Tuesday 9 February 2021

Identity Parade?

Am I alone in wondering why on earth so many criminals make themselves look like criminals, by covering themselves in instantly recognisable tattoos?

In an occupation where invisibility and discretion are paramount, making oneself instantly recognisable seems a tad unintelligent.

A thief wearing a plain grey suit, shirt and tie, with a sensible haircut, and no facial tattoos, is far less likely to be suspected (of any crime) than your average 'look at me I'm a hoodie wearing idiot covered in Tats'.

One only has to look at groups of prisoners to see what the fashion of the day is, and one only has to look at the teachers in these 'Universities of crime', to understand why these little darlings are permanently locked away.

Take my advice, if you wish to learn about crime, and how not to be caught, learn from a criminal who's never been caught, and make sure he/she isn't inked from head to foot. But how you find such people, I really don't know.



  1. I have often thought similar thoughts Cro.

    1. In days gone by, burglars never actually wore a black Zorro style mask and striped jumper, with a sack marked 'swag' over their shoulder, but the modern equivalent does just that. They seem to advertise the fact that they're criminals. I suppose it does help the police!

  2. They are just the thick ones. The clever ones do dress reasonably. Look at politicians and bankers.

    1. Them too but only the ones at the top.

    2. I've heard it said that life would be much more entertaining if a liar's pants actually did catch fire.

  3. Seems to be an epidemic of tattoos these days, personally I hate them and would never have one. What on earth is the chap in your picture going to look like when he's old and wrinkly....?

    1. I don't suppose it matters for these gang members and their tattoos, they'll probably spend the rest of their lives in prison anyway; unless they get shot.

  4. Years ago, I was a cashier in a city centre bank ( St. Albans) and I looked up to the customer who I realised had appeared in front of me and had quite a fright. His face was covered in tattoos but also many, many piercings , yikes!

    1. Whatever one think of such things, it doesn't give a good first impression!

    2. That’s exactly the reaction they want. They’re seeking attention.

  5. It's a good way of making yourself unemployable!

    1. It certainly does that, but they probably think of 'crime' as their job.

  6. Well that chap looks very interesting. It is very considerate of him to give his partner something to read in bed at night.

    1. I think she's called 'Jolene'; unless that was a previous one.

  7. Politicians seem to get away with it - perhaps they should dress like them.

  8. I often wonder about facial, head and neck tattoos and whether they have a secure job or they never intend to work. Their tattooed looks make them unemployable.

    1. It's like a club of like-minded people who wish to be more extreme than each other.

  9. You seem to know a lot about crime Shifty Magnon! I bet you have got "WEST SUSSEX" tattooed on your buttocks and RYE on a nearby part of your anatomy - though I realise that that is in East Sussex and a very nice place it is too.

    1. Our UK home is in EAST Sussex... please remember that. West Sussex is too expensive (although we used to live there).

  10. In a world where people see their power as emanating from their ability to intimidate and frighten people, it makes perfect sense. This man wants people to fear him, to give him wide berth. He believes that this makes him a powerful man. A legend in his own mind.

    1. I'm sure that people do fear him; I myself would find him intimidating. However, behind that fear most people would also think 'What a Plonker'.

  11. Quite a looker! I don’t understand why someone would do that to themselves. However, a tattooed person is not necessarily a criminal just like a well dressed and well groomed person is not necessarily an upstanding citizen.

    1. I think anyone who would do that to their own face is very ODD. I cannot imagine any law-abiding person doing it.

  12. Oh dear. He looks like he might be a handsome young man under all that. I wonder how much he will regret those tats later in life!

    1. I tried to obliterate all the tats to see what was underneath, and, you're right, he looks like a good-looking boy.

  13. Are you planning to run your classes online?

    1. The 'University of Honesty' will be online very soon.

  14. Keep meaning to saya Cro that I am watching the repeats of Rick Stein going roumd France and French markets and cooking recipes. You are so lucky with your food shops and markets and now, having watched the programmes, realise just how inspiring the food is over there. Lucky you.

    1. Last night he was in our area, here. It reminded me of our balloon flight, that we took a few years ago.
