish finger sandwiches?

    1. Our fish fingers are far superior to the UK ones. They are double sized, and have natural breadcrumbs. Guess where they're made.... King's Lynn.

  8. Replies
    1. They are, unfortunately most of them are now in the freezer; for later!
