Monday 8 February 2021

Bons Vivants in Corsica

Vincent and Arthur visit L'isle de Beauté; Corsica.

I've not been to Corsica, but I've always heard it's the most beautiful island; as its name suggests. The boys certainly seem to be enjoying themselves; but they always do.

I must add that I don't approve of the way they handle their guns, nor how they shoot horizontally towards woodland, but that's normal over here. If you behaved like that on a UK shoot; you'd never be invited again.


  1. Strange that there is not a single woman out there who will take part in this wonderful celebration of food. (Sorry it's me who sometimes sees what is not and not what is ..).

    1. The only woman in the whole video is a waitress in what looks like a restaurant. I had noticed it as well. That's France (Corsica) for you!

  2. Corsica is rugged, I wouldn't describe it as "beautiful". If anything I associate it with "coarse" which their vegetation (Macchia/Maquis) most certainly is. However, if you are not averse to steep and narrow roads, ravines reminiscent of Italy and Spain, you will find an amazing coast line. When I went we chose (as eighteen year olds do) the untrodden path (West Coast) and, miles from the nearest town, camping wild. We had whole beaches, caves all to ourselves. In that it was idyllic. And yes, to complete the picture, we did cross Switzerland and France in a two horser (2CV, red) to get there. The guys' guitars taking up more space in the back than the girls buttocks. At least they got their priorities right.


    1. My knowledge of Corsica comes from TV documentaries. The coastline is beautiful, and the interior rugged. Sounds ideal to me!

  3. I've never been to Corsica and am unlikely ever to do so. A rather cavalier approach to guns goes against they way I was taught to handle them I have to say.

    1. I totally agree. Gun etiquette in the UK is very different to here, which is why I'm horrified by what I see on a regular basis.

    2. In days of yore when I used to shoot I saw some lethal guns on shoots. They were always warned first then if they didn't learn, banned.

  4. I wonder if these Gallic chaps ever eat a nice salad with a glass of carbonated water. They should try veganism for a while.

    1. "Try veganism for a while", YP? Like you do? I actually wonder what Ian makes of your recent list of favourite dishes you cook. Obviously, you'll be forgiven since he, no doubt, loves his dad. Still . . . do not cast a stone where a rifle will do.


    2. People here consider a vegetarian diet to be something you are prescribed when you're ill.

  5. I wish I knew what they were saying, but it looks like they are having a fun “guys day out.” Women do the same, but usually don’t bring guns.

    1. I've met some very nice female hunters here, but they were always VERY well trained; unlike many of their male counterparts.

  6. They are fun folk. What the hell were they wasting a cartridge on what looked like a Thrush for? Where are they from in France as I could only tell one word word in five. I'll have to watch more of them. Corsican French is a bit funny they pronounce Chat the same as we do with a 'K'. I went to do the Haute Route in winter many years ago. Had the scariest train ride ever and failed to reach Mt Cinto let alone climb it. Nice people though.

    1. I'm not certain but their accent sounds very South West; from down here. It's quite sad, but they do still shoot Blackbirds and Thrushes here. Far less than they did, but there are still a few drunks around that see everything that moves as lunch.
